
Monday 29 January 2018

Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 2 #TheRedcliffeNovels

Love Kills is book 2 in the developing Redcliffe series. In the quiet Cornish seaside town of Redcliffe, Jessica Stone recovers from an horrific werewolf attack and comes to terms with revelations that her lover, Jack Mason, is a vampire, his brother, Danny, the werewolf pack leader, and her best friend, Simon, is a werewolf.  Add to that her discovery that she is a witch, and life is suddenly a whole lot harder than it used to be. Jessica has to fight for her own life and Jack’s when faced with his jealous vampire master who wants her old lover back. But things are never easy, and a vampire master is not so easy to defeat…

 The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?


Sally opened a door further along the corridor.
“This is Danny’s-” she said, and then stopped abruptly.
I looked into the room to see Danny and Simon sharing a passionate kiss in front of a desk. They both jumped apart and then smiled sheepishly at us and I gasped in surprise.
Sally finished, “-office. Sorry boys I didn’t know we were interrupting!” she said with a smile and a wink.
I stood awkwardly in the doorway, and Simon stepped away from the desk rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand. Danny ruffled a hand through his hair in a gesture identical to his brother, and then he stepped forward, smiling.
“Jessica,” he said warmly, “it’s good to see you here. I was going to meet you upstairs but I got waylaid.” He looked meaningfully at Simon, who blushed and ducked his head.
I glanced at Sally who just smiled, walked into the room, and sat on the sofa adjacent to the desk, where Simon was now sitting. I was confused. She didn’t seem at all bothered by their behaviour even though I knew she was in love with Danny.  This must be a wolf thing. I cleared my throat and looked at Danny.
“Yeah I bumped into Sally upstairs and she brought me down,” I said, “Should I leave?”
Danny shook his head and moved towards me.
“No of course not,” he said, “Simon and I were just discussing some pack business.  Actually, Simon could you tell Sally please? I will give Jessica a tour.”         
Simon nodded and turned his attention to Sally, and I followed Danny out into the corridor.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 25 January 2018

Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 1 #TheRedcliffeNovels

Love Hurts is about a young woman who runs a bookshop in Cornwall with her best friend. She falls in love with a local police detective and later discovers that he is a vampire, and that his identical twin brother is a werewolf. She is dragged into their complicated and dangerous lives, to her detriment, where secrets are told and lives are lost...

The Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the Cornish coast could be so deadly?


Danny moved away from the table and pushed his hair out of his eyes, a gesture identical to his brother. How could I tell them apart? I don’t know; it was a subtle knowledge, something different in their tone of voice, the way they dressed, and their attitude. Whatever it was, I knew this was Danny standing in front of me. His face became serious suddenly as he spoke. 
            “I got a message on the mobile from you,” he said, “and the office said you had been phoning.  Is everything alright?” 
            I told him about the strange women that had visited today and when I said their names he went pale and his body went very still. He spoke in a calm, careful voice.      
            “They said meet them at 9pm in the Old Cemetery?” he asked. 
            I nodded, my heart pounding. 
            “Yes,” I replied, “and the American woman, LuAnn, said she wants to see you again. And she said to go alone; this doesn’t concern your brother or your pack.” 
             Here I paused, wondering how to tell him the rest of the message, but I knew it was important. He waited patiently for me to continue.
            “Danny,” I faltered, “she said you must not take back-up, because if you do she will kill the people you care about. And she was very clear on that message. What did she mean by that?” 
            I paused, 
            “She was a bit scary Danny, what kind of acquaintance is she?” I asked. 
            He was very serious as he replied.
            “She is connected to the job in Scotland; they both are.” he said, “I’m sorry Jessica; it looks like we have inadvertently drawn you into our mess. I need to find Jack and go sort this out. Please promise me you will stay home, don’t answer the door unless you know who it is, and phone Jack or me if you get worried about anything, no matter how small or trivial. Will you do that?”
            He grabbed my shoulders, staring directly into my eyes, and I gasped, shocked at his forcefulness. I nodded, feeling sick with nerves. 
            “Yes of course.” I said, “Am I in danger?  What about Liz?” 
            He relaxed slightly and eased his grip on me.  
            “Liz will be fine,” he said, “she is of no concern to them. But they seem to have found out about you and your relationship with Jack and me.You don’t need to be overly concerned just yet; hopefully we can settle this tonight. Please just stay home and keep all your doors locked and your mobile phone handy, ok?” 
            I nodded and Danny left, saying he would call Jack on the way.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 22 January 2018

Happy Birthday to Me, Get Your Book Now for Free!

Hello, my friends! Ah yes, today is my birthday. Can you guess how old I am? Not too old to be worried, just comfortably maturing, I think…

Anyway, because it is a special event, and because you might not have downloaded your FREE BOOK yet, I have decided to extend the special offer. Get your free copy of my brand new novel, Return of the Vampire Hunter, when you sign up today. I anticipate your glowing reviews… Cheers!

 Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 18 January 2018

Not Just a Pretty Face #VoB #vampire #hunter

This year I intend to finish writing my Redcliffe novels series and turn my attention to the vampire hunter novels that have been lurking on my hard-drive for a couple of years. These novels are pure urban fantasy with some contemporary English Gothic thrown in for good measure. They are violent, erotic, passionate and not for those of a nervous disposition. Dare you read them?

You might like to start with my debut Urban Fantasy novel, Vampire of Blackpool. The vampire, the witch and the hunter battle it out in a contemporary Gothic adventure in Northern England. Who wins the battle? I think we know the answer to that one, but you might be surprised… Boo!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 15 January 2018

Indulging my Inner Vamp

I have been making lots of new friends across social media recently, and they have reminded my about why I write vampire stories. I have always felt deeply passionate and intrigued about the culture and folklore of vampires, and yes, there is a sexual element to that. I feel the need to express those dark and dangerous thoughts that lurk beneath my innocent exterior, and vampires and werewolves provide the perfect platform to vent my frustrations.

Click the image to get your FREE COPY

One of my earlier vampire novels is in desperate need of a little love… It is called The Darkness of Love, and came about purely as a spin-off from the Redcliffe novels series. I introduced a vampire named Marcus Scott, and he was supposed to be a supporting character. He proved rather too confident and forceful, however, and he tormented my dreams until I wrote his story. The Darkness of Love is set in Victorian England, and tells the story about how Marcus Scott became a vampire. There is sex, blood and violence. You have been warned… and titillated!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 11 January 2018

Upcoming Events: Book Lovers in Southport (BLISS)

It may seem like ages away, but on Sunday 14th July this year I will attend the Book Lovers in Southport signing event. Held at the Prince of Wales hotel, you can meet a variety of authors writing everything from sweet romance to pure fantasy, dark paranormal to steamy erotica. There will be limited edition colouring books for sale, cover models to meet, and lots of delightful entertainment in a quintessentially British seaside location. I can’t wait!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 8 January 2018

What Shall I Do in 2018?

Each year I find myself setting out targets and plans designed to help move my business forward and set me on course to be rich and famous. Each year it doesn’t quite work out the way I expect. We have family dramas. We have domestic interference. We have relationships, children, extended family and friends to care for. And my business plans get pushed further back, and I find myself desperately grabbing a couple of hours here and there to do a bit of networking and set up some blog posts.

I have decided not to set myself any strict targets or requirements in 2018. Our house is currently up for sale, and I hope that the first half of the year will involve completion of a sale and subsequent move. I will have to project manage the whole thing since it was my idea in the first place (my poor husband!), and so I do not need any further complications or demands on my time. Suffice to say that for now I plan to finish the books I am currently writing, publish the final two books in the Redcliffe novels series, and just take each day as it comes. What are your business plans for 2018? Or are you taking a break?

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 4 January 2018

My Book Club Reading in 2018

Although I haven’t officially made a New Year’s resolution (except perhaps to sell our house and move ASAP), I have decided that in 2018 I need to read more books. Seriously, I have slacked off a lot during the past twelve months or so. It turns out I was so busy writing, editing, preparing new material, and doing domestic support work, that I neglected the books in my TBR pile. In fact, I even packed up a lot of books into boxes as an attempt to declutter our house while I try to sell it. I will not look at them again until we move…

But I still have my book club, and our first book of the year is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. I am really enjoying it, actually! I am not far into it at the moment, but I like what I have seen so far, and I am eager to continue. Instead I must clean house before our first viewers of the year arrive. Exciting times!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year! #2018 #books

Happy New Year, my friends! The past month or so has been a whirlwind of family drama and busy festive activity. I will be very glad to return to work in the new year, and I am itching to get back to some proper writing. My plans for 2018 include releasing book 5 in the Redcliffe Novels series, and continuing work on my vampire hunter collection set in the North of England.

Did you download your free copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter? I look forward to your reviews… Enjoy your New Year, and feel free to share your plans and projects in the comments below.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)