
Thursday 18 January 2018

Not Just a Pretty Face #VoB #vampire #hunter

This year I intend to finish writing my Redcliffe novels series and turn my attention to the vampire hunter novels that have been lurking on my hard-drive for a couple of years. These novels are pure urban fantasy with some contemporary English Gothic thrown in for good measure. They are violent, erotic, passionate and not for those of a nervous disposition. Dare you read them?

You might like to start with my debut Urban Fantasy novel, Vampire of Blackpool. The vampire, the witch and the hunter battle it out in a contemporary Gothic adventure in Northern England. Who wins the battle? I think we know the answer to that one, but you might be surprised… Boo!

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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