
Thursday 7 June 2018

Celebrate #PrideMonth at NN Light’s Book Heaven @NNP_W_Light

Did you know that most of my novels and short stories feature LGBTQ+ characters? I don’t set out to include them, or to write specifically about the characters in their unique perspectives. They simply have natural preferences to same sex or whatever feels natural. And to that end, I am participating in Promotion with Pride at N.N. Light’s Book Heaven.

You might like to read about my gay and bisexual werewolves in the Redcliffe novels series. Or my lesbian vampires in Vampire of Blackpool and Return of the Vampire Hunter. I am currently working on a couple of gay vampire novels set in Manchester, and I will also soon offer up something very different and much darker than my usual writing style… But that is top secret and you must wait until I am allowed to reveal more!

Don’t forget to find me on social media:

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers, book release news, and your FREE Redcliffe story to get started.

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