
Monday 25 June 2018

Eye of the Tiger (A Redcliffe Novel) – Book 4

Excerpt -
Glancing at the wall clock I saw that the time was barely two oclock. It felt like I was in a time warp here, waiting to close the shop and see what magical mischief I could get into that evening. At least, thats how my life seemed now. Perhaps I was being a little melodramatic.
            Alright, Jack replied, What has upset you?
            Oh, the usual, I said with a huge sigh, Finding out Im a witch with a scary animal familiar, discovering that my boyfriend is a vampire, oh and that my local friends are werewolves. Or were, I caught my breath as the tears surged forward again.
            You are mourning the loss of your friend, Jack said, It is only natural for a human.
            I nodded and then remembered that Jack was on the phone.
            Yes, I replied quietly, She was too young to die like that.
            She did her duty as pack lieutenant, Jack said, She was a hero.
            Doesnt make it any easier, I said.
            No, Jack agreed, You need time to ease the pain.

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers, book release news, and your FREE Redcliffe story to get started.

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