
Monday 24 September 2018

I Called, and You Came – Thank You!

Last week I went through a mini crisis of confidence. My freelance work had dried up and my blog seemed to have fallen into a void, with little or no response to recent blog posts. Perhaps my fragile ego needed some attention. Maybe I just felt like having a tantrum. Whatever it was, I decided to write out my frustrations, and posted on with the desperate title Is Anyone There?

The answer was swift and was a resounding yes! Not only did I receive some very heartfelt comments on the blog post, but some of my close personal friends spoke directly to me and said that they do read my blog posts, and they enjoy reading them. That is all I needed. I love writing. I want other people to love what I write. Yes, alright, my blog posts are personal and will sometimes be completely irrelevant to other people. Other times I will post sponsored content or reviews. But all of it comes from the heart, my heart, and that is the point of being a writer. Thank you, my friends. I truly appreciate your love and support.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 17 September 2018

Writer Friends are Important

The life of a writer can often become isolated, lonely and very quiet. We spend so much time scribbling in notebooks, typing on our computers, and pondering the next twist in our story, that we forget about the world around us. Unless it can offer something for the work in progress, of course! I find it difficult to relate to my husband and friends when I am immersed in a writing project. They don’t want to hear the nuances of my job, and I don’t want them to know the plot until I am ready for them to read the story.

That is when my writer friends step in. I am fortunate to have a couple of friends that live close by, so we can meet up for a drink and a chat when convenient, and we can work through the challenges, bemoan our lack of sales, share advice and tips, and generally lift each other up when we feel low. I have a similar network on social media. These are friends that I don’t see regularly, but we share each other’s books online, we share relevant news, and we support each other. Sometimes all you need is someone experiencing the same challenges, so that you know you are not alone. And for this I am very grateful to my writer friends.

 Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Art of the Arcane Presents: Demons, Vampires, Witches and Werecreatures!

Just for a few days, you may peruse a lovely list of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, paranormal suspense and Gothic horror novels, all available to download for just $0.99 each! Or, if you are in the UK, £0.99. Bargain! You will also find my debut novel hidden in the collection. Download your copy of LoveHurts (A Redcliffe Novel) book 1. Happy reading!

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 10 September 2018

#AmWriting Ghost Hunter Diaries

It is funny how random encounters can trigger memories and encourage us to act. Last week I received a phone call from a journalist, and following that conversation, I remembered that I never did write up my Ghost Hunter Diaries for publication. These are a series of memoirs from my years of ghost hunting with North West Spirit Seekers, around ten years ago. I learned a lot about mediumship and paranormal investigation, and I experienced a lot of activity in various locations, mainly around the North West of England, but I also managed a few hunts in other parts of the country, in Wales and in Scotland.

Interested? You can read a few of my original Ghost Hunter Diaries over on my SpookyMrsGreen blog. For now, I am writing up the non-fiction book into some sort of coherent form, and I will begin seeking a publisher. Do you have any suggestions or know of any open submissions?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 3 September 2018

Back to School, Back to Work

Summer is ending, and we are eagerly awaiting the Autumn season. Well, I am. I don’t know about you. I certainly did not enjoy the summer heatwave we had here in the UK, and I am ready for a change. My children go back to school this week, and we can get back in the work routine. For me that means many different things. I am currently applying for part time jobs, with little success so far. I am still trying to work out how to make my books sell, how to find my audience, how to create products that people want to buy. It is a tricky process, but I refuse to give up.

 My Redcliffe novels series needs to be complete. I am doing the final edits on Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel), book 5. Then I will finish writing Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel), book 6. Once they are done, I will be free of a series that has dominated my life for about the past ten years. It is a very involved process, let me tell you. Now if only I could find the people that want to read these books… back to work!

 Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.