
Monday 3 September 2018

Back to School, Back to Work

Summer is ending, and we are eagerly awaiting the Autumn season. Well, I am. I don’t know about you. I certainly did not enjoy the summer heatwave we had here in the UK, and I am ready for a change. My children go back to school this week, and we can get back in the work routine. For me that means many different things. I am currently applying for part time jobs, with little success so far. I am still trying to work out how to make my books sell, how to find my audience, how to create products that people want to buy. It is a tricky process, but I refuse to give up.

 My Redcliffe novels series needs to be complete. I am doing the final edits on Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel), book 5. Then I will finish writing Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel), book 6. Once they are done, I will be free of a series that has dominated my life for about the past ten years. It is a very involved process, let me tell you. Now if only I could find the people that want to read these books… back to work!

 Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

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