
Monday 21 October 2019

I am Actually an Author!

If you are a parent you might recognise the tone of my title today, inspired by the Charlie and Lola series of books written for children. My daughters love those books, and I enjoy reading them at bedtime. It came as an epiphany late last week, when I was mentally reviewing my recent freelance workload, or lack thereof. I am currently experiencing the dry spell of the freelancer, and it threw me into a slight panic, not least because of the lack of income. I began to worry that I wasn’t good enough, and that I am an impostor.

Stop! Wait a minute. I am actually an author! For most of the past twelve months I have focused on growing my SpookyMrsGreen pagan family lifestyle blog, and the results are beginning to show. I have a growing audience, and one that is engaged with my blog posts, and I still enjoy writing for my blog. But I have neglected my novels. I have been half-heartedly working on book 6 in the Redcliffe novels series, but I am no further forward with it than I was twelve months ago. I have been distracted by my blog work and have allowed my fiction work to fall by the wayside. And so, I have decided that this year I shall participate in NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. I need to write approximately 50,000 words to finish the first draft of Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel), so November is the perfect time to do the writing. Let us see if I manage to complete my challenge, or if I allow other distractions to creep in…

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

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