
Monday 18 November 2019

Why I Won’t Worry about Winning #NaNoWriMo

Life is stressful. The past few months have been challenging, and since the death of my beloved dog I feel that my creative spark has all but fizzled out. I had been trying to write the last book in my Redcliffe novels series, so I can put an end to a ten-year project. But this last book is eluding me, and I need some motivation. I decided to rejoin #NaNoWriMo, hoping it would inspire me to do the work. So far it has not. I have written around 13,000 words and we are over halfway through the month. I need to up my game. But I simply cannot do it.

Some people might say he was only a dog and I will get over losing him. But he was my companion, my child, my muse. He watched me from the sofa while I worked, and when he knew I needed a break, he would come and move me or demand attention. Over the years I have processed plot twists and plot holes while cuddling him, I have conversed with new characters whilst walking along the canal with my dog, and I have been inspired to write about werewolves in the Redcliffe novels series. I know I can finish this book. Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel) must be written, and it must be published. This is a passion project. And I’m doing it for Baxter.

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