
Monday 30 December 2019

Happy New Year, Happy New Book Series!

We are limping towards the end of 2019, and I am very glad to say good riddance to this challenging and painful year. My family and I have experienced bereavement, redundancy, and the death of our family car in the past twelve months. We battle through and we keep going, but it is time for some positive change. We began a new adventure by welcoming our dog, Marley into the family this December. He is a little bundle of chaos, adorable and infuriating. He will help us to heal.

I never did finish and publish book 6 in the Redcliffe Novels series this year. I was determined to end the decade with a complete series, but life got in the way and I lost my mojo. The book will be finished, but I am not setting a deadline. I need to garner some reader interest for the previous books in the series first. They are currently languishing in the dusty crevices of the internet, ignored and underappreciated. I need to drag them out, dust them off, and relaunch them into the reading world, although I have no idea how to achieve such a feat, despite all of my research. Any advice, fellow (more successful) writers?!

If you haven’t yet read Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 1, why don’t you give it a try and see if you want to experience the whole series? It is a good book, I promise! Happy New Year, and Happy New Book Series!  

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