
Monday 23 May 2022

#BookReview Incy Wincy (Mal & Jackie Book 2) by R.J. Dark

Malachite Jones is a pretend psychic medium and an unwilling detective.
He certainly doesn't want anyone bringing him a missing persons case.
Definitely not two.
When a body turns up he knows life is only going to get harder.

My Review
Yorkshire meets Hollywood with a dash of British cynicism thrown in for good measure.
This was a very interesting book and not my usual choice. It is the second in a series, but I had no difficulty recognising the characters as they were introduced. I think the story was set in Leeds or Sheffield, but it was never properly confirmed, and I don't know either of those cities well enough to recognise some of the estates and areas that featured in the book. I did enjoy reading a book set in the North of England that was modern, that I could relate to, and that managed to combine Hollywood action with British reservedness, if that makes sense.
Jackie was an interesting character, who at first I disliked but in the end grew quite fond of, even recognising and understanding why he behaved the way that he did. Mal was a fairly regular character, and my one disappointment was that he didn't display any obvious psychic skills during the story. I know he is faking it and that is made clear from the start, but still, he must have something that made him set up the business, surely?
Generally, I am glad I read this book, it had me gripped when the action kicked in, and it left me thinking about what happened for a while afterwards.
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*I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review
**Article contains affiliate links

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