
Saturday 21 May 2022

Bulletproof Retirement: Live your Dreams, Avoid Excess Fees and Secure your Legacy

 Bulletproof Retirement: New book shares how not to be a casualty of the biggest financial scandal nobody is talking about.

A veteran of 30 years in the financial services market, Martin Wilcocks is one of the UK’s leading financial and investment advisers. In his book, Bulletproof Retirement, he explains how to keep your share of the £64 billion that is haemorrhaging from pensions and investments at the hands of those that administer our nest eggs.
Bulletproof Retirement: Live your Dreams, Avoid Excess Fees and Secure your Legacy is destined for a place on the non-fiction best seller list. In this significant and life-changing read financial guru Martin Wilcocks explains how we can retain our hard-earned nest eggs, in their entirety, by taking control of our finances ourselves (and therefore negating the need to collectively give away billions to those that administer our pension and investment portfolios on our behalf).
Concise and written in a manner to ensure the least financial amongst us can benefit from his sage advice, Bulletproof Retirement will undoubtedly rattle the cages of many involved in the industry. But, more importantly, the author should be congratulated for putting his head above the parapet and shining the spotlight on what he describes as ‘the biggest scandal that nobody is talking about.’

From endowment mis-selling and the global financial crisis to pension transfer and PPI scandals: UK financial services exploit customers rather than serve them. Our pensions and investments are also under attack – high-cost financial advisers, glossy financial networks and ineffective expensive investment managers are taking £64 billion out of our pensions and investments every year.
Make a stand against these archaic practices and save yourself and your retirement from the biggest scandal that nobody is talking about. Read Bulletproof Retirement to understand how to:
           Identify what your future ideal lifestyle looks like and plan ahead to achieve it
           Become financially organised and set clear goals for investing, with a portfolio linked to these goals
           Enhance the monetary value of your plan and portfolio by maximising your pension, ISA and CGT allowances
           Reduce exposure by establishing a backstop that strips out risks within your personal and business life
           Protect your hard-earned wealth and pass it on to children and other beneficiaries safely and tax-efficiently
           Remain focussed on your plan, keep your goals on track and avoid making emotional decisions about your wealth.
Published by Rethink, Bulletproof Retirement: Live your Dreams, Avoid Excess Fees and Secure your Legacy. Buy the book here.

About the author
Martin Wilcocks is a financial services veteran of some 30 years’ standing who has featured in The Times, The Telegraph and The Mail on Sunday as one of the UK’s top financial and investment advisers. Wilcocks & Wilcocks currently manage over £124m of assets and investments for their clients.

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