
Wednesday 12 October 2022

Beware the Wolf in ‘My New Master’ Teen Wolf Horror Story

Today I share an excerpt from my second published short story My New Master, featured in the YA anthology The Mirador Fantasmagoria. This gives some back story to our favourite lieutenant werewolf, Simon Bunce from the Redcliffe novels…




“Ok Marie, tell me about this family. What do you want me to do?” 

She smiled again. 

“Simon you are so young, so innocent! I know about your mother. But I am not like her. I am like Danny.” 

Here she nodded in his direction, and I half turned to look at him. His face was serious, his blue eyes blazing as he spoke. 

“Marie please don’t do this. You cannot destroy this boy’s life. Let him go.” 

He moved towards Marie and suddenly she lunged at him. I shouted her name and tried to block her, but she was stronger than I thought. Marie shoved me so hard I staggered back to the sofa and suddenly she was on top of me again, her hand clamped around my throat as she hissed in my ear. 

“You shouldn’t have done that, Simon.”

            She lifted her face, and I whimpered as I saw her eyes, not human. They were animal eyes. She sniffed my face and nuzzled my neck. I struggled but she was too strong, and she held me firm against the sofa with her body. I heard Detective Mason behind her and sensed him moving cautiously closer. 

“Mistress please let him go. You are frightening him. Your business is with me now; punish me, not him.”

            She laughed and spoke while looking at my face. 

“Oh, Danny you are so vain! I will deal with you afterwards. But first I must bring Simon into our family.” 

Suddenly she struck my neck, tearing at the flesh and biting me. I cried out but the sound was muffled by her hand over my mouth. I felt something clawing at my stomach, heard cloth and flesh tearing, then I felt searing pain as blood poured from my body. Everything went black.



Download the book now and follow Simon’s adult adventures in  #TheRedcliffeNovels series. He is not finished with me yet, and now he has a new young submissive wolf under his control… delicious!


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here


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