
Monday 28 November 2022

#CyberMonday Book Deals for Christmas

Today is #CyberMonday, a day when all the big brands offer more discounts and sales to Christmas shoppers following the excitement of Black Friday. Check out my selection of the best book deals for Christmas, including my very own Redcliffe novels series.


I would like you to consider my novels for your Christmas shopping list. Perhaps you enjoy reading Gothic stories set in Cornwall? How about sexy vampires and werewolves from Dublin? Then check out Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), book 1 in the Redcliffe Novels series. You can purchase the box set on Kindle for less than the price of a coffee in your favourite coffee shop. Go on, help out a starving author (starving for attention, that is)!  

My local book club read for December is The Lamplighters. This is a book that I suggested having been intrigued with the lighthouse element. I enjoyed reading it, and the bits that were set in the 90s left me feeling nostalgic for my childhood. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't much supernatural action, but I did enjoy the psychological element of this novel. It was enough to hook me in and make me keep reading past bedtime.

Another recent book club read is The Manningtree Witches. Set in medieval England, it gives an alternative perspective on the famous Witchfinder General of history, but it tells us a little from the side of the women he persecuted. I was eager to read this book because it is an element of history that I feel the need to learn more of. I was not disappointed. It was entertaining, the language was colourful, and it provoked emotional responses along the way.

Finally, I suggest a book that I have just finished reading for review. A Rattle of Bones is a crime thriller set in Scotland, and I liked it. I would say it is not the best book I have read recently, but then I’m not generally a fan of crime fiction. I did enjoy reading a story set in Inverness with reference to historical events. This novel connects a miscarriage of justice in the present day with one that happened a few hundred years earlier in the same place, and the content is not pleasant, so be warned! While I would have preferred to read more about the historical criminal case, this novel gets right to the point and doesn’t waste time. You get the story, you get the basic facts, you get the conclusion. It made for a nice, quick read and I liked the short chapters.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 21 November 2022

A Vampire Lord Seduces His Wife in Victorian England

What do you know about vampires in Victorian England? I suspect that servants witnessed a lot of strange behaviour inside those grand country homes. And what of the relationship between a gentleman and his wife?

Here is an excerpt from The Darkness of Love where our powerful love rival, Lord Gregory Stockton, snatches an erotic embrace with his pretty young wife, Sarah.

Excerpt from The Darkness of Love

He slid his hands down her sides, smoothing over the rich taffeta, and she stood very still, enjoying his caress despite her embarrassment at his bold behaviour.  Resting his hands on her hips, Gregory lowered his handsome youthful face and tenderly kissed her rosebud lips. His body reacted as it always did to her tenderness. She was delicate, so beautiful, and always so compliant for him. His teeth itched as his fangs fought to free themselves, and it took all his self-control not to bite her white skin, and drink deeply of her sweet blood.

Get the Book Now

Get your copy of The Darkness of Love today from Amazon or from your favourite online bookstore.


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 14 November 2022

Which Side will you Choose? Vampire vs Hunter in Vampire of Blackpool

Meredith is an old, bored vampire. Her life improves dramatically when a vampire hunter arrives in town offering her a fight she has long been waiting for. But she never planned to fall in love with a witch…


Excerpt from Vampire of Blackpool

            Samantha stared at me, her confidence growing.

            “You didn’t answer my other question,” she said, “Why did you attack this man?”
            I inclined my head.

            “I already told you,” I said, “He provoked me.”
            Samantha glared at me and stretched her head to one side so that I could just see the edge of a bandage covering her neck.

            “Like I provoked you last night you mean?” she asked sarcastically, “I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t put me in the hospital. I should have listened to Paul in the first place.”
            I began to feel angry again. It made me defensive.

            “I did not mean to feed on you quite so violently,” I said, forcing myself to remain still, “And for that I apologize.”

            She caught herself and stared at me curiously.

            “You are apologizing?” she asked, “Wow.”
            I stood up slowly, and she stiffened, holding up her hands. Her power flared, and I realised she was preparing for an attack.

            “I will not hurt you here,” I said, “I am fully fed and in control of my instincts.”

            “Shit,” she said softly, “It was you who attacked the doctor downstairs.”

            I nodded once, smiling again.

            “Yes,” I replied, “He gave me what I needed to heal.”

            Samantha frowned.

            “What about this guy?” she asked, waving her hand at Ryan James, “What are you waiting for?”

            My expression hardened.

            “He is a vampire hunter,” I said quietly, “I require answers. We battled last night after I left you. He was hunting along the promenade, near the Pleasure Beach.  He found what he was looking for, but he was not prepared for a fight with such an old and powerful vampire.”


Read the Book Now


Get your copy of Vampire of Blackpool from your favourite online bookstore or from Amazon and meet the vampires and their hunters in Northern England.


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 7 November 2022

Lusting After his Brother in Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

Have you ever lusted after a man that was not your boyfriend? Was it his brother? Jessica knows how that feels in Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel):


 Excerpt from Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

            “Jessica, please, I want to help you,” Jack said from the stairwell where he stood in shadow, “You are not weak. Please talk to me.”

            Carrying my glass over to the table, I gulped the cold water and put my glass down, then turned to him. He was naked, and his body seemed to glow in the darkness, tormenting and tempting me at the same time. This was not a man. This was a vampire. I am in love with a vampire. Because of him I was almost killed, and now I am scarred for life, both physically and mentally. Because of him my life will never be the same again, and yet still I can’t leave him. And now, to top it off, I am having erotic dreams about his identical twin brother, a man who has made it clear he wants to sleep with me. What kind of a soap opera is my life right now?

            “Jack, it’s late, or early, whatever, and I need to sleep,” I said moodily, “And I can’t sleep, because I keep having these stupid, ridiculous dreams.”

            “What dreams?” Jack asked gently.

            I swallowed, thinking about my words. I felt anger now, and frustration, but at least the tears were gone. I took a deep breath. If I didn’t tell him, he wouldn’t leave me alone.

            “I keep dreaming about Danny,” I said, heart pounding.


Read #TheRedcliffeNovels

Read the Redcliffe novels series now and follow Jessica’s sex adventures with the Mason brothers and their friends.


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here