
Monday 7 November 2022

Lusting After his Brother in Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

Have you ever lusted after a man that was not your boyfriend? Was it his brother? Jessica knows how that feels in Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel):


 Excerpt from Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

            “Jessica, please, I want to help you,” Jack said from the stairwell where he stood in shadow, “You are not weak. Please talk to me.”

            Carrying my glass over to the table, I gulped the cold water and put my glass down, then turned to him. He was naked, and his body seemed to glow in the darkness, tormenting and tempting me at the same time. This was not a man. This was a vampire. I am in love with a vampire. Because of him I was almost killed, and now I am scarred for life, both physically and mentally. Because of him my life will never be the same again, and yet still I can’t leave him. And now, to top it off, I am having erotic dreams about his identical twin brother, a man who has made it clear he wants to sleep with me. What kind of a soap opera is my life right now?

            “Jack, it’s late, or early, whatever, and I need to sleep,” I said moodily, “And I can’t sleep, because I keep having these stupid, ridiculous dreams.”

            “What dreams?” Jack asked gently.

            I swallowed, thinking about my words. I felt anger now, and frustration, but at least the tears were gone. I took a deep breath. If I didn’t tell him, he wouldn’t leave me alone.

            “I keep dreaming about Danny,” I said, heart pounding.


Read #TheRedcliffeNovels

Read the Redcliffe novels series now and follow Jessica’s sex adventures with the Mason brothers and their friends.


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here


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