
Tuesday 7 March 2023

International Women’s Day #IWD2023

Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s celebrate the work of female authors, especially those like me who work alone, from home, with very little outside support for our business.

I am still doggedly pursuing my dream of literary fame and fortune, and still it evades me. But I am comforted in the knowledge that every day my work gets a little bit better, every day I learn something new that I can put into my craft, and every day I might be one step closer to truly fulfilling my childhood dream of being a famous author. When I was a child I never thought I could possibly write a novel, let alone publish one, and now I have several published novels that are widely available around the world. That is an achievement!



What are the inspirational female authors that influence your life in some way? Maybe they wrote something that struck a chord with your life experience. Perhaps they helped you to feel part of a community or eased your loneliness. Or maybe they gave you a good story to read that took you away from the stress of life, that made you laugh, that made you smile, and that made you feel better.



My writing is influenced by Laurell K Hamilton, Anne Rice, L.J. Smith and lots of female authors whose work I have enjoyed throughout my life. Now I strive to become another strong female writer that can help inspire a new generation of readers. My daughters are desperate to read my books, but they are not old enough yet and I’m not sure I want them to. They would never look at me in the same way again! Who are your favourite female writers?


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

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