Monday 17 March 2014

Happy St Patrick's Day! #IrelandInspires

I couldn't let the day pass without a nod to my grandmother's homeland... I do after all carry the flame red hair that is associated with Ireland! Although I have never visited the country (my family are in Northern Ireland, and it was not safe to visit when I was younger), I feel a kinship with the country because of my beloved Nan. She has lived all over the world, and has lived in the UK throughout my lifetime, simply because my Grandad is a retired naval officer and therefore they travelled with his work. But my Nan has never forgotten her country, and she loves telling stories about her upbringing and family life.

Anyway, Happy St Patrick's Day everybody! Perhaps there is the reason why my Mason brothers are Irish... although they are from Dublin, quite randomly, and I cannot explain why! Check out the Redcliffe novels to learn more about the vampire and werewolf identical twins...

*Irish blessing courtesy of

Sunday 9 March 2014

There’s Something About the Water in Redcliffe! #ReadMe

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of being invited as a special guest author to my local book club. I am actually a member of the book club anyway, so it was quite a strange experience. I was very anxious when I learned that our book of the month for February was my first novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). What would my book club friends think of it? What if they hated it? What if they loved it? What would I say?

As it turned out they all did enjoy my book, and that included a few friends who have never read any paranormal novels before. I take this as an added compliment. I was also very honoured when one of the women brought all three of my Redcliffe novels with her and asked me to sign them because she enjoyed reading them so much. We settled down and got stuck into conversation.

I was happy to be told that the readers liked my book because it provides a bit of ‘easy reading.’ It is genre fiction, primarily paranormal romance, and the chapters are short. I did this based on my personal experience. As a reader I always like to finish a chapter when reading my book. I hate having to put a book down with the bookmark in a random page. It just doesn’t feel right, I can’t explain it. So I chose to write short chapters in my novels.

The characters and setting were all well-received. There were warm feelings and mixed feelings towards everyone in Redcliffe, just as I had intended, and there were also a few unexpected reactions. Two of my readers asked about the significance of drinking water. That surprised me! Apparently there are lots of references to drinking water in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). I’m not saying yes or no to the question “Is it relevant?” I will admit that the question was unexpected and gave me something to think about for my continuing series… And the same goes for the storyline of pregnancy and having a baby. Take a look!

Thursday 6 March 2014

I Celebrate World Book Day Every Day! #ReadMe

I cannot allow today to pass by without celebrating the official World Book Day, even if it has been rather lacking in book-related activities for me. I suppose really I celebrate books and reading every day, so on a personal level it doesn’t actually matter.

Every day I take a few minutes to stand before my tall bookcase situated on the landing by my bedroom, and I stare lovingly at the piles and stacks of paperbacks, hardbacks, and special edition magazines carefully stashed away. Then I glance at the overflowing pile on my bedroom floor with the same fondness. Then I walk downstairs, sit on the sofa, and stare across at my small bookcase proudly displaying my collection of Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books by Laurell K Hamilton… OK I do have a lot of books! But I need more, dammit!

Happy World Book Day everybody!

Monday 3 March 2014

It's All About the Books! #MidLitFest

As we move into a new month and the promise of the Spring season, I feel especially excited because this coming week it is all about the books! I mean, every week is all about books for me (and children of course), but this week we celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 6th March.

World Book Day not only means my daughter can dress up for the day at pre-school, and we get vouchers for money off children's books, but World Book Day UK sees the (un)official launch of the very first Middlewich Literary Festival, and I have been invited as a guest author. I am very honoured! There will be short story competitions for local school children, featured authors and poets showcasing their work, the offer of literary critiques from speakers (possibly me), and a general gathering of readers and writers sharing the book love. In fact, I want to start a new Twitter handle for it: #MidLitFest

Not only that, but on Monday 2nd March the Middlewich Readers book club will be discussing my first novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), and I will be present to answer questions and join the chat. I am excited but a little bit nervous about the experience... 
Have a fantastic week everybody! 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Meet the Author! Middlewich Readers Book Club #Cheshire

I am a member of the Middlewich Readers book club in Cheshire, UK. We meet once a month at our local cafe, Drinks and Bites at 35, where we chat about the latest book on our list, discuss what we liked or disliked about it, and generally have an hour where we can bring our reading passion to life. Our next meeting is on Monday 3rd March, and this month the book under scrutiny is one of mine, eek!

The book in question is my very first novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). Check out the free Wattpad link if you haven't read it, or find it on Amazon. Alternatively, if you are local to Middlewich, join us at the book club meeting on Monday. See you later!

Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentines Day, Book Lovers! #ReadMe

Today I have a special gift to you all. My Redcliffe novels are all on a special offer price for the entire weekend. You can purchase my new novel The Darkness of Love for just £0.77, or $1.26. How cool is that?

And the same applies to my first three novels in the Redcliffe series; Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Perfect Valentine’s reading!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Hot Week on the #Valentine Hump Day Hook #HDH

I think this year we will make our Valentine’s Day a Hot One, you know what I’m talking about! So here is a *hot* Hump Day Hook excerpt for you. This is from my third Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel):

As I turned to walk into my bedroom he suddenly appeared behind me.  I cried out in surprise as he grabbed my arms, turning me to face him.  I almost spilled the glass of water, but I just managed to reach down and deposit it on a nearby dresser.  Jack crushed his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily.  I couldn’t help myself.  I wrapped my arms around him, returning the kisses, welcoming the surge of heat and desire that roared through my body.  We tore our clothes off and ended up on the floor right there in my living room doorway.  It was hot and passionate, both angry and exciting.  I experienced the most amazing ecstasy I had ever endured.  Eventually we fell into bed together, naked and exhausted.  I slept through until morning with no dreams or visions, and no interruptions.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and see what my fellow authors have to offer. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!