Monday 11 November 2019

Every Day is Black Friday! Free Books for You

Do you love MM Romance and LGBTQIA+ fiction? Browse this event for queer fiction in a variety of sub-genres--from Romance to Horror, Contemporary to SciFi--there's something for every taste!

 Download your FREE copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter and see what the real housewives of Cheshire get up to in their spare time!

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 4 November 2019

Trick-or-Read! All Genre Group Giveaway

Get into the Halloween spirit with the Trick-Or-Read Group Giveaway! This Group Giveaway is hosted by the Prolific Works team and has books from all genres, so there's something here for everyone. Claim as many as you'd like and enjoy your new reads!

Download your FREE copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter and see what the real housewives of Cheshire get up to in their spare time!

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 28 October 2019

The Good, the Bad, and the Bloody: A Giveaway for Vampire Book Fans

In mythology, you should never invite a vampire into your home. One false move, one stretch of the neck, and you could find yourself prey. The thrill is in the danger. Seductive, dangerous, and good to the last drop - these are the books for vampire fans.

Download your FREE copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter and see what the real housewives of Cheshire get up to in their spare time!

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 21 October 2019

I am Actually an Author!

If you are a parent you might recognise the tone of my title today, inspired by the Charlie and Lola series of books written for children. My daughters love those books, and I enjoy reading them at bedtime. It came as an epiphany late last week, when I was mentally reviewing my recent freelance workload, or lack thereof. I am currently experiencing the dry spell of the freelancer, and it threw me into a slight panic, not least because of the lack of income. I began to worry that I wasn’t good enough, and that I am an impostor.

Stop! Wait a minute. I am actually an author! For most of the past twelve months I have focused on growing my SpookyMrsGreen pagan family lifestyle blog, and the results are beginning to show. I have a growing audience, and one that is engaged with my blog posts, and I still enjoy writing for my blog. But I have neglected my novels. I have been half-heartedly working on book 6 in the Redcliffe novels series, but I am no further forward with it than I was twelve months ago. I have been distracted by my blog work and have allowed my fiction work to fall by the wayside. And so, I have decided that this year I shall participate in NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. I need to write approximately 50,000 words to finish the first draft of Bite of the Wolf (A Redcliffe Novel), so November is the perfect time to do the writing. Let us see if I manage to complete my challenge, or if I allow other distractions to creep in…

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 14 October 2019

Halloween Reads Giveaway

Spooky. Chilling. Mysterious. Otherworldly. Check out these books that will fulfill your desire for some Halloween reads, whatever your style.

I am offering up a free copy of my Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love. Click here toget your free books now!

A Victorian vampire lord seeks an heir for his estate in this English Gothic novel with passion and flair.

Lord Gregory Stockton is a powerful and respected businessman embracing the modern era of the Victorian industrial revolution. His young wife is infatuated with the stable boy, much to Gregory's amusement. He hatches a plan to bring the would-be lovers together, and then cruelly tear them apart as he continues to build his empire and secure his power base in the south of England. The humans are pawns in the vampire’s game of lust, love and control.

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 7 October 2019

Things that go Bite in the Night Giveaway

Don't let your imagination get away from you! That bump in the night might just bite!

Download your FREE copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter and see what the real housewives of Cheshire get up to in their spare time!

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday 30 September 2019

I Read a Lot, I Read a Little

Do you belong to a local book club? I do. We have been meeting now for quite a few years, and the women at book club bring a welcome distraction from mummy life. I mean, some of them have children as well, but once a month when we attend book club, we are individuals and we talk about books. Sometimes we talk about movies and TV shows as well, depending on the subject of conversation. It is always enjoyable, and I always come away feeling more cheerful than when I go in.

Our recent book club reading list has been quite heavy-going. We have read books including The Choice (Auschwitz and its aftermath), A Little Life (childhood abuse and lasting mental illness), and now A Thousand Splendid Suns (the Taliban regime). All of these books would not be my first choice for reading material. I generally read paranormal or supernatural stories, historical sagas and women’s fiction. So, I am glad that book club encourages me to try new books. And sometimes I am glad that the decision has been made for me, because I really struggle to pick my next book when I have so many to choose from! Admittedly I haven’t begun reading A Thousand Splendid Suns yet, but I will do. I have had a few weeks where life gets in the way, my mood is a bit strange, and I just didn’t feel like reading something so serious. What reading mood are you in this week?

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.