Saturday 20 August 2022

My Summer Reading List

 My summer reading list includes: 

Going Dutch by Louise Murchie; 
A Bridge to Forever by N Dune; 
The Real Thing by Felicity Rose; 
The Cryptopians by Laura Shin; 
Soulphoria by Alessandra Sagredo; 
Dynamic Interactive Astrology by Lyn Birkbeck.

What's on your summer reading list? 🤓📖

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Thursday 11 August 2022

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Young Adult Vampire Fun in "The Teen Game"

Here is an excerpt from my first published short story, The Teen Game that you can find in the anthology Devils, Demons and Werewolves

His mouth was a little sloppy I have to admit but it was certainly exciting to be embraced by such a young boy after so many years! I gradually showed him how to kiss me properly using my tongue, lips and teeth and then I felt his hands slide instinctively down my body, although he carefully avoided my breasts to begin with. He was so innocent and clearly a virgin. As much as I liked to torment myself with my little games, I was thirsty; I hadn’t fed all day and was beginning to feel weak. His pulse was beating against my skin, and I kissed in a seductive line down his jaw until my mouth hovered over that delicate place, and I inhaled his warm, sweet scent. Then I struck, quick, fast, biting a neat little hole and drinking deeply of his youthful blood. He cried out but it was muffled against my hair and I projected calming thoughts into his mind, persuading him that we were simply kissing and caressing each other, nothing more. He became still against me and when I had finished and pushed him gently away, he swayed a little and struggled to focus on my face. When he spoke his voice was hoarse. 

  “Whoa that was intense!" he stuttered, "So, um, I should get you home, Liz!”

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Saturday 6 August 2022

Christmas with the Vampires

 Are you feeling festive already? Here's a sneaky snippet from my short story Christmas with the Vampires


Marcus cut a striking figure in his dark red velvet frock coat, jaunty black silk top hat, and impeccable tailored suit. The rough corduroy trousers, linen shirt and leather waistcoat of his human days were long forgotten, although he had kept his old work clothes as a reminder of his youth. The man did not look a day over twenty five in age, but then his physical body was frozen in time due to his vampire genetics.  His eyes alone betrayed the experience of his age, and many unsuspecting humans were left mystified when they tried to talk down to Marcus Scott only to be politely rebuffed when he demonstrated his knowledge and expertise in the matter at hand. He rarely lost his temper, but when he did he was a force to be reckoned with, vampire or not.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Thursday 4 August 2022