Thursday 2 June 2022

🖤Return of the Vampire Hunter🖤

  Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday 30 May 2022

Why Won’t You Let Me Speak?: Topical New Book Teaches Women to ‘Grab the Mic’ at Work and in Life

 Written by Sara Harling, ‘Why Won’t You Let Me Speak?’ Is sure to resonate with women (and men) all over the world. The book is a must-read for anyone who struggles with feelings of alienation and frustration, wondering if they’re just not loud enough at work or home. Harling outlines why women are often interrupted, and provides practical advice to have readers feeling confident in every aspect of their lives.

A recent study by George Washington University found that men interrupted women 33 percent more often during conversations than they did when they were speaking with other men. Supreme Court Justices aren’t even safe from this alarming trend - another study found that over the past twelve years in the United States Supreme Court, 32 percent of all interruptions were male justices speaking over their female counterparts. It’s a phenomena that author Sara Harling knows well, and it forms the basis of her new book, Why Won’t You Let Me Speak?


Concise, compelling and practical, Why Won’t You Let Me Speak? is a handbook for every woman in today’s workplace - full of the skills that women need to survive, and guidance on how to speak up and be heard.




“Why won’t you let me speak?”


Does this feel like you - constantly being interrupted at work? Sat in a room with people and wanting to talk, but for some reason, you can’t get a word in edgeways? Have you ever felt that way? You’re in a meeting and as you’re talking, someone else starts to talk over you, interrupts you and takes over the conversation. Ouch! Do you spend time overthinking and wondering why this keeps happening again and again? Do you feel like no one is listening and you can’t be heard?


Then stop!


This book will give you tools and skills to help improve your communication skills and boost your confidence in any situation. You will find out why this keeps happening to you and how to change things quickly and easily. You will be able to contribute to that meeting, build your self-esteem and confidence and handle any situation you may face at work, or indeed, in your personal life.


Take back control over your work, your career and even your relationships with family and friends and get the life and career you deserve.


It’s time for Direct Talk.


“What’s interesting is that men are reading the book in droves,” says Harling. “I think in this #MeToo era, men do feel more of a responsibility to really listen to their colleagues and friends - more so than they may have felt in the past. They’re interested in shutting down problematic behaviours from colleagues, and giving women the chance to shine.”


Continuing, “I think women internalize this idea that ‘no one likes a strong woman’ - it’s just not true. Speaking up and having your voice heard isn’t something that only men get to enjoy - women can do it too, and I promise - it will change every facet of your life!”

Reviews have touted the “eye-opening” nature of the book, with readers giving it an enthusiastic five stars on Amazon.


“Full of great tips to ensure you will be heard and also be confident. Don’t be afraid of putting your point across in meetings. Read this book. It makes you realise your voice can be heard and that your points are valid,” wrote Sharan Madeley.


S Hitchings agreed, writing, “A very honest account of communication and confidence, it made me stop and think many times! It’s condensed enough not to put off reading until you have time, which makes it an excellent reference tool as you can reread and reflect easily. Really is a very helpful and insightful tool, would highly recommend.”


Why Won’t You Let Me Speak? Is available now:





About the Author:


Sara has spent most of her career in executive management within the food and manufacturing industry, She has worked from Sales Representative to Managing Director, Chairman to Consultant. Sara was awarded a Nuffield Scholarship to research changes in globalisation for the food industry and was the Royal Warrant holder for services to HM the Queen. She has also studied to be a personal and business coach specialising in areas of communication, stress and strategic management, Sara is also a non-executive director.

Sara's passion now is to teach, coach and inspire every single woman to realise that they have everything they need inside of them to live the lives that they want and have the career they deserve.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

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🖤Who wants to tame the alpha?🖤

Take your pick from the werewolves or the vampires in Redcliffe. Or maybe you fancy another creature?

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

*Article contains affiliate links


Sunday 29 May 2022

A Witch’s Familiar in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

 Have you read the brand-new Redcliffe Novels series yet?
I decided to refresh the old manuscripts and make them snappier for today’s audience. I am rather impressed with the result, how about you?
*Warning: offensive language*

Excerpt from Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 3
            Danny stood in the same position, in the middle of the room, staring at the space where Suri had been standing a moment before. His hand was still raised, and I watched as he blinked slowly, opened his eyes, and looked in confusion at his hand.  He dropped it to his side and looked at me, then turned to face Jack.
            “What the hell just happened?” he said in a low voice, his Irish accent thick and heavy as he tried to establish what he was doing. 
            “You were transfixed by her animal familiar,” Jack replied, his accent matching that of his brother. 
            “Fuck,” Danny said softly, turning to stare at me, “How the fuck did you do that, Jessica?”
            I shuddered at his coarse language, and I shook my head.
            “I, I don’t know,” I stuttered, “I wanted you both to stop fighting. Suri said she could help, and the next thing I knew she was here, standing in front of us. Shit.”

 Wow. What happened there? Click here to get the book and read the whole story.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

*Article contains affiliate links

Saturday 28 May 2022

#Booktalk Unhackable Soul by Maureen Sharphouse

Inspirational new book shares roadmap on how to rise from the ashes of chronic pain and reignite the light within.

Talking from the heart and from more than three decades of experience, Unhackable Soul shares Maureen Sharphouse’s 30-day elixir for those suffering from daily chronic pain.  Sharing practical assignments as well as how to change from a life dictated by pain and illness to one fuelled by enthusiasm and purpose, Unhackable Soul reveals how to feel vibrantly alive.
A book with the potential to transform the lives forever of those suffering with chronic pain, Maureen Sharphouse’s Unhackable Soul shares with readers how to wake up every day eager to embrace life despite its physical and mental challenges.

Accessible, authentic, and written by an author with first-hand experience of intractable and debilitating pain, every page in this remarkable book reminds the reader that true happiness does not rely on favourable circumstances or anything external. Providing the resources to reshape in 30 days readers’ relationships with the challenges of their conditions, Unhackable Soul offers a guiding light to all those that until now have been defined by their condition and its ability to sap all vestiges of joie de vivre.
Destined to be a cherished ‘friend’ of all those for whom the book was written, the author’s unshakable enthusiasm and tips for living the best life possible also make her book relevant to all of those who have lost their way when it comes to living a full and vibrant life.
Living with chronic pain is far from easy. Left unchecked, it erodes your spirit and keeps you living in the dark. It can influence what you believe about yourself and even hack your soul--if you let it.
Author Maureen Sharphouse knows the challenges of living with pain first-hand. She has endured more than three decades of debilitating physical health challenges, including the incurable neurological illness known as "the suicide disease." Yet, in the midst of her daily pain, she lives with passion, joy, and enthusiasm for life.
In thirty daily missions. Unhackable Soul reveals how you can feel vibrantly alive despite chronic pain. Discover how to:
           rise up from a life dictated by pain and illness to one fuelled by enthusiasm and purpose.
           feel alive and experience greater joy, peace, and comfort.
           wake up every day eager to embrace life despite your challenges.
Live well. Reignite your light. It's time to become Unhackable.
Receiving outstanding praise, reviews of Unhackable Soul include:

“I love this radically transformative book!!! As someone who lives with daily chronic pain from CRPS, Unhackable Soul is a roadmap to reclaim your joy and reignite the light within you despite pain! Maureen’s authentic storytelling illustrates how difficult experiences and deep wounds, both mental and physical, are the very things that can gift us a deeper power and resilience if we allow them.  Maureen generously brings us her personal journey and shares her formula for moving through tremendous pain with grit and grace. Run, don’t walk, and grab this book if you live with any kind of pain!”
Amberly Lago – Expert Mindset Coach, TEDx speaker, True Grit and Grace Podcast Host, best-selling author of True Grit and Grace: Turning Tragedy into Triumph.
Unhackable Soul is a resource and guide to achieving a fulfilling life despite chronic pain.  It offers a durable, liveable alternative to pharmacology and interventions. As a physician and surgeon who has worked with chronic pain patients, I whole-heartedly recommend this book for all who may live with chronic pain or disability.  It offers a sustainable path to healthy, balanced well-being instead of a life of drugs, depression, and misery.  In an era of endemic opioids and dependency, it cracks in the light for the pain sufferer on what can be for them and an ever-darkening world.”
Dr Hugh A Gelabert, Physician and Surgeon, UCLA School of Medicine.
“As founder and CEO of the Burning Limb Foundation and aware of the crucial role that mind and spirit play in individuals living with chronic pain disease, I highly recommend this book. Maureen’s personal inspirational story and her step-by-step revitalizing daily elixir makes this book a valuable go-to companion and guide for living well with pain and illness. Maureen’s words incorporate ideas that are not just firmly rooted in the truth but also come from a loving perspective that only one who has experienced debilitating illness intimately can bring. Unhackable Soul provides me with yet another tool when working with those who live with chronic illness and is a true blueprint for how not just to live but to thrive.”
Philip Robert, Founder and CEO of the Burning Limb Foundation.
“Fantastically uplifting and encouraging from someone who knows what it feels like to experience challenges and still live fully. Maureen’s spirit shines through every page to speak to you and pull you forward. Wonderful!”
Fiona Harrold, Best-Selling Author of Be Your Own Life Coach.
Published by Unhackable Press (an imprint of the Igniting Souls Publishing Agency), Unhackable Soul is available in hardcover (£18.92), paperback (£11.30) and Kindle format on Amazon.
It is availably globally and can be ordered through Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and all good book retailers.
Receiving five-star reviews from readers, feedback includes:
“This book is a fantastic tool for people living with chronic pain on a daily basis. When you are having a bad day grab the book for some tips to lift you up & importantly remember that you are far more than your physical body.” – Louise S.
“Maureen has given purpose to the many years she has suffered with excruciating pain. Her book shares the techniques she has developed to more than cope but to thrive. I can't recommend it highly enough.”– Peter
“Whether you have chronic pain or not…there are gems in this book that everyone can tap into. Inspiration on every turn of the page. Thanks Maureen! Stay Blessed.” – Warren Kemp
“I'm almost at a loss for words as to how incredibly transformative this book is for helping people with chronic pain. Within the first few pages the author takes you from a place of despair to a deep knowing that life can be magical again. "You are soul and spirit... your physical body is simply... the vehicle you operate through." The book is written in such a way that makes it hard not to want to digest it all in one go, ingeniously dancing between the author's own life experiences and practical daily assignments. Finally, a book that doesn't just bring hope to chronic pain sufferers but a true sense of empowerment. Now I can't wait to get started with the 30-Day online course. Incredible!” – Lynne
About the author
Maureen Sharphouse lives with her husband, Peter, and their dog, Jackson, in the village of Milnathort, Kinross-shire, Scotland. She is a coach, mentor, writer, and speaker. Maureen’s passion is to inspire and help individuals live a unique legacy they are proud of. Her mission is to help people discover who they are beyond their physical body, live their best lives, and restore and unleash their soul’s fire and passion. Maureen’s vibrant enthusiasm for life is evident despite living with severe daily pain and complex ongoing health challenges. She is a lover of morning sunrises, good coffee, fresh flowers in her home, and spending time with her much-loved family and grandchildren.

You can connect with Maureen on her website – click here.

Sign up for the 30-Day Unhackable Soul Course here:  

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England. Click here

*Article contains affiliate links

🖤Vampire of Blackpool🖤

 Contemporary English Gothic Novel Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green is available now on digital download or in paperback.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Friday 27 May 2022

#BookReview Presents from the Past: Poetic Memories from Times Gone By – Elliot Stanton

Presents from the Past: Nostalgic and wistful – new humour-infused poetry anthology makes the perfect rose-tinted spectacle read.

Elliot Stanton's Presents from the Past takes a light-hearted and sentimental trip down memory lane as he shares fifty poems that have milestones and those all-important smaller moments from his life at their heart.


My Review

I enjoyed reading these poems and they did indeed take me down a nostalgic path. While I wasn’t as keen on the poems about attending football matches and collecting football stickers, I favoured the poems about sweet snacks and candy from the old days (1980s and 1990s), the reminiscence of computer games, VHS, taping songs from the radio and all those little things we did as children. This book certainly appeals to the older age group, 40 and up. I really liked a short poem called Coins from a Bygone Europe, with a clever little twist at the end. There is humour and nostalgia in abundance in these poems and they will make you smile and nod agreement as you read them.


Visit the author’s website here.

Buy the book from Amazon.  


Elliot Stanton's Presents from the Past is a package of poetical delight.

As the 51-year-old author shares some of the milestone moments and the smaller details of his life growing up in the seventies and eighties, this poetry anthology reminds us that our history is being created every day, but sometimes we need to stop and cherish what has gone before.

From the last day of term and school dinners to favourite snacks and eighties must-watch TV, these are eloquent memories that will strike a chord with all.

A perfect gift for all those embracing their sixth decade, Presents from the Past is a pertinent reminder to actually cherish the moment (and not just post it on social media) and to embrace the minutiae that make us whole.


We all love a bit of nostalgia, and even unfortunate or infuriating events can become fond and well-loved memories over time. Presents From the Past is a humour-infused collection of fifty poems that I have created from such memories. Many of them are from childhood and have lived long in my consciousness, but some are a little more recent and have only just laid down roots in my mind.

This book features poetic reminiscences of such subjects as favourite bygone snacks and old TV programmes, the thrill of the last day of school and attending your first football match, teenage trips to the local cinema and memories of treasured family vacations.

I am confident that every reader will find something that resonates deeply, thus providing that warm, satisfying glow of nostalgia we often long for.


The author says:

"Presents From the Past is a collection of 50 poems emerging from fond memories of my childhood, adolescence and young adulthood.

"Of course, my memories are not your memories, but I know each reader will find something that resonates with their own formative years. The theme is affectionate nostalgia, and the compositions project unabashed sentimentality, wistfulness, and touching humour.

"Whilst there are a couple of poems with 'messages,' my aim is purely to entertain and remind people of a more innocent and gentler time."


About the author

Presents From the Past is Elliot Stanton's seventh book and his second book of poetry, following, It Can't Just Be Me.

Four of his previous books are humorous novels that all include various aspects of true-life events, but he decided he wanted to try something different this time. So, in the spring of 2019, he decided to write a series of Tales of the Unexpected–type stories and twelve months later, he'd written enough tales to create The Crimson Scarf and Other Short Stories.

During the pandemic lockdown in early 2021, he started writing short, humorous poems on the things seen and experienced. They culminated in two collections; It Can't Just Be Me - Poetic Observations on Modern Life and Presents from The Past - Poetic Memories from Times Gone By.



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*I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review

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