
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Advice for New Writers

I would like to recommend a website for writers who are looking for a community that will offer feedback and support for their work. Write and Share is a UK based website that has grown at an incredible rate during the last twelve months. I have been with them from the start, and I can't actually remember how it was that I connected with the owner, Naomi Chance. All I know is that she is a wonderfully supportive and enthusiastic writer who shares her passion with others.

I have become very closely affiliated with Write and Share, and now offer my own writers' advice corner. Here is the link: Under my personal account I have posted some short stories and extracts of my novels, which you can read and review as you wish. This is the same for all members of the site. I encourage you to look at my writers' advice articles, especially if you are an amateur who is seeking guidance, or an Indie author simply learning more about your craft. I write from personal experience, and am confident in what I share.

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