
Thursday 23 February 2012

Using a Book to sell more Books

That title sounds a bit random don't you think? Don't worry, I am simply playing with words, as is my way. What I mean to say is that I recently borrowed a book from my local library, and used it to learn more about Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO. This in turn has given me a lesson in how to use my websites to sell more of my books, and to market myself, Catherine Green, as a business brand.

It is all about what we say. It always is. SEO is simply the use of popular keywords and phrases to describe your business, service, or items for sale. When you choose a domain name, a title, and an introduction for your website, think very carefully about your descriptions. Use the free web tools available to search out the most popular keywords and phrases to describe your business.

The book I borrowed is called Get Into Bed With Google: Top ranking search optimisation techniques I cannot recommend it enough for people just starting out in  business, or sole traders like myself. It made me realise that I am a business. My name is my brand. And now, if I want to sell more books, I have to tell people about them.

Using a technique suggested in the book, I wrote down a list of keyword phrases that I would use to describe myself as an author. One of these was 'British paranormal romance writer.' I typed it into the Google search engine, and at the very top of the results list I found a link to a discussion forum on Amazon. Somebody in the UK was searching for new British paranormal romance writers. Perfect! I joined the discussion, leaving links for my book, and then I did the same for about three or four other relevant forums.

Imagine my surprise and delight when just one hour later, I received an email from one of these Amazon forums. The originator had seen my response, liked what they saw, and ordered a copy of Love Hurts on Kindle. I was elated! My time on here had truly been well spent (or rather, well-earned!). Try it for yourself. Visit the internet forums whose topics relate to the subject matter of your books. And see how your sales figures increase.

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