
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Vampire of Blackpool

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I will share another excerpt from my manuscript for NaNoWriMo 2012. The novel is called The Vampire of Blackpool, and I was quite pleased with the result. I have yet to return to the project for edits, but I certainly plan to have this one published in the future. Enjoy!

Before either of them could make sense of what I was, I struck at the girl, biting her throat and drinking deeply of her blood. She screamed loudly, but it soon faded as she fell unconscious in my grasp. The boy stared in horror, as I raised my eyes to look at him while I fed. He soon gathered his senses however, and I realized just in time that he was about to hit me with the torch. He was strong, but no match for me. Rearing up from his girlfriends body, I hissed at him and smacked his arm hard. The torch flew across the garden and landed with a thud in a flowerbed. The boy stared at me, struck dumb by his terror. He stuttered and managed to find his voice.
            Youre aa…” he gave up talking as I reached across to grab his jacket.
            Yes, I replied smoothly, my eyes glowing silver and my skin translucent in the moonlight, I am a vampire.  We do exist.

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*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest


  1. Absolutely terrifying moment for this young couple. Well done!

  2. I love the rawness of this excerpt! You don't try to candy coat what he really is, which I think is fabulous! Great hook! :)

    1. Thanks! Actually, the vampire is a woman, just to shake things up a little!

  3. My goodness, the intensity of the moment. I'm very intrigued by this vampire's story. Great hook.

  4. Powerful job of describing this predator and the hapless couple. I'm glad you will publish it. Love the silver eyes.

    1. Thanks Flossie! Oh yes, all my vampires have silver eyes, I love their hypnotic quality.

  5. He seems truly devilish... great hook!

  6. great hook. Wonderful description.

  7. I hope she didn't kill her. What's she gonna do to him?

    1. Well, she is a hungry vampire... I'm afraid their prognosis is not good!

  8. Ooh, fab description. Great hook!

  9. Nice description. I kind of feel sorry for this Thanks for sharing, Catherine. :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Yep, it's a hard life when there's a vampire in town!
