
Sunday 7 April 2013

The Liebster Award – I’ve Been Nominated!

I had a wonderful email yesterday from James A. West, who informed me that he had nominated my author blog for the Liebster Award. I admit I have seen this award on a couple of other blogs and I felt slightly envious that nobody nominated me, so now I am a very happy bunny!

For those who are not familiar with the Liebster Award, it is available for bloggers with fewer than 300 followers. The nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It is fun, informative, and an excellent way to network and grow your audience.

Here are 11 random facts about me:
  1. I am pregnant with my second child, due in July 2013
  2. I have auburn hair (definitely not ginger!)
  3. My husband is a slightly obsessed waste manager by trade, so our house often resembles a recycling facility in progress!
  4. Aside from a 2-year-old daughter, I am Mummy to Baxter the Staffydoodle, Duck the Cumberland Slider turtle and Ashton the Yellow Bellied Slider turtle.
  5. My professional writing career only began at around the time I first got pregnant, and now I have 3 published novels!
  6. One day I will own a camper van. I just have to.
  7. I love chocolate, especially Dairy Milk.
  8. I am a ghost hunter, and have done overnight investigations in Scotland, England and Wales during the last 7 years.
  9.  I read Tarot and Oracle cards.
  10. Someday soon I would love to go on a solo writer’s retreat for a whole week, bliss!
  11. When I make my millions, I will buy a lovely old house in the Cheshire countryside and a seaside home in Cornwall.

My answers to the 11 questions:

  1. What is something you have always wanted to do but haven't done yet?                                        Obtain a camper van and go on a road trip round the UK.
2. If you were a Star Trek character, who would you be and why? (If you don't know Star Trek, don't admit it! Just make something up!)
I would have to be Spock. He is a legend!

3. What is one of your favorite movie scenes, and why?
In Ghostbusters 2, when the goo goes crazy, and the Titanic arrives down at the docks. Cracks me up every time!

4. Why did you choose writing? What drew you to it?
I was never going to escape it. English, especially creative writing, was my best subject at school and I lived in a dream world of imagination and fantasy (in fact, I still do).

5. What is your favorite book?
Ooh, tough question! Hmm, I will choose a fiction one, and say Matilda by Roald Dahl. It has always been a favourite.

6. Besides writing, do you do any other art? 
I enjoy creative card making and crafting bead jewellery.

7. What is one of your craziest travel stories?
Well, a few years ago I went on a road trip to France with my Mum and younger sister. Our car was stopped at Dover for an inspection, but Mum opened the boot, the guy took one look at our crammed in suitcases, and he just waved us on to the ferry! Then we got lost a couple of times, Mum forgot she should drive on the other side of the road and go the opposite direction on roundabouts, and finally we reached our destination in a remote rural village. It was a great holiday though!

8. Skiing or lounging on a beach?
Lounging on a beach, but with a book and magazine for company.

9. Coke or Pepsi?

10. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? If not, do you want to?
No. I used to play the clarinet but gave it up when I left school. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t, but I have a lot of activities now so I’m not too upset.

11. Do you have any new writing projects that you can share with us right now?
Yes. I am currently finishing the first draft of a story about a vampire hunter who lives on a canal boat and travels the UK completing her jobs. Her life is turned upside down when she meets an ancient vampire who means more to her than she understands. It turns out they have a history that goes back centuries, and she has a lot to rediscover about her true self…

My 11 questions to pass on:
  1. Do you have a motto and what is it?
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. Why should we read your blog?
  4. Do you have an unfulfilled ambition and what is it?
  5. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
  6. Were you a geek, a jock, a weird kid or something else in school?
  7. What is your favourite music and band?
  8. What is your favourite movie?
  9. Sweet snacks or savoury?
  10. What is your passion?
  11. Who do you admire?

My nominees:

Congratulations nominees, and I look forward to seeing your responses!


  1. Thank you very much! I shall get on to doing mine shortly :) and congratulations for your own Liebster Award!

  2. Hi Catherine!

    Thanx for the nomination! :)

  3. Hey Catherine,
    Great answers! Spock = awesome choice!
    Congrats on the new baby :)
    Best wishes,

    1. Hi James, thank you! Well it had to be either Spock or Dr Scottie - enduring memories from childhood!

  4. A ghost hunger, how fantastic! I bet that adds a little something to the writing. Thank you so much for passing along the reward to me. I'm honored. :)

    1. That would be 'hunter'. Sorry about that! You got me all flustered! LOL!

    2. You are welcome and thanks for commenting!

  5. Nice post, Catherine! :) I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! Come say hello at

    1. Thank you Jan! I believe I am already following your blog but will check it out anyway.

  6. Congrats on the blog award--and on expecting your second child! I've done a little tarot but sadly lack time for it. I cheat now by having an app on my phone. When you handle the phone, personalize it, and focus on the question, it's surprisingly intuitive.

    BTW, I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

    1. Thank you! I admit I haven't picked up my Tarot cards in a few months, although they are calling to me... Wow an app for them, that sounds cool!
