
Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Tormented Witch in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I think we have missed my Redcliffe novels recently, so here is a snippet from Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), book 3 in the series and recently released. Enjoy!

“Could she really do that to me?” I asked faintly.
I looked from Danny to Simon, and finally at Jack.  They all stared at me, and I felt horribly like an exhibit at a zoo.
“She might,” Danny said, “If you give her the strength.  You have to fight her, Jessica.  Make her see that you are in control.”
I nodded slowly.
“I’m doing my best.” I said uncertainly.
A silence fell around us, and I could feel our energies shifting in the air.  Mine was turbulent, full of anger and anxiety.  Jack’s was cold and controlling.  Danny’s power was hot, forceful and full of promise.  Simon’s was similar but with less strength.  Eventually I moved backwards, feeling the need to break the tense emotion that filled the air.
“Jack,” I said, “You should get going.  You have work to do.”
He blinked, the only movement he made.
“Yes,” he said, and then he stepped forward to give me a kiss.  It was a peck on the lips, and he hugged me briefly, “You can control her,” he said, catching my eyes with his, “And you will resolve things with Liz.”

The Redcliffe novels are available in paperback and eBook formats, from retailers including Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and Waterstones. There will be more in the series, but first I have the small matter of expecting a baby to contend with…

Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!


  1. Nice hook. If she's unsure is unsure about her own power, I'm thinking Jack can will her to do it. He seems so strong!

    1. Well, that depends if he wants to help empower her... Thanks for commenting!

  2. Good hook. She seems so vulnerable right now. I hope she comes to understand and embrace her own power.

    1. Yes, it is a confusing time for poor Jessica. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Nice building of tension here. I hope she finds the confidence she needs to amplify her powers!

  4. Sorry for the lateness of my visit, but it's the 1st, that means my internet cap is reset "yay!".
    Great little hook, Catherine :D It sounds like Jessica is doubting her own abilities a lot. Hopefully we will see more in future weeks.

    1. Thanks Ellen, and yes, I might just share a few more titbits as we go along, just to whet your appetite!
