
Friday 31 May 2013

#amwriting Update and the #15KinMay Challenge

We are reaching the end of yet another month and 2013 is flying by at an alarming rate. After my rather disastrous (non) participation in Camp NaNoWriMo, I found another writing challenge that was being run via Twitter. I decided to join the #15KinMay challenge, thinking that I could easily achieve that goal. It was not to be. I think I have managed about 5k words, maybe just over. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose!

My mood is up and down at the moment. I am veering between the romantic notion of the tormented writer wallowing in self-pity, and the practical modern woman who says "I can do this, I just need to be organised." Of course, it is not easy to wallow in self pity when I have a demanding toddler to attend to, and a baby growing ever-larger in my womb. Perhaps I can allow myself a little rest time while I embrace motherhood. My novel will still be there when I can return to it, and in the meantime I have plenty of other writing projects to keep me occupied...

How is your month progressing? Are you pressing on with your work, struggling with writers'  block, or finding challenges along the way? I am eager to hear from fellow writers and their experiences.


  1. Hi Catherine, I more or less answered this for you on my own blog in reply to a comment of yours. What you have achieved in recent years is amazing and having a toddler and imminent baby is creativity enough! I did nothing writing wise for the couple of years my kids were tiny and after that flashes for a bit. I think you can safely rest on your laurels, read, recoup, watch telly, take notes, write small bursts, everything will contribute to the future. I was off the computer recently (cos it broke down) and there is a much more satisfying (and not unproductive feeling) in reading, taking in things around you, even the very particular instances and insights that children bring. I don't know all the answers but I'm trying to find a way of enjoying these children years and being present in them while being more productive in the smaller segments of time I then have. There's a greater feeling of fulfillment and purpose all round.

  2. Hi Alison, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your support and your encouragement, and will take your advice (and that of other people around me), and stop forcing the writing quite so much while I am busy with the children. At least if I keep my blogs up to date I feel like I'm doing something productive... And now is the perfect time to indulge in some serious reading, while I rest up for the baby!

  3. Writing with young kids is hard! My daughter's 9 tomorrow, and I still find it hard to find time to write, and all my best plans (like finishing my current novel in May!) seem to go out the window constantly, as things come up, my daughter needs me, or everyone gets sick!

    Writing will still be there, in the moments between motherhood, and there are times when you're motivated to get lots done, and times when you need to take a break. I always find that trying to force my focus to be different just makes me frustrated.

  4. Thank you Rinelle, I appreciate your feedback. I will just fit the writing in when I can for the foreseeable future, and maybe go on a writing retreat or two once I finish with the demands of breastfeeding... ; )
