
Wednesday 10 July 2013

A Witch’s Familiar in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my third published book Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), when our heroine Jessica Stone learns to control her powerful animal familiar, the snow tiger, Suri.

Danny was standing in the same position, in the middle of the room, staring at the space where Suri had been standing a moment before.  His hand was still raised, and I watched as he blinked slowly, opened his eyes, and looked in confusion at his hand.  He dropped it to his side and looked at me, then turned to face Jack.
“What the hell just happened?” he said in a low voice, his Irish accent thick and heavy as he tried to establish what he was doing.  
“You were transfixed by her animal familiar,” Jack replied, his accent matching that of his brother.  
“Fuck,” Danny said softly, and he turned his head to stare at me, “How the fuck did you do that, Jessica?” 
I shuddered at his coarse language, and I shook my head.
“I, I don’t know,” I stuttered, “I wanted you both to stop fighting.  Suri said she could help, and the next thing I knew she was here, standing in front of us.  Shit.” 

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  1. Wow, Suri just did it all by herself.
    Good, good tiger :)

    1. Oh she is a law unto herself that one! Thanks for commenting.

  2. Good for you Jessica! Great hook

  3. Intriguing!! I like this a lot! I love when a character is caught off-guard by her own abilities.

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes, it wasn't just the character that was caught off guard by this animal familiar...

  4. Interesting hook that has me wanting more!

    Great job!

  5. What a pretty cover and sounds very interesting:)

    1. Thank you Nicole, I was very impressed with the covers as well!

  6. It sounds like she's both surprised and delighted to see she's got the power :-) Nice hook.

  7. Very powerful, and overwhelming by the sounds of it. Great hook!
