
Wednesday 17 July 2013

Vampire Seduction Games in The Darkness of Love #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I share an excerpt from my upcoming release, The Darkness of Love. This Victorian vampire story tells us how Marcus Scott (from the Redcliffe novels) became the man he is today.

Gregory smiled as he surveyed the poor, helpless young man in Amelia’s bed.  She reported that Marcus had been excellent, strong and compliant, and extremely invigorating.  Now he lay staring at Gregory with a mixture of terror and defiance on his youthful face.  He swallowed nervously, unsure whether to speak, and he pulled the bed sheet higher as though to try and conceal his obvious state of undress.
“Good morning, Marcus,” Lord Stockton said as he approached the bed, “I understand you are feeling ill.”
Marcus nodded.
“I apologize, my Lord,” he replied in a hoarse voice, “this appears very improper, and it will not happen again.”
“Do not fear  me, Marcus, at least not yet,” Gregory replied briskly, “You may rest for a while until you are strong enough to return to your room.  I do not require your assistance today, I would rather you regain your strength.  Now rest, and I will send a maid with clothes and food for you.  I am sure this is simply a lethargy and will pass within the day.” 
“Thank you, my Lord,” Marcus replied weakly,  “I am indebted to you,” . 
“No matter,” Gregory said, “I am aware of Amelia’s activity, and I understand that you were totally at her mercy.  We will not speak of this again.”

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*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest


  1. I like how he calls it "Amelia's activity."
    Poor Marcus doesn't even seem to know what is happening to him.

    1. Ha ha, yes the poor boy is totally clueless at this point!

  2. poor Marcus I love this story!

    1. I know, he is such a sweetie! Thanks for commenting.

  3. That was really creepy. Marcus seems completely confused and overwhelmed. You got me!

    1. Good! Yes he is, but it all becomes clear in the end... Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh dear, Gregory seems accustomed to dealing with Amelia's..."appetites". I hope Marcus will be ok.

    1. He is indeed, and poor Marcus has become her next victim...
