
Saturday 8 February 2014

Rediscovering the Joy of Reading

I have been reading continuously all of my life, but recently found that my rate of reading declined sharply after the birth of my second child. It’s the same old story; I spend all day running around after a toddler and a baby while juggling housework and the occasional bit of writing, and by the time they go to bed I am exhausted and barely able to look at a book, never mind pick one up. However, I am determined not to lose out on my favourite pastime.

Since I have a bookcase of overflowing shelves, books stacked up in my bedroom, and a Kindle loaded with novels and short stories, I have plenty of material to keep me occupied. I decided that for now I will read one ’real’ book, one digital book, and maybe the odd non-fiction alongside. I joined a book club late last year, and that interrupted my loose schedule because my reading time has been dominated by prescribed books. That isn’t a bad thing, because as I result I finally read a classic novel all the way through, and what’s more I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The novel was Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  A review will follow, but suffice to say I look forward to reading more of his stories. I read it on my Kindle, and it took me roughly two months to complete, because I have been reading other books around this. One I am currently reading is a review copy from an author friend. That one is in the publication process at the moment, and the review will follow in due course. This novel is a Chick Lit story called Catch the Man (If You Can) by Naomi Chance. Again I am reading on my Kindle, but then I found myself staring wistfully at my bookshelf and feeling the urge to hold a proper book in my hands again.

Subsequently I picked up a copy of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres. It is a paperback book leant to me by a friend, and was on our book club reading list about five months ago. I am not even halfway through reading it yet, and that is shocking for a self-confessed bookworm. I have never taken so long to read a book! I admit this one took a little while to catch my attention. The first few chapters were a little rambling and seemed to show little significance to me and my interests. However, at some point it suddenly became a gripping read. I now find that I am desperate to return to it, and will probably spend most of the weekend reading, while I juggle my children… Happy reading my friends!

*Image of girl reading courtesy of Sarah Brennan Blog; image of Great Expectations via website; image of Catch the Man via Naomi Chance


  1. I love that you are reading and will review Great Expectations. One of my first experiences with Dickens came from selections of Pickwick Papers. Although that one is so different from his greater works, I still have a great fondness for it, as I do for Hardy's Under the Greenwood Tree. Good for you, Catherine! Now how about Pamela? ;)

  2. Thank you Flossie! Umm, forgive my ignorance but Pamela who?
