
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Romancing the witch, werewolf style! Hump Day Hook #HDH

This week we showcase romance in the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my second Redcliffe novel, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel):

“This is all for you, Jessica,” Danny said, “I can no longer deny my feelings for you.”
My heart skipped a beat and the room spun around me.  It was nothing to do with the whiskey.  I swallowed nervously, again glancing from Jack to Danny.  My boyfriend was silent at my side, and I was aware of Simon standing just in front of the desk.
“W-what do you mean?” I asked shakily.
Danny placed his hands on my knees, and I sat rigid, unable to move.  Suri stirred again within me.  I was aware of her lifting her head, surveying the scene with interest.  I could hear her thinking how useful this situation could be to her.  She pleaded again for me to allow her release.
“Not now, Suri,” I whispered, and Danny looked at me sharply.
“Your tiger is here,” he said with a faint smile, “I can feel her.  She wants me.  Do you want me, Jessica?”
I licked my lips nervously.  Yes, I wanted Danny, and it terrified me.  How could I do this to Jack?  Surely I could not be in love with two men.  It wasn’t possible.  Well, maybe it wasn’t love.  But I certainly felt something for Danny, and I could no longer deny it.  He knew.  He stared at me with growing comprehension, and his expression grew triumphant.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and see what my fellow authors have to offer. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!


  1. I'm wondering if she's going to go for it or not now...

    1. Well Jessica is the impulsive type but she has very typical British morals to consider... ; )

  2. Now that is a hook... :D

  3. Hum I wonder why Jack isn't saying anything.

    1. Maybe he has more secrets of his own, or ulterior motives...
