
Sunday 7 June 2015

Enjoy a Victorian Love Affair for your #summerholidays

Have you packed your suitcase yet? Perhaps you are suddenly realising that summer has finally arrived here in the UK, and you are just now beginning to plan your excursions and holidays for the warm, sunny days ahead. One essential item for every busy worker taking a break from it all, is a good book (or several) to read on the beach, or in the forest, or wherever you choose to spend your quiet time. Which leads me to ask…

Have you met Marcus Scott? He is a millionaire playboy who first appears in Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), leaving a trail of chaos and confusion in his wake. He was never meant to be such an powerful character. But he is very persuasive, especially when he turns on the charm and fixes that icy blue gaze on me… *swoon*


You can find out more about Marcus Scott in the Redcliffe novels, a contemporary adult paranormal romance series set in Cornwall. And you can read the story of his human life in The Darkness of Love, set on a Victorian country estate in Hampshire. He also features in my spin-off short story, Christmas With the Vampires (yes, I know, totally out of season). Happy holidays!

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

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