
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Writing is Essential to my Daily Routine

I write every day. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, and for several months now, I have been mentally beating myself up because I have no new short stories to publish, and all my novels in progress are awaiting further improvement and editing. I have been getting very irate with myself for not beginning any new projects. I mean, I have several notebooks full of story ideas, snippets of conversation, character descriptions, and more, and yet I fail to implement or utilize those ideas. Even my blogs are falling behind. I typically write two or three new blog posts each week on this blog, and on my personal blog site, SpookyMrsGreen. Again, I have plenty of ideas. My diary is filling up with titles and descriptions. I have rough blog posts saved on my computer.

And yet, somehow, I feel like I am not writing. Perhaps it is because I spend too much time comparing myself to other authors, who all seem to have their writing planned and in action. Everyone else is firing out their new novels and story anthologies. Why can’t I do the same? The answer is simple: I am writing. I am always writing, whether it is a plan formulating in my mind as I wash the dishes, hastily scribbled notes in my diary or notebook, or more serious sessions on my computer. It is just a little more scattered at present. But it will all come together eventually. I hope.

*Image found via WordzNerd Debz

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