
Monday 19 November 2018

Buy a Book for Christmas #goindie

How is your Christmas shopping coming along? Have you started yet? Or maybe you are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving, in which case I wish you a happy holiday. You could buy a book for Christmas, and not just the autobiographies from our celebrity TV personalities. There are thousands, nay millions of very talented Indie authors out there in the world (myself included), who are crying out for an audience. Give us a try, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

You can find a new book and a new author for every sub-genre imaginable, whether that be contemporary English Gothic (try Vampire of Blackpool), or older women’s fiction (try Untangling the Webs), or even new books for children (try Festive Rhymes at Christmas Time). Search #goindie and you will find what you are looking for. Happy shopping!

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

*Article contains affiliate links

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