
Monday 26 November 2018

Why I Didn’t do #NaNoWriMo

This year I consciously avoided participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It has been something of an obsession for about the past five years. I eagerly awaited November so that I could achieve my 50,000-word target, print out my certificate, and order the t-shirt. It worked well for me, because it helped me to write the first draft of several novels, some of which I have now published. You can read my last NaNoWriMo novel, Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 5 to see an example.

At some point I realised that I no longer needed NaNoWriMo. I have a collection of draft novels awaiting my attention, and I am so busy with freelance work and family life that I really couldn’t fit in the challenge this year. I didn’t want to. If I really needed to take part, I would make the time possible, like I did in previous years. But it simply lost its appeal. I loved the time I spent working on NaNoWriMo projects, and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a starting point, some inspiration and motivation, and the online support groups that come with it. But I am moving on. Farewell, NaNoWriMo. We had a good run together.

 Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

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