Showing posts with label catherine green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catherine green. Show all posts

Thursday 1 June 2017

Book Bloggers, Help! Share the Redcliffe Novels #ASMSG

Hello folks! Today is a simple plea: help me spread the word about the Redcliffe novels series, and my adult paranormal and contemporary English Gothic stories. I am desperately trying to find my audience, but my efforts are bringing little return. I need help. I need you.

If you are a book blogger, reviewer, or relevant PR person, please add yourself to my contact list (link here). I promise that I will only ever send you press releases or special offers, and will not try to sell you anything. I need you to share my books with the world, and in return, I will try to help with your own cause, whatever that may be. Thank you.

If you are a reader, and you want to discover the Redcliffe novels series, join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 15 May 2017

Release Day! "Destiny" by Holly J. Gill

*´¨ðŸ’•) Release Day💕

💕(¸.•´‪💕 💕
Title: Destiny
Series: Destiny BK 1
Author: Holly J. Gill
Genres: #Romantic #Erotica #Billionaire #sweet #adult #HollyJGill #Destiny


💕✶ BLURB ✶💕
Are you ready for Mr. Wright?
She is his addiction—his misfit.
She has got under his skin, opened his heart and forced herself in.
Luke Wright sits under his father running a multinational company ‘Wrights Enterprisers’. Much to his frustration, he is called to sort out a department, forcing him to miss a trip to New York. However, when he walks in, he sees a young woman and becomes powerless, losing his morals, and begins breaking his own rules.
Can she be his Destiny?
Destiny Love is young and wants for nothing and is determined to make it in London. Things aren’t quite going to plan, though, and to top it off there’s a new bossman, meaning new rules. Will Mr. Wright give her a chance to prove herself?
Why can’t she stop fantasizing about him?
Warning: Destiny ends in a cliffhanger.

💕✶ EXCERT ✶💕
“I still need to speak with you,” he said, leaning across me to get a spoonful of coffee.
“The sooner the better, Miss Love.”
I was hypnotised by his presence, with thoughts from last night troubling me.
“Nice view.”
I instantly pulled the material together. He reached across me as I noticed his Rolex Daytona in gold with a black leather strap watch.
“My office, Miss Love,” he said, moving around me for the hot water, and then poured a little milk in his mug, feeling his breath on my face.
“Of course,” my voice broke, so small, if he heard me.
I heard him inhale a deep breath, taking in my fruity aroma. “Cerruti 1881, by Nino Cerruti, I believe?”
“Yes, yes, it is,” I said, appreciating the fact he knew my fragrance.
“The fresh, floral scent for such an incredible young woman, excellent choice.”
I became lost in his entrapment of seduction, closing my eyes.
“My office, Miss Love,” he reminded me, losing all sense of anything, lost in his words, lost in his closeness.
“Shit.” My mind and body went mental for him, eager to just reach out and have him…explore him, rip away that suit and bare all, have our nude bodies pressed erotically together.
I hadn’t noticed he’d left my side, too lost drowning in him, the boss.
“Flipping heck, Destiny, stop it.” I turned, looking at the office door, aware he was behind it, waiting no doubt for me to go in and listen to whatever else he had to say.
Come on, Destiny, get it over and done with.
Standing at his office door, I sucked in a deep breath and moved my hair from my face that had fallen loose. I knocked, anxiously.
“Enter,” his voice ordered.
I stepped in with severe knots in my tummy. I grinned.
“Mr. Wright.”
“Please shut the door,” he informed me, sitting behind his desk, and leaned back staring at me, watching my every move.
99C OR 99P
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Monday 8 May 2017

Inspired to Write

My spiritual journey is picking up the pace again this year, and along with it is my determination to write more. Since I began my reiki training, I have taken time to work on self-care, meditation, energy clearing, and a lot more that I will elaborate on in due time.

You see, I now feel that the time is right for me to explore the avenue of non-fiction publishing. Up to now I have only published fictional novels and short stories, and all my non-fiction work has been online in blogs and on information websites. Well, I am currently collecting material for my #365DaysofTarot challenge. That will be the first non-fiction book I write. But after that, who knows? Perhaps a memoir of the pagan housewife… everyday reiki in a Western household… meditation and mindfulness for busy parents… the possibilities are growing all the time. Speak to you later. I have some writing to do!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 4 May 2017

Let’s Get This Sorted! #15kinMay #amwriting

I decided to look back at some old blog posts and see if I could glean a little inspiration and motivation to move forward from my current writing slump. I had forgotten all about my participation in the #15kinMay challenge back in 2013. It looks as though this was a short-lived social media trend, but I think it would be a good opportunity to get myself back in gear again this month.

What I want to do is finish the first draft of my current WIP, which is book 5 in the Redcliffe novels series. That will probably take around 15000 words, so this is a great opportunity to get myself up to date. How do you fix a problem when your writing slows down? I know the cause of my problems, and am working towards releasing those blocks and freeing my time a bit more. It is all a work in progress.

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 1 May 2017

Losing My Way #amwriting

I have lost my way a little bit during the past month. All it took was a long school holiday and a bit of family drama, and suddenly here I am stuck in limbo once again. I haven’t opened my WIP for a couple of weeks. I haven’t written anything proper for ages. Well, I say proper. I have been maintaining two blogs and posting regular articles on those, so I suppose really I’m not that bad.

What I mean is that my previous work has stalled. I need to produce a new book to publish, and I want to have it done and ready by the end of June so that I can release it just before the school summer holidays. That way I can take a bit of time to do promotions and networking to give it a decent chance of getting off the ground. But I also need a bit more freelance paid work coming in, so I must reboot my efforts in the non-fiction department as well. Looks like May will be a busy month!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday 27 April 2017

Witchcraft on the #AtoZChallenge for #ThrowbackThursday

April has flown by in a whirlwind of chaos and drama, and today I look back to my entry for the #AtoZChallenge in 2015. I wrote about witchcraft and its connection to my Redcliffe novels series set in Cornwall, England. My heroine, Jessica Stone, believed herself to be a very average human being at the beginning of my debut novel. Events turned quickly, and she soon found that her friends were not as human as she believed, and her new boyfriend was a whole different species… Have you read Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)?

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Friday 21 April 2017

"Redemption" by M.L. Kay - Cover Reveal Author Promotion #ASMSG

Cover & Trailer Reveal:


(Living A Lie Part Three)


M.L. Kacy

Apr 21st

 @MLKacyAuthor    @obsessiveppromo

#Redemption #M.L.Kacy #CoverReveal

Your life journey can change in a blink of an eye.
A new place, a new beginning, that’s what is in store for me.
Would I make better choices this time?
Mistakes will be made, some are for the better, some for the worse.
I have one saving grace, a redemption of sorts.
I created lives, ones that I would love unconditionally.
They would be the ones that would help me along.
Thoughts of them would always bring me back from the depths of darkness.

Join me in the final instalment of the Living A Lie series

In your early adult years, you think that you know it all. Well that’s how I was looking back on my life. Nearly nineteen-years later, it’s true what they say, you always learn by your mistakes, mistakes make you into a stronger person. Boy, did I make a hell of a lot of mistakes. I never thought that my life would turn out the way that it did. There are only four things that I would never regret, my four beautiful children. They were, and still are, my saving grace, my redemption of sorts. When the darkness became too much, thoughts of them would pull me into the light.

This is my story, it’s not a story that is all sweetness and light. It’s a story of love, regret, devastation, darkness and maybe a little redemption.

So here we are, I shall start from the beginning.
Part One

***Disclaimer- Some of the content in this book can cause triggers for some. Also, contains profanity, erotic scenes and only suitable for readers 18+***


Darkness Surrounds

(Part Two Living A Lie Series)

Darkness surrounds me, a dreary, cold, place with no escape.

Feeling lost, alone and confused I’m sucked deep into my own mind.

A place I soon became comfortable in, a place where I can hide.

The darkness becomes my respite, my shelter.

A buffer from the devastation of my own broken dreams.

Trapped in my own mind I search in circles for

Surviving but not living, my heart bleeding and broken from my loss.

Torn up by guilt, thoughts of being punished for some perceived fault.

Confusion and turmoil become my only companions.

I need to start living again they tell me - but could I?

Do I have the strength to crawl my way out of my own mind?

Then again, do I really want to?

If I do escape the void will I still be me and if not, can I accept the person I’ve become?

Follow my journey in part two of my Living A Lie Series.

***Disclaimer- Some of the content in this book can cause triggers for some. Also, contains profanity, erotic scenes and only suitable for readers 18+***

Available with Kindle Unlimited

I have been involved in the indie community for several years and have always loved how everyone comes together in support of each other.
I love writing and reading, living life with my family, and always coming up with new ideas and putting then in to practice.

Words have a way of healing someone, so I will carry on writing, included events that have happened and taking you all on a journey with me.



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Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions