Showing posts with label the darkness of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the darkness of love. Show all posts

Saturday 30 November 2013

Christmas with the Vampires #amreading

To compliment my new novel The Darkness of Love, I have released a special edition Christmas short story called Christmas with the Vampires. I succumbed to the charms of my favourite mischievous vampire Marcus Scott, and here is the result... Enjoy!

With his blond hair, ice blue eyes and sculpted physique, Marcus Scott immediately turns the heads of everyone he encounters upon his arrival in London at Christmas time. Unbeknownst to all the women and men who fall under his spell with just one glance, Marcus is a vampire with a desperate need to feed from the young and the beautiful. When he unexpectedly encounters the Lady Amelia Richmond, the vampire instrumental in his own transition, the two begin to plan a holiday feast to satisfy their deep hunger. 

You can download the story at Amazon US or Amazon UK.

Friday 22 November 2013

Explorations in Social Media #bizitalk

I am currently experimenting with social media networks as a method to sell books and build my author platform. Truthfully I wish I had spent more time researching how the industry works before I went ahead and got my books published. The common knowledge is that anyone can publish a book these days, but only a select few (or rather a lucky few) gain the fame and fortune that we all seek. Yes, I know, there are lots of authors who say they only write for the pleasure and joy of creativity. This is true for me, but I also want to earn a living from my writing, and after a very long moral battle, I accept that there is no shame in this desire.

Now, I am a working mother who spends 90% of my time being the 'housewife and mother' and the remainder is spent trying to write more books and promote the ones I currently have in the marketplace. I have no money to put into an advertising campaign, but I do now have the support of a publisher as a result of my fourth novel The Darkness of Love. This is very exciting, because Chances Press have organized a Christmas blog tour for me, and they are planning another one in 2014. It makes me feel very special as an author, actually, that someone else is prepared to put in the work for me without demanding immediate repayment. They have great faith in my work, and they clearly appreciate my writing. This is a huge compliment.

Part of my networking experiment has been to explore the use of hashtags, mainly on Twitter, but also on Google+, Facebook and Pinterest. These are all my main platforms of choice, and I am spending some time on each in turn trying to speak directly with a variety of people, and reading articles and infographics that might explain how best to use these fabulous resources. Therein lies part of the problem. These networks are so vast, so complicated, and so busy, that I need to spend every spare minute of my time working on them with no guarantee that I will actually sell my books as a result of my efforts. The other issue is that they can become addictive, and I need to allocate time for writing and freelance projects alongside my self marketing.

Anyway, it is a long, slow process. I know that with social media we have become a 24/7 culture. We expect results immediately because we can send out tweets, messages, photos and web links at the touch of a button, and we all have portable media devices in the form of smart phones, tablets etc. Even if we do not have such sophisticated personal technology, we can usually find a library with free computers, or find a friend or relative with the media technology on which to work. I now have to accept that I need to become a recognised name in publishing. People need to know who I am and what the titles of my books are, and maybe then they will begin to read them, possibly review them, and better still recommend them to friends and family. Ultimately it seems word of mouth is still the best marketing tool for an author. I am just taking it global with social media... See you out there!

My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Saturday 9 November 2013

A Very Happy Book Launch

Last weekend saw the official launch of my fourth novel, The Darkness of Love. I didn’t have a big party, mainly because I never found time to organize it. Actually I am quite a novice in the world of book marketing, and I have no budget to cover the costs of professional PR. Everything I do is based on my own observations and what I have learned through experience and from my peers on social networks. I also glean lots of advice and information from my monthly Writing Magazine.

Anyway, the event took place in my local cafĂ©, Drinks and Bites at 35. I am very grateful to the owners, Holly and Gemma, for very kindly offering me some space and time in order to promote my books. We all share the same vision for getting  out in the community together, but my priority at the moment has to be providing for my family and doing what I can to supplement my husband’s income. Ah, the joys of money!

I was very pleased to see some old friends who managed to come and visit, and I appreciate the support of everyone that came to see me. I know some people were unable to attend but I received lots of supportive messages, and it all helps. Being a writer can be a very lonely existence, even when I am surrounded by demanding children. Sometimes I just need someone to recognise me for my talent, not for my genetic legacy. I know there are lots of mothers out there who are nodding in agreement right now.

Well, the event was a success. I sold some books, I talked to some people, I gave out leaflets advertising my websites and my work. Now it is the waiting game as I watch my readership  grow, which in turn leads to more royalties. It is not all about the money of course. I love writing. I love sharing my books with the world. I am very proud of my achievements regardless of whether I receive international acclaim for my efforts. But ultimately we live in a world that is ruled by the need for money. If I have more money, I can spend it on the small business’ around me, and that will keep the economy moving. We have to see the bigger picture, and we must support each other where we can.

Saturday 26 October 2013

My Journey to Being a Published Author

Since I started actively promoting my novels in my local area, I find an increased number of people asking me how I managed to get published. For me it seems quite strange in this world of eBooks and DIY publishing. I have taken forgranted the fact that for many people, being a published author is still just a distant dream. It was my distant dream only three years ago. My, how things change!

I did not actually self publish my books. I did not have the time or the finances to enable me in that arena. I spent several months writing to agents and trying to secure support for my Redcliffe novels. I began to submit short stories to competitions. And I researched the industry to figure out what my options were. It was the short story competitions that got me my ‘big break.’

I had submitted a short werewolf story, My New Master, to a partnership published in Somerset called Mirador. The editor was compiling stories for a new anthology entitled The Mirador Fantasmagoria. She accepted my story, and then asked if I had anything else to publish. Apparently my genre and style of writing appealed to their business model. I was so excited! I sent an eager reply and an attachment of my first Redcliffe novel Love Hurts. And that was how I got published.

My editor at Mirador very kindly worked out a practical financial agreement, and she gave me some guidance and advice on my manuscript at no extra cost. She really showed an interest in my work, and she gave me such a boost that my Muse went crazy! For the next eighteen months I spent every spare moment writing and editing, and now I have my first three Redcliffe novels published, all by Mirador.

However, I could not sustain that model much longer. I have no access to what I would call ‘serious money’ that would enable me to continue publishing in this way. It is an expensive business, and we have to acknowledge that fact. Fortunately for my fourth novel I was accepted by a traditional publisher, Chances Press. I believe I found their details in the monthly Writing Magazine that I subscribe to. They published The Darkness of Love and now here we are. I am up to date, promoting all my books, and raring to go with the next project on my list.

That was my story to being a published author. Now you tell me yours…

Wednesday 23 October 2013

#Halloween Haunted Open House Giveaway Blog Hop #ReadMe

Happy Halloween my spooky supporters, or for my pagan friends, merry times for All Hallows' Eve! I have always loved this time of the year, when the weather is crisp and fresh, we start to snuggle up in our big jumpers and winter boots, and our tastes turn toward hot chocolate and toffee apples. Here in the UK we have never really been encouraged to celebrate Halloween, although the pubs and nightclubs usually host fabulous fancy dress parties. One popular pastime of recent years is ghost hunting. For those of you unfamiliar with this hobby, it is basically a group of people who spend the night in a reputedly haunted building, and they participate in séances in order to communicate with any ghosts or spirits that might want to speak with them.

I am a ghost hunter. In fact, I have had the pleasure and excitement of participating in ghost hunts on All Hallow’s Eve. The traditional belief here is that the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at its thinnest on this night. Therefore we can more easily communicate with our departed loved ones. Now, I know there are sceptics out there. But I also know what I have experienced so far in my lifetime, and what I continue to experience in daily life. I know that ghosts and spirits exist. I have seen them, I have spoken to them, and I have even chased them! If you are interested to read my Ghost Hunter Diaries, take a look at my personal blog, SpookyMrsGreen

 My last Halloween ghost hunt was actually at Carnfield Hall in Alfreton, Derbyshire, UK on 29th October 2011. I attended with my younger sister and fellow ghost hunter, and in the spirit of the season, all guests were invited to dress up. We chose our favourite ‘goddess gowns’ and teamed them with fairy wings and wands for the occasion. At the time we were enjoying a spiritual connection with our faery kin, and while we still feel it now, we do find ourselves distracted by other pursuits. The ghost hunt was great fun, and you can read a full account over on my SpookyMrsGreen blog.

Back to the Haunted Open House giveaway blog hop. I am here today sharing news of my recently published Victorian vampire romance novel The Darkness of Love. Here are the details:

Lord Gregory Stockton is a powerful and respected businessman embracing the modern era of the Victorian industrial revolution. He has a grand and beautiful manor house complete with a repertoire of servants, and his young wife is charming, attractive, and the perfect lady to his gentleman. The only thing they lack is an heir to the family estate. Lord Gregory knows he can never produce a child, for he is a vampire, although his wife and servants know nothing of his secrets. There are other ways to provide heirs for his estate, however, and Lord Gregory has noticed the romantic attraction between his wife and the young stable hand Marcus Scott. He hatches a plan to bring the would-be lovers together, and then cruelly tear them apart as he continues to build his empire and secure his power base in the south of England. The humans are pawns in the vampire’s game of lust, love and control.

You can find the novel for sale in all the usual places online, and links are on the dedicated page accessed at the top of this blog. If you would like to win a free eBook copy of The Darkness of Love, enter my competition. My question is this: What was your most exciting Halloween experience to date, and why? I will choose a winner during the first week of November and will contact you via email. Please leave your contact email address at the bottom of your comment.

Now why not check out my fellow Haunted Open House participants and see how many fabulous free gifts you can acquire? Happy Halloween! 

Monday 7 October 2013

Why do I Write?

I am currently experiencing a lot of changes in my life, and yet outwardly everything appears very normal and unspectacular. My big change is that of becoming a parent and subsequently a 'responsible' adult. Several years ago my then fiance (now husband) and I bought our first house together. We got a dog. We acquired several baby turtles (and now have 2 surviving). Then we got pregnant. Well, I did. The husband did his bit, but we won't go into detail...

Anyway, I now have one daughter aged 2 years and 10 months, and one newborn daughter aged 9 weeks. I tried to keep up with my writing schedule all through my second pregnancy, although since the birth of my first daughter I haven't really kept a writing schedule. It is more a case of write what I can when I find time and energy. It didn't help when my Muse packed up and left town. She just disappeared about six months into my pregnancy. I was devastated!

I now have an abandoned manuscript that will be reassessed at some point in the future. I recently released my fourth novel, The Darkness of Love, which I wrote while my first daughter was a young baby. I plan to participate in NaNoWriMo 2013 as a method to reinvigorate my novel writing enthusiasm. So far my Muse has begun to make small noises and offer tantalizing snippets of dialogue, the occasional new idea, and some very vague plot fillers for book 4 in my Redcliffe series. I am hoping that my children will miraculously settle down during November and allow me to indulge my passion.

Which brings me to my point. Why do I write? Why do any of us write? The simple answer is because we have to. The urge is so strong, our characters are so forceful, and the stories simply have to be written or we would go insane. Recently I have lost some of that insanity, although I gained a whole new version as a mother and wife. I now eagerly await the return of my 'writer eccentricity' so that I can reconnect with myself in the best way possible. We all have our vices. Mine are reading, writing and chocolate.

Friday 4 October 2013

#Cheshire Book Launch Event – Catherine Green

I am pleased to announce my book launch event at the Drinks and Bites café on Wheelock Street, Middlewich, Cheshire.

The event takes place on Saturday 2nd November from 12:00pm – 3:00pm and I will be there to showcase my latest novel TheDarkness of Love, along with my Redcliffe novels series.

I look forward to seeing you there… 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

#ReadMe – Vampire Seduction in The Darkness of Love - #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my new Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love. It tells the story of the vampire Marcus Scott from the Redcliffe novels, from the time when he was human…

 Amelia picked up her glass and took a long sip of the rich red wine.  When she spoke again her eyes were glowing and her fangs had extended delicately.  Gregory felt her energy filling the room, and he smiled, responding with a lash of his own cold power.  He possessed the energy and strength of diamonds, hard and impenetrable.  Amelia shivered, her lips curling in a hiss, and wrapped her violet sparks around him in a cold, sharp embrace.  To a human there was nothing unusual in this room, but to a vampire, it was electric and very exciting.  They played a fine line between safety and danger, and Amelia thrived on danger.
      “You wish for me to seduce this young man at your party next week?” Amelia asked, still caressing Gregory with her power, while she stood like a marble statue in front of the fireplace.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

Sunday 22 September 2013

Supernatural Story from Shaman Mum #ReadMe

This was the headline in my local weekly newspaper, the Middlewich Guardian, when they ran a story for my new novel The Darkness of Love this week. I just wanted to share my latest media exposure, since I am rather proud of my achievements and am in need of an ego boost while I am running the hamster wheel of young motherhood... Thanks for stopping by!

Read the article here

Wednesday 18 September 2013

#ReadMe - Scandal at the Manor House! The Darkness of Love - #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my new Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love. It tells the story of the vampire Marcus Scott from the Redcliffe novels, from the time when he was human…

     “Someone is approaching!” Sarah whispered. 
      She moved away from Marcus and he jumped to his feet, hurriedly straightening his clothes.  Sarah sat, fanning her face with her hand, and looked up to see Gregory and Amelia walking through the archway and along the path.
      “Ah, my dear, there you are,” Gregory called, “We were wondering where you had got to.”
            Sarah stood slowly, and Marcus bowed to his master, and waited for instruction.  He hoped they had not seen his embrace with Lady Stockton.  He would most definitely be turned out of the house for this.  He could barely even process what had just happened.  Had Lady Stockton really offered herself to him?  Had she asked him to be her lover?  It seemed ridiculous.  Perhaps he was dreaming.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

Saturday 14 September 2013

*New Release* The Darkness of Love by Catherine Green #amreading

My new  book is live online and available to download now! You can also order it as a paperback, if you prefer a good old-fashioned book to read. Here is the description of The Darkness of Love, I'm sure you will enjoy reading it, and don't forget to leave a review!

Lord Gregory Stockton is a powerful and respected businessman embracing the modern era of the Victorian industrial revolution. He has a grand and beautiful manor house complete with a repertoire of servants, and his young wife is charming, attractive, and the perfect lady to his gentleman. The only thing they lack is an heir to the family estate. Lord Gregory knows he can never produce a child, for he is a vampire, although his wife and servants know nothing of his secrets. There are other ways to provide heirs for his estate, however, and Lord Gregory has noticed the romantic attraction between his wife and the young stable hand Marcus Scott. He hatches a plan to bring the would-be lovers together, and then cruelly tear them apart as he continues to build his empire and secure his power base in the south of England. The humans are pawns in the vampire’s game of lust, love and control. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

#ReadMe – The Darkness of Love by Catherine Green - #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my new book, Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love.

     “Walk me to my room, Marcus,” Lady Amelia purred beside him.
      Marcus jumped, startled out of his reverie.
      “Yes, of course my Lady.” he replied, flustered.
      Lady Amelia laughed, and the sound echoed in Marcus’ head and sent shivers of anticipation up and down his spine.  He glanced at the powerful woman beside him.  She was enchanting, like a forbidden fruit that would taste delicious but would cost you your life.  Her lips were full, pouting, and a rich red colour.  Her eyes sparkled dangerously, promising mischief and delight.  And her pale bosom heaved above its tight corset of deep blue velvet.  Marcus’ mind switched back to earthly pleasures, and he felt the familiar stirrings of lust.  It had been a very strange evening all things considered.  Perhaps there was more to come.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find uson Facebook. Happy Humping!  

Friday 6 September 2013

#amwriting New Book Coming Soon! #ReadMe

I finally have an official release date for my next novel, how exciting! My Victorian vampire story The Darkness of Love is scheduled for release on 15th October, the perfect time for a Halloween themed book tour. It was originally planned for release in September, but since I gave birth on 1st August we can be forgiven for the very slight delay. I am now eagerly awaiting the 'birth' of my literary child...

In terms of writer news, my focus will now be on promoting and marketing the new book, as well as continuing to promote my Redcliffe novels series. I will be contacting people to arrange blog tours, competitions, reviews etc in the coming weeks and months as we work on catching the Halloween and Christmas shoppers. It will be interesting to see what promotional activity I receive from my new publisher, since I am currently doing everything by myself after my experiment in partnership publishing. Watch this space and I will report back on the service.

We also have the fabulous and fraught adventure that is NaNoWriMo 2013 coming up, and the time is ticking away a little too quickly for my liking. I cannot believe that summer is almost over already! I plan to complete NaNoWriMo again this year, since it is something of a personal goal and a great way to motivate me to write a new book. I am still working on the manuscript for my vampire hunter novel, but that will continue to tick along slowly until I get my mojo back for it. I have decided that for NaNoWriMo I will begin writing the fourth Redcliffe novel, which will be both exciting and surprising, since I don't really know what will happen next.

Busy times as always my friends! Happy writing, happy reading, and welcome to Autumn (or Fall if you prefer).

Saturday 20 July 2013

The Writer on Maternity Leave

You may wonder why my blog has gone a little quiet recently. It is because I am expecting a baby any day now, and so I am a little distracted as you can imagine! I have a toddler who is very lively, a husband who recently had an accident at work (not too serious thankfully), and a boisterous dog to contend with, so my writing schedule has gone a little sporadic.

My current task is to finish editing the manuscript for my Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love, which is due for release in September and will be published by Chances Press. I am just over halfway through the manuscript now, so hopefully I will find time and energy to complete it before my new baby arrives. I really do not want to miss the deadline. I suppose in a way I am expecting two babies...

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Vampire Seduction Games in The Darkness of Love #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I share an excerpt from my upcoming release, The Darkness of Love. This Victorian vampire story tells us how Marcus Scott (from the Redcliffe novels) became the man he is today.

Gregory smiled as he surveyed the poor, helpless young man in Amelia’s bed.  She reported that Marcus had been excellent, strong and compliant, and extremely invigorating.  Now he lay staring at Gregory with a mixture of terror and defiance on his youthful face.  He swallowed nervously, unsure whether to speak, and he pulled the bed sheet higher as though to try and conceal his obvious state of undress.
“Good morning, Marcus,” Lord Stockton said as he approached the bed, “I understand you are feeling ill.”
Marcus nodded.
“I apologize, my Lord,” he replied in a hoarse voice, “this appears very improper, and it will not happen again.”
“Do not fear  me, Marcus, at least not yet,” Gregory replied briskly, “You may rest for a while until you are strong enough to return to your room.  I do not require your assistance today, I would rather you regain your strength.  Now rest, and I will send a maid with clothes and food for you.  I am sure this is simply a lethargy and will pass within the day.” 
“Thank you, my Lord,” Marcus replied weakly,  “I am indebted to you,” . 
“No matter,” Gregory said, “I am aware of Amelia’s activity, and I understand that you were totally at her mercy.  We will not speak of this again.”

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest

Wednesday 19 June 2013

A Vampire Kiss in 'The Darkness of Love' #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I am preparing for publication of my fourth novel later this year, and so here is an excerpt from The Darkness of Love. This story is set in Victorian England, and is a tale of vampire tricks, power games and lusty encounters…

Amelia smiled and gestured to Gregory as she spoke.
            “My good friend, Lord Stockton,” she said, “requires sustenance, Martha.”
            The maid nodded and turned towards Gregory awaiting her instructions.  She kept her head down, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.  Gregory sat up straight in a smooth, fluid motion, and he fixed his intense gaze on the young maid.
            “Come closer, child,” he said, “let me see your face.”
            Martha moved slowly closer to the sofa, clearly nervous but too frightened to object.  She stood still, trembling slightly, as Gregory cupped a finger under her chin and raised her face to his.  She stood transfixed by his hypnotic gaze, her arms falling loosely to her sides.  Amelia moved to stand beside the maid, watching Gregory.
            He gently tilted Martha’s head to one side, revealing the unblemished, delicate line of her youthful neck, and the beating veins beneath her skin.  He opened his mouth, revealing fangs, and slowly moved in to bite the maid.  She cried out, her body stiffened, and then she fell limp in his arms, swooning with shock as he drank her blood.  Amelia raised the girl’s arm, revealed her wrist, and broke her skin, licking the blood sensuously, fixing her eyes on Gregory as she fed.  The two vampires watched each other as they sucked the rich, warm blood of the helpless servant.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping! 

*Vampire image courtesy of The Black Hat Society 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH Victorian Vampire Novel #amwriting

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I have some exciting news to share. My editor has confirmed that Mirador will publish my Redcliffe spin-off novel, The Darkness of Love. I just need to polish the manuscript up and then send it away for them to work their magic, fabulous! So, to celebrate, here is an excerpt from the Victorian vampire story that tells us more about the charming and devilish Marcus Scott.

Marcus was also deep in thought as he held Violet’s soft, supple body against his.  He was thinking about Lady Sarah, he just couldn’t help himself.  She was so beautiful and so delicate.  He couldn’t help but feel that she needed help of some kind, although he didn’t know what.  She seemed happy enough with her husband, and of course Lord Stockton was always very courteous and caring towards her in front of the servants.  But he was a mysterious man, and Marcus had a strange sense of dread mixed in with excitement for his new job.  He couldn’t help but feel that he was walking into a trap, and that Lord Stockton had other plans for him.  Of course this was ridiculous.  Why would such a rich and important man waste time playing games with a servant?  Marcus was simply trying to create adventure where there was none; he knew that.  He should just accept his good fortune and appreciate it for what it was.

There we go! Marcus was always a deep thinker, and this follows through into his present day incarnation as the millionaire businessman in the Redcliffe novels. I am very happy to finally be able to publish his story, and to demonstrate my observations on Victorian historical fiction. Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Vampire image courtesy of Tumblr

Monday 6 May 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo Was Not as Planned #amwriting

Well, I did not succeed with my endeavours in Camp NaNoWriMo this year. Oops! I am not upset about it. This was my first attempt in the camp, and I chose to do it at a time when I was busy with other commitments. They included the April A-Z blogging challenge (which I completed successfully), and the fact that I am currently 6 months pregnant with my second child and I have a toddler at home.

The manuscript that is causing me so much stress and has sent my Muse into exile is still only progressing very slowly, but it is at least progressing. Yes, I only managed to write about 6000 words on it last month, but I still wrote around 1000 words per day keeping up with my blogs and other projects. I am happy enough with that.

I also have some excellent news to share! My editor at Mirador just confirmed she will publish my spin-off Redcliffe novel The Darkness of Love. This is a Victorian vampire story telling the tale of Marcus Scott who appears in my Redcliffe Novels series. I am very fond of Marcus, and he was insistent on me telling his story.  Now I just have to do some more edits on the manuscript and get it proofed for publication. Watch this space for a release date...

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Darkness of Love

Hello and welcome to another Hump Day Hook. We continue with one more snippet from The Darkness of Love, and here is a little insight into the adventure that awaits our hapless stable boy Marcus Scott, and the young Lady of the Manor, Sarah Stockton…

Gregory watched Sarah and Penelope trot towards the lake, the sunlight helping Sarah’s lustrous hair glow golden, and Penelope’s flanks were silvered, making a nice contrast to her mistress sat resplendent and proud in her pretty blue dress.  Gregory felt his body tighten with anticipation.  It had been a week since he had shared a bed with his wife, and now he needed her desperately.  He had been extremely busy with work, and now was concerned that he may need to spend some time at his offices in London, to put his affairs in order.  What might happen at Stockton Manor in his absence?  Would young Marcus take his chances with the Lady Sarah, or would he continue to resist, even though it was clearly becoming increasingly difficult for him? 

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

*Vampire lovers image courtesy of Pinterest