Showing posts with label the darkness of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the darkness of love. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - The Darkness of Love

Welcome to this week’s Hump Day Hook! Today I share another excerpt from The Darkness of Love, and today we see the young stable hand Marcus Scott caught in the act as he indulges in some very naughty fantasies about his mistress…

“Good morning, Marcus.” chimed a beautiful feminine voice.
      Marcus jumped and dropped the grooming brush, embarrassment sending a flush to his cheeks as he saw the object of his affections framed in the doorway to the stables.     
    “Good morning my Lady,” he stuttered, “I am so sorry, I didn’t see you arrive.”  He ducked his head and she laughed gently and replied. 
    “It is alright Marcus,” she said, “I could see that you were daydreaming.  I trust it was a pleasant vision?” 
    It was Marcus’ turn to laugh, but with further embarrassment.  If only she knew! 
    “Yes my Lady, a most pleasant daydream,” he replied, “Penelope is all ready for you.  I will just fetch her saddle.”  

Delicious, isn’t he? Unfortunately I couldn't find an image to do him justice, so I settled for an impression of the Lady's gardens. There is more to come, so make sure you check back in at the same time next week for more tantalising titbits. In the meantime, check out some other fantastic authors on our Hump Day Hook dedicated blog, and over on Facebook. Happy Humping!

[Image courtesy of Pinterest]

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Darkness of Love

Hello and welcome to another Hump Day Hook. I have finally decided to tear myself away from the Redcliffe novels and offer you a little something different. Here is an excerpt from my as yet unpublished novella The Darkenss of Love. It follows the story of Marcus Scott, who appears in Redcliffe, and is set during the industrious Victorian era. This snippet is an intimate scene between Lord Gregory Stockton and his beautiful young wife, Sarah.

“My dear, I am sorry,” he said quietly, “I forget how sensitive you are to cool temperatures.  Allow me to warm you.” 
            He slid his hands down her sides, smoothing over the rich taffeta, and she stood very still, enjoying his caress despite her embarrassment at his bold behaviour.  Resting his hands on her hips, Gregory lowered his handsome youthful face and tenderly kissed her rosebud lips.  His body reacted as it always did to her tenderness.  She was delicate, so beautiful, and always so compliant for him.  His teeth itched as his fangs fought to free themselves, and it took all his self-control not to bite her white skin, and drink deeply of her sweet blood.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

  [Image courtesy of Photobucket via Pinterest]

Saturday 21 April 2012

The Darkness of Love - Victorian Vampire Story

I would like to share with you the synopsis for another manuscript of mine, a historical vampire novel called The Darkness of Love. I began writing this one in 2010 when the vampire character Marcus Scott from my Redcliffe novels decided he wanted his story told. He became very insistent, so I had to write it!

Marcus Scott works as a stable hand for Lord Gregory Stockton during the prosperous and industrial Victorian era. He has grown up in the grounds of Stockton Manor, and his parents also work for Lord Stockton. Marcus is in love with Lady Sarah Stockton, and gradually begins to lose control over his passion. She also harbours desires for him, but struggles with her strict upbringing and devotion to her husband. 

Gregory discovers the depth of the would-be lovers feelings for each other, and he takes a special interest in Marcus, promoting him to a position within the house, and throwing him into close contact with Sarah. Gregory plans to turn Marcus into a vampire, and bring him over as his heir. The drama unfolds, and the humans are pawns in the vampire’s game of power and control, passion and emotion. 

Do you like the sound of it? I need an agent and/or a publisher if anyone is interested...

Friday 28 October 2011

NaNoWriMo and all that Work

Oh my goodness is it really #NaNoWriMo next week? I have totally lost this last month in a flurry of work. I have been busy trying to finish my current WIP The Darkness of Love. It is almost complete by the way. It will be in the editing stages by December and hopefully published early 2012, publisher depending.

For NaNoWriMo I will  be working on a novel called Love Kills, the second in my Redcliffe series. It means I already have a plot in mind, and my characters are already clear, as are my locations. I won't get too smug however, because you can guarantee that my vampires, witches and werewolves will never behave themselves. They have already surprised me with random activities simply in my head!

So, my poor family will be neglected next month. I have made provisions. There will be a freezer full of prepared meals, and when they run out I will resort to the slow cooker and a variety of casseroles. My daughter will still get her weekly schedule of play groups and activities, but at home she will simply have to amuse herself while I disappear to Redcliffe!

The house will just have to collect dust for a month, and our clothes will be washed when absolutely necessary. I still have to walk the dog, but he will provide a welcome distraction and chance for a  break every day. We do need fresh air and exercise, I appreciate that. I have forewarned my close friends and family that they will not hear from me, except for a couple of pre-arranged social events. They understand.

My husband barely sees me at the moment anyway, but then he has his own activities. The only thing is, it is his birthday in November. And not just any birthday. He hits the big 30, so we must celebrate (or commiserate) somehow. We will make up our lack of time together over Christmas. This year has been a hectic and chaotic one anyway, so we really do need to catch our breath at some point. In  the meantime, let the ferocious writing commence. NaNoWriMo, bring it on. I am ready for you!

Friday 21 October 2011

Writing a Victorian Vampire Novel

This is just a brief update on my work in progress this week. I have done quite well and have almost finished writing my first draft of The Darkness of Love. I started out on this particular project about 14 months ago. There was a lull in my writing while I had a baby, but now I am back in full swing. I enjoy writing, but I must admit I am anxious to leave this manuscript, and move on to writing my sequel to Love Hurts. But I am determined to see this through to the end, because the story needs to be told.

The Darkness of Love is set in Victorian England. It tells the story of the vampire Marcus Scott, and how he came to be the man we see in Redcliffe (Love Hurts) today. Marcus was originally supposed to be one of my 'bad guy' characters, but he has actually proved to be more complex than I first thought, which is why he gets his own novel. It won't be a massive tome, but I am sure people will be pleasantly surprised with it. There is intrigue, passion, beautiful English scenery, and a fit, strong, impulsive young man. What more could a girl want?