Showing posts with label vampires witches and werewolves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vampires witches and werewolves. Show all posts

Friday 24 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Unbridled Passion is her Undoing

Have you ever been in love? You know, that crazy, unpredictable, uncontrollable desire to be with a person, to be as close as you possibly can, and sometimes you love them so much that it physically hurts? My Redcliffe novels are largely inspired by my experiences of being in love, and the absolute insanity of something that humans so very often take forgranted. Jessica Stone learns the hard way just how difficult it is to truly be in love with another person. She also discovers that love is never simple, it comes in many forms, and the one she struggles with the most is the Unbridled passion that her love evokes. She cannot control herself. She has to have him…

In many ways, Jessica Stone reflects a lot of my life experiences. Of course she does. She is my alter ego, I suppose. That sits awkwardly with me, because as much as I want the Redcliffe novels to be a world famous, bestselling phenomenon, I am literally opening myself to everyone who reads them. It is both exhilarating and terrifying. One of the main themes of the stories is passion. You can tell from the titles where we are going with these books. The first is called Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). The second is Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). The third is Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). They follow Jessica as she discovers the ecstasy of unbridled passion, true love, and the pain and chaos that it causes. She wants to be with Jack Mason. She is confused about his identical twin brother, Danny. The fact that Jack is a vampire and Danny a werewolf only make the situation worse. All of that supernatural power is too much for this witch to take. She is intoxicated. She is lost.

Jessica wishes that she could just have a normal life again, without all of the drama. But at the same time she embraces her new experiences. She can release the demon that lies hidden within, and explore the extent of her hidden power and ability. The vampire is excited all the more by her witchcraft. The werewolf can barely contain himself when her ethereal animal familiar comes out to play. Jessica walks between the worlds, lost in the mundane reality of being human, and desperate to experience the chaos and passion of being supernatural. She was raised to be a good girl, to find a man that she would eventually settle down with and start a family. Now her life is broken. All she thinks about is sex, power, magic, and the torment of possibly loving more than one person. Being human is complicated. Being both human and supernatural is a whole lot worse.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Magical lovers' embrace found on Pinterest

Thursday 23 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Telepathy is a useful Tool

Most people are aware of Telepathy, using the power of the mind to communicate with another person. It has been the topic of much research and investigation over the years, both on a scientific level, and in the realms of paranormal study. I used to associate telepathy with ‘new age’ witchy types, a belief that probably came from my exposure to popular media and news stories in my small home town in the north of England. As I grew older, I learned more about telepathy, because I was fascinated about how it worked, and if I could ever use it one day. Well, apparently I can. We all do. And so do many of the supernatural creatures in the Redcliffe novels.

Jessica Stone has no opinion on telepathy when we first meet her right at the beginning of Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). She learns more about it through experience when she discovers the paranormal secrets of her boyfriend and his identical twin brother. When Jessica uncovers her own power as a witch, she begins to accept that she does use telepathy, whether she wants to or not. You see, it can be a double edged sword. In much the same way that we humans can misinterpret another’s body language or attitude, and perhaps cause a rift that would otherwise never have happened, so the same could be true when telepathy is involved. An untrained mind may pick up all kinds of false ideas, images, and intentions from another person or animal. And the results could be deadly.

Photo Credit Om Times Magazine

Of course, telepathy can be a good tool as well. Jessica learns to locate her vampire boyfriend by the use of telepathy, and she subsequently manages to save him from his domineering and dangerous vampire mistress. Jack and Danny Mason have always used their shared twin connection to help each other, and to communicate. When one was turned into a vampire and the other became a werewolf, their natural telepathy only intensified, with exceptionally powerful consequences. Indeed, it makes the world a far more dangerous place for the Mason brothers, with enemies and antagonists appearing at every turn. And the Redcliffe wolf pack use their powers of telepathic communication when they hunt in the forest under the full moon, or when one of their own is hurt or threatened. Their alpha, Danny Mason, can call upon any one of his wolves using telepathy whenever the mood takes him, and for whatever purpose. The possibilities are endless…

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Wednesday 22 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Shapeshifters are Sexy!

OK, I admit, that is a slightly daft title. But it fits my mood, and I like to lighten things up a little when it comes to discussing the Redcliffe novels. After all, my novels can be pretty serious, even if they are designed for a commercial market. But they also have their comedy elements, a bit of fun, and a reflection of British life in an isolated town, albeit with lots of paranormal activity thrown in. I have a confession to make. I do think that Shapeshifters are sexy. And I say shapeshifters, because I don’t just mean werewolves, who seem to dominate the Redcliffe novels at the moment.

Ah yes, my beloved wolves. Perhaps I feel an affinity for them because I love domestic dogs so much. A lot of the behaviour of the Redcliffe wolves is inspired by my own pet, Baxter. He is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier X, and we nicknamed him Wolfie, because sometimes he does resemble his wild kin, especially when he bares his teeth and puffs his fur out. Wolves are incredibly protective, powerful, and noble creatures, I think. But as I said, they are not the only shapeshifters in Redcliffe. Not all shapeshifters are wereanimals. Some are witches with powerful animal familiars, who use the human bodies of their host to offer protection and magical assistance when necessary. Have you met Jessica Stone’s snow tiger, Suri? She is a fascinating creature, and the cause of much conflict and confusion for Jessica.

There are other wereanimals that make an appearance in the Redcliffe novels. We certainly have not met them all yet, and I know there are a few new characters waiting to introduce themselves. We have briefly met a couple of tigers, a husband and wife who run a popular cafĂ© in the nearby city, where the local supernatural community meet up. Jessica met them when a friend took her there, and she was quite literally stunned. They are vibrant, attractive, powerful, and sexy. And they will become more mainstream in future Redcliffe novels. They have made that very clear to me! Finally, I believe that vampires exhibit shapeshifting qualities. My vampires do not dissolve into mist or turn into bats. They are more subtle than that. They can cloud a human mind, effectively making themselves invisible, using their magical powers of persuasion. Their physical features contort when they feed, and they snap from human to monster in the blink of an eye…

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Call of the Hunt image courtesy of Deviant Art

Tuesday 21 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Ritual and Relationships in Redcliffe

Ooh, what a tantalizing title of alliteration! Ha ha, I couldn't resist that one. Today for my #AtoZChallenge, I will explain a little about the importance of Ritual in my paranormal world. And I had to throw in relationships and Redcliffe at the last moment, because, well, they are the essence of the Redcliffe novels. My paranormal romance series is all about the relationships between our witch protagonist, Jessica Stone, and her vampires and werewolves. Oh yes, there are more than one! Not all are romantic interests, you understand, but the threat is always there, simmering below the surface…

Most people associate ritual with witchcraft or shamanism, some form of spiritual, magical practice that evokes unknown entities to cause chaos or heal the sick. This is an element of spiritual work. A ritual is simply a special routine, something used for a specific purpose. For example, witches who use candle magic, will set out their candles in specific shapes, such as the pentagram, to symbolise the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit with which they work. They may wear special robes, and eat food that relates specifically to the ritual they are performing. It is all designed to call out those hidden forces of magic and mystery that we simply refuse to see in our daily lives. It is our way of creating sacred space in which to work, separating the magical from the mundane.

Photo Credit Deviant Art
Jessica Stone learns the importance of ritual during her explorations in witchcraft. She observes the Redcliffe wolf pack, and she watches how the vampires behave, learning about their individual and group ritual practices. Jessica only discovered she was a witch when she fell in love with a vampire, and so she is wary of magic and spells. She soon embraces her heritage, however, because it all comes so naturally to her. The ritual side of it is something that she must learn about. She will study her craft, listen to her mentor, and acknowledge her own daily rituals as she moves through her adventures in Redcliffe, and beyond.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Monday 20 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - There’s Nowt so Queer as… Werewolves!

I couldn’t resist this play on words! I often find myself muttering, in my version of what I think should be a Yorkshire accent, “There’s nowt so Queer as folk!” I don’t know where I picked it up from, but it stuck with me as I grew up, and every day it seems more and more appropriate to our modern world. And now it is the perfect #AtoZChallenge reference for my Redcliffe novels.

You see, here I apply the word queer in two forms. Queer means something strange or unusual. Well, that definitely explains the Redcliffe novels series. A human woman falls in love with a police detective, meets his identical twin brother, is kidnapped by their enemy, and subsequently discovers a world of vampires, werewolves and witches. All set in the peaceful seaside resort town of Redcliffe in Cornwall. Yep. Just another ‘normal’ British setting!

Photo credit Pinterest 
But then I also apply the word queer in its less politically correct definition. In previous decades we referred to homosexuals as queer. I don’t know why. Maybe because they were treated like social pariahs, feared and shunned simply because they saw the world differently to their heterosexual peers. Well, somehow I found gay werewolves in Redcliffe. Yes, you heard that correctly. Werewolves can be gay too! And my favourite man of the moment is Redcliffe pack lieutenant, Simon Bunce. He is a surfer, he is manager of The Ship Inn (that conceals the wolf lair), and he is in love with his alpha, Danny Mason. Has that got your attention? Excellent!

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

Did you enjoy this article? Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Saturday 18 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - The Power Animal

When I first began to write Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), I had no idea of the twists and turns that were ahead of me for the Redcliffe novels. There was never even meant  to be a trilogy, much less a series. It just sort of happened. And now we are in a crazy world populated by powerful witches, possessive vampires, and proud werewolves. And a very intriguing Power animal familiar.

The power animal can take many forms. It can be a domestic pet, such as your beloved cat or dog. It can be a creature that visits your dreams, recurring, offering support, guidance or advice. It can be an ethereal creature that lives in a parallel world accessed through your human mind… really? Apparently so! That is how I met the power animal familiar of our new witch Jessica Stone. Suri, the snow tiger, made her dramatic appearance in my second novel, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). She is a force to be reckoned with, not least because she has set her sights on the alpha werewolf, Danny Mason, and she detests the vampire, his identical twin brother, Jack.

Power animals are confusing creatures. Witches and shamans traditionally revere them for their wisdom and knowledge of the universe. Totems are created in their honour, and rituals are performed at different times of the year, and to represent different needs or situations. A power animal can offer deep spiritual fulfilment. They can also offer a strange version of reality that sits awkwardly with ‘real’ humans and their daily drama. When Jessica Stone meets her power animal in the Redcliffe novels, she embarks on a wild adventure, all within the peaceful confines of a picturesque, English seaside resort town.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Power animal image found on Pinterest

Thursday 16 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Out of Body Experience

Have you ever had an Out of Body Experience? They are intense adventures, let me tell you! And the Redcliffe novels are jammed full of out of body experiences. Our protagonist, Jessica Stone, has vivid dreams that often see her running from some crazed beast, or speaking to a mysterious woman who likes to hold their meetings on Redcliffe beach at sunset…

I have been fascinated by the concept of the out of body experience for as long as I can remember. For me it goes hand-in-hand with ghost sightings, being psychic, and basically being an open-minded, spiritual adventurer. The events in the Redcliffe novels are largely inspired by my personal experiences over the years, although some are exaggerated for literary entertainment. It is not only Jessica Stone who has out of body experiences. As a witch, they are a natural occurrence for her. It is a method for her animal familiar to communicate across their parallel, paranormal world. Once Jessica makes an intimate connection with the vampire Jack Mason, and with his alpha werewolf brother Danny, her experiences become more bizarre and intense.

You could say that being a vampire or werewolf, or any other shape shifting creature, will lead to an out of body experience. The werewolves transform from human to animal, and that surely is an event that sends their spirit flying high or outwards as the physical body does its thing. Vampires are ethereal creatures. They are not human. They feel emotions and sensations very deeply. They can sense the thoughts of humans around them, and they can project their energy onto others. In that sense, they too experience being ‘out of body.’ The possibilities are endless, which is why such a concept is brilliant for my paranormal romance novels.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Out of body experience image found on Pinterest

#AtoZChallenge - Natural Instinct

All creatures are ruled by Natural instinct. Humans are driven by ego and emotion. We have created a world that is dominated by the desire for money, and the notion that this brings power and respect. We continually fight among ourselves, we love with passion and pride, we hate and struggle and survive. All of these emotions come naturally to us. They cannot be seen as physical entities. They simply manifest in our behaviour and our attitude. The same is true for supernatural creatures. Only their natural instinct can sometimes be far more deadly and dangerous.

Think about it. The werewolves are both human and animal. They exhibit all of the characteristics from two species. They have strong urges to hunt, to fight, to kill, to procreate. They feel deep emotion, they love and hate fiercely and in equal measure. The whole mix of natural instinct is a potent and powerful combination. And then there are the vampires. More than anything, they are driven by a natural instinct to hunt for blood. It controls them. It consumes them. Theirs is an eternal battle to appear human, to suppress these dangerous desires, and to avoid killing anything that moves, so that they may feed and satiate their never-ending thirst. Their senses are powerfully sharp and sensitive. They feel everything far more deeply than humans. Is it any wonder they get grumpy?

And how about other creatures? Witches, for example. Witches are essentially human. Their bodies are prone to illness and can be damaged by intent or accident. They have the same intellect, the same emotions, the same natural instinct. But they also have magic on their side. They have power animals, mystical creatures that guide them, support them, and sometimes fight against them. Witches learn to tread the line between human and animal. In the Redcliffe novels, Jessica Stone has a lot to learn once she discovers her hidden magic and power. She battles with her desires and urges, believing them to be wrong, when all she wants to do is follow her instincts and act on what feels natural. She was raised in a human world, with human morals and ideals. Maybe they are not right for her. It is for Jessica to decide.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!

*Lover's kiss image found on Pinterest

Saturday 11 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - The Wrath of a Jealous Werewolf

It might seem an odd choice for me to use the word Jealous for today’s #AtoZChallenge blog post. After all, jealousy is not a paranormal subject. It is, however, a very powerful, and often very destructive, emotion. It is even more dangerous when experienced by a supernatural creature, such as a vampire or a werewolf.

The Redcliffe werewolves are proud, powerful, and dangerous. The alpha wolves are the most volatile, which is how they came to be leaders of the pack. I am talking about the alpha wolf, Danny Mason, and his lieutenants, Simon Bunce and Sally Frost. Danny demonstrates the extent of his jealous power when he turns it on Jessica and Jack. The brothers descend into a vicious fight, and it is left to Jessica and her animal familiar to break it up. This is only one of many fights that occur, and not just between vampires and werewolves.

 The wrath of a jealous werewolf becomes most apparent as we progress through Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) and into my current work in progress, Eye of the Tiger (A Redcliffe Novel). It turns out that the female of the species really is the deadliest. Jessica becomes further involved with Danny and his wolf pack, to the detriment of his subordinates. They do not welcome a witch among them. They believe that she is dangerous, unpredictable, and that she is leading their alpha astray with her magical wiles. Among the meek wolves, there emerge one or two that are prepared to fight for power. One is a female who fancies herself as the alpha’s mate, a position that has so far remained unfilled. And she is a force to be reckoned with…

 If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April! 

*Wolves image found on Pinterest

Friday 10 April 2015

#AtoZChallenge - Use Your Imagination

One of the big lessons I learned when I embarked on my spiritual journey many years ago, was that to access the paranormal, or supernatural world, you must be able to use your Imagination. When I was a child I was always told by adults that I had a very vivid imagination. I saw lots of things that maybe other people did not see, but to me it was normal. As I grew older I tried to ignore my imagination, believing it to be childish and wrong. But then, when I seriously started practising in the spiritual world, I realised just how important my imagination was, and is, as a tool for divination and understanding.

This is a lesson that Jessica Stone must accept if she is to learn how to be an effective witch. Her magical power and strength has burst forth in a chaotic stormcloud of energy. She is confused, angry and irritable, because she does not know what to do with all of these intense feelings and emotions. It takes a while for her to accept her new position in the world, although she has to make some snap decisions in the face of scheming vampires and warring werewolves. She is unfortunate enough to be caught in a powerful love triangle, but the love is perhaps better explained as lust. All of this adds to the magic and confusion, and Jessica must learn to work with it, or the whole thing will consume her and leave her broken.

Jessica learns that she must allow her imagination to be free if she is to explore the full potential of her witchcraft. This is explained to her by her witch mentor, Crystal, who supervises some meditation sessions in which Jessica can access the world in which her animal familiar resides. Suri, the snow tiger, is an ethereal creature, and she is trapped within a magical world accessed only by Jessica. Using her imagination, Jessica can meditate on the world that she sees in her mind, and she can speak freely with Suri, to learn more about her power animal and how they can work together to manage the vampires and werewolves.

If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April! 

*Imagination image found on Pinterest

Saturday 28 March 2015

Countdown to the #AtoZChallenge 2015

It is that time of year again: the April A to Z Blog Challenge. Wow, that came around fast! And am totally unprepared for the event, not least because for some bizarre reason, I am working on the presumption that we are at least one week behind where we actually are. Does that make sense? So, for example, instead of me writing this  post on 27th March (or thereabouts), I believe I am writing it on the 20th (ish).

Whatever the reason, I completely missed the huge reveal party that many of my fellow A-Z bloggers joined in with on Monday. Have you heard about the April A-Z Blogging Challenge? I have been doing it for three years now (I think), and I find it great for networking and motivation. I love writing my blogs. I love interacting with my readers, and exploring other blogs about anything from writing, to photography, to lifestyle, cooking, business… the list is endless. My point is that blogging is a great way to widen your perspective, do some research, and just generally have a bit of educational fun.

And so to my theme for 2015: Last year I focused on lifestyle, specifically the theme of parenthood and what it means to have a young family. This year I want to celebrate more about me, Catherine, and my personal interests. But that automatically leads into my writing, because it is a part of me. I was recently looking through old photographs, and remembering my nights as a ghost hunter, and slowly I began to devise a theme. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the paranormal world. I would seek out ghost stories in the local library, watch X-Files on television, and write my university dissertation about vampires in popular culture.

I will use the #AtoZChallenge to write about all things paranormal, and how they manifest in my work. You will read about magic and mysticism, animal familiars, witches, vampires, werewolves, energy, and maybe a few more obscure entities that I can procure for your entertainment and interest. See you on the blog hop!

Thursday 12 February 2015

How Writing about Vampires Actually Reflects my Life

It’s true! Sounds daft, doesn’t it? I mean, vampires don’t really exist… do they? Of course they do. We have the so-called lifestyle vampires; people who dress in gothic clothing, file their teeth into fangs, and even drink blood. That is not me. I am just your average, red-haired, glasses-wearing housewife. You can usually see me sporting jeans, t-shirts and jumpers. I do like to dress up, and I adore gothic clothing, but it just isn’t practical for my lifestyle at the moment. I mean, think about it: if I floated about in fancy dresses with long, floaty sleeves, I would be forever washing my clothes after they got in the way of cleaning the children and changing nappies. And then there is the challenge of breastfeeding in certain clothes.

But that leads me into the reason behind my title. I write about vampires, witches and werewolves (and other magical creatures). I have always been fascinated by the supernatural world. And yes, I see the link between these creatures and the people in my life. For example, I am surrounded by vampires. My baby daughter, as she feeds from my breast, is a vampire, sucking my essence so that she may live. But this is a wonderful, beautiful process, and perfectly natural. My husband is an energy vampire. He leaves me alone with the children for most of the week while he goes out to work full time. He expects me to provide emotional and practical support for him, while also providing full care for our children. Who looks after me? Who gives me the care I need?

And then there are all the other people around me who represent the good and bad qualities of the creatures that I am so in love with. Vampires to me are sexual, alluring beings. That is part of their magical charm. They use sex as a tool for hunting. And they do it in a very beautiful, fantastic way. I will be honest here; my husband and I enjoy a fun and passionate sex life. That is the best part of our relationship. In a way I am also a vampire. I use other people for support in all kinds of ways. Mainly I rely on my friends to listen when I complain about never having time to myself, or being so tired I can’t think straight, or simply complaining about the lack of romance in my life. We are all energy vampires. We feed from each other constantly. The only difference in my stories, is that the creatures I write about act on their urges physically. They are passionate, dramatic, romantic and dangerous. And that is a most exhilarating fantasy to keep me happy!

* You Should Be Writing image courtesy of Pinterest