Are you planning a holiday to Blackpool this year? You had
better watch out for the resident vampire and her companions. Here’s an excerpt
from Vampire of Blackpool:

Leaping into the air, I struggled
to ascend at first. My balance was unsteady, and my body felt like a lead
weight. Gritting my teeth, I forced my mind to focus, and I managed a swift if
unstable flight to the hospital. Fortunately, it was only a short distance
away, but by the time I alighted behind a brick store shed in the grounds of my
destination, I almost collapsed. I was starving. I was weak. I managed to walk
slowly across the road and towards the double doors that led into the waiting
room for the casualty department. There were ambulances and vehicles coming and
going, but the pavement was strangely empty of people. All the busy life was
contained within the building.
Staggering through the automatic
doors, I gasped as a wave of sheer exhaustion poured over me. I was descending
into bloodlust. I very nearly attacked the first person I set eyes on, but at
the last moment managed to control myself. I was surrounded by beating hearts
and succulent bodies. I needed blood. As I leaned against the wall, my breath
rasping, my eyes wild with hunger and pain, I became aware of voices
approaching as two nurses hurried to my aid.
“Here,” one woman shouted, “Let
us help you.”
What happens next?
Read the book to find out! Click here to
get your copy and meet the vampires that lurk in my part of the world.
your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the
werewolves of Cornwall, England. Click here.