Showing posts with label love and romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love and romance. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Stepping Stones by Elizabeth Morgan #romance #love


There's nothing like a wedding to bring the family together....

If not for her baby sister’s impending marriage, Margaret West would never return home. But after six long years, she finds herself a maid of honour who must answer to the people she left behind.

If her parents’ interrogation doesn’t drive her to drink, facing her foster brother, Adrian, just might. To make matters worse, her ex-fiancé is the vicar who will conduct her sister’s ceremony.

Everyone demands to know why she ran off. But the more time she spends at home, the more Margaret realizes even she doesn’t know the real reason.

Buy links:

Also available in print from Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

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“When is Aidy getting here?” Jessica grabbed the large bowl of scrambled eggs and brought it closer to her plate.
“I think his flight is due in at three.” My mother placed a dish of bacon on the table and took a seat beside me. “He will be in time for the wedding rehearsal; don’t worry.”
My stomach clenched. “Wedding rehearsal?” I coughed, trying to clear the chunk of toast lodged in my throat. “What wedding rehearsal?”
“Today at four. We’re running through the service.” Jess scooped egg onto her plate. “I told you.”
Nervous laughter bubbled in my throat, and try as I may, I couldn’t stop shaking my head. “No.” I patted my chest. “No, you never mentioned a rehearsal.”
“Oh.” She placed the bowl back in the middle of the table. “I could have sworn I did.”
“Nope, you didn’t. Believe me, I would have remembered otherwise.” I grabbed my mug and knocked the coffee back before finishing my piece of toast.
“Well, it’s no big deal.” Edward took the bowl of eggs and helped himself.
“Just a quick run-through.”
“Will everyone be there?” Forcing a smile on my face, I looked up at them both, hoping like hell my question would pass as innocent and genuine curiosity.
“Anyone who is involved in the wedding itself will be.”
Great. So that meant Jessica, Edward, the parents, and the bridesmaids, plus me. Plus Adrian and…. “Will Vicar Taylor be there?”
Oh, God, did my voice just go higher?
“Yes, Margaret, William will be there. He is the one who is marrying Jessie and Edward, so he needs to be there.” My father skewered some bacon and tomatoes onto his fork.
Grimacing, I reached out and grabbed another piece of toast. “Just a question, Pa.”
A stupid one, but a question, nevertheless…
“It is normal for people to have wedding rehearsals, Margaret. Just because you—”
Jess picked up the coffeepot. “Does anyone want more coffee?”
I straightened, my focus fixed on Pa. “I’m aware.”
My father’s shoulders went rigid. He lifted his head, and our gazes locked. I didn’t miss the way the muscle in the side of his neck ticked. Arguing with my father in front of Jessica and Edward was not an option, so I looked away.
“Please.” I held out my mug, and Jess poured the dark liquid.
I could kick myself. A wedding rehearsal hadn’t even crossed my mind. Having to stand at the altar before William on the actual wedding day would be hard enough, but having to do it twice…my stomach churned.
“So, will Adrian come straight to the church?” Edward cut the awkward silence.
“Yes. He will get a taxi to the church, and then we will bring him and his luggage back here.” My mother held her mug out to Jess.
“Adrian is staying here? Tonight?” I added sugar to my coffee. “Won’t it be crowded? I thought—”
“No more crowded than it was in your childhood.” My father took a bite of his toast.
More and more good news. Of course he would be staying here; it was his family home, after all. I guess it was stupid of me to hope he would go to a B&B, but my parents wouldn’t have allowed it even if he’d suggested it. I hadn’t seen him in six years, hadn’t spoken to him. And yet, in a couple of hours, I would be locked in the same house with him.

~ * ~

About the Author:

Elizabeth Morgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all with a degree of romance, a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but you can be sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages to give a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

Like her tagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. I just like variety.”

And that she does, so look out for more information on her upcoming releases at her website:

Away from the computer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not to kill her plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radio on while she cleans, watching movies or good television programmes – Dr Who? Atlantis? The Musketeers? Poldark? American Horror Story? Heck, yes! – Or curled up with her two cats reading a book.

Where to find Elizabeth Online:

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Stepping Stones re-release also marks my final title being reclaimed and self-published. Yes, that's right; I am officially, 100% a self-published Author and loving it.

So to celebrate I'm giving two lucky readers the chance to win all 8 of my titles in ebook format. That's right you can win an ebook copy of each of my following titles and yes, that includes today’s re-release;

Stepping Stones

Razel Dazzle


On the Rocks

Truth or Dare?

All 3 books in The Blood Series;

Cranberry Blood

Blood Secrets

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning these titles is leave some entries on the below rafflecopter. Yes, it's that simple. Thank you in advance and Good Luck!

Or link:

Thursday, 8 March 2018

TWO RECKLESS HEARTS (Barrett Ridge #1)

Five sultry nights. Two reckless hearts. One family wedding.

What could go wrong?
He’s a temptation she can’t risk…

Jami Barrett is fed up. First, she’s jilted by her fiancé, then she’s expected to endure her sister’s crazy Caribbean wedding. Now, her arch rival has crashed the party! But Beck Kavanagh is more than just the black-hearted foe set to ruin the family’s business and her chance to win her father’s trust, he’s the groom’s brother. To make matters worse, she can’t stop daydreaming about Beck’s laughing gray eyes and his surprisingly soft heart.  With a make-or-break deal and her loyalty in the balance, Jami’s feeling the pressure…and the heat of her hidden desire.

Beck Kavanagh has no time for sarcastic, competitive women, especially one who’s his real estate adversary and newest in-law. Jami’s out for his blood, and all he wants is to keep the peace. Yet, her sharp wit and delicious curves make him yearn for a midnight, tropical tryst. When a wacky treasure hunt goes haywire and Jami tumbles into his arms, Beck knows he’s met his match and found his one true love.

One beach resort. Two ambitious rivals. Will steamy island nights tempt enemies to become lovers?

“…such a good read that I would rate it ten stars if I could.” -- 5 Stars by Aquamarine1951 on Amazon

“Holly Cortelyou never lets you down, with laugh out loud parts and of course romance with a capital R.” -- 5 Stars by Elaine C on Amazon

Fans of Jill Shalvis and Susan Mallery will swoon for this sassy and sexy romp to love. Escape into the Barrett Ridge romances and lose yourself in heart-melting happy-ever-afters!


My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Psychic Encounter While Antique-Shopping Inspires Novel @AdriennedeWolfe

By Adrienne deWolfe

I got the idea for my Historical Romance novel, Seduced By An Angel, when I bumped into a psychic at an antique store.

She was wandering around the showroom, “touching” furniture and reporting the various scenes from the past that she psychically observed (weddings, children reading school books, couples dancing at Christmas parties, etc.)  She explained that she was learning to fine-tune her gift of “psychometry.” When she touched man-made objects, she could see their owners “through time” and peek into their lives.

I thought, “Oh my gosh, I HAVE to write a story about that!”

So in Seduced By An Angel, outlaw Jesse Quaid (who is part Cherokee,) has a dream from Great Spirit that Sera Jones can clear his name of murder. Jesse can’t imagine how a 19-year-old preacher’s daughter can help him, until he learns that Sera has visions about the future and the past.

Because Sera is terrified of her visions, Jesse has to teach her how to accept her gift before he can persuade her to help him clear his name.

Seduced By an Angel is part of my award-winning Velvet Lies Series (which is on sale.) If you like Historical Romance novels with bad-boy heroes, adorable baby animals, mischievous orphans, and a slice of Victorian America, you’ll enjoy this bestselling series. Here’s an excerpt from Seduced By An Angel.

Seduced By An Angel
Book 3, Velvet Lies Series
By Adrienne deWolfe

(Set-up: Sera is in a “haunted” part of the woods, where she is hiding from outlaws.  While communicating with a Native American ghost, named Hiawassee, Sera begins to have visions.)

Sera was walking behind a waterfall in a kaleidoscopic haze of color. Through the cloud of rainbows that swirled around her, she could see isolated pockets of horrific scenes: Jesse getting lynched. Or shot. Or bludgeoned.
*From any one point in time, there's a minimum of three futures,* the ghost of Jesse’s grandmother whispered in her ear. *You can stop the madness. But first, you must stop the outlaws.*
Sera felt numb. Insanely calm. She didn't doubt her visions. She didn't question Hiawassee. She merely followed the Medicine Woman's spirit as it glided before her, sweeping along a tunnel.
Flickering water reflections danced upon the walls and the roof, which was rife with orange lichens and green algae. Some 20 paces ahead, she could see the tunnel's end through the mystical, silvery glow of Hiawassee's body.
*We are forbidden to interfere,* the ghost told her.
*All of us.*
Sera frowned and halted beside Hiawassee, squinting into the sunlight at the tunnel's end. She gaped at the scene that stretched before her. Floating in and out of the falls, perched upon the cliff ledges, swinging from the trees, and splashing in the river were hundreds of ghosts. Most of them were women and children.
Ywahoo Falls.
*Sacred Cherokee burial ground,* Hiawassee confirmed mildly.
Sera nodded uncomfortably. The legend was known to her. Some 70 years ago, Cherokee women had journeyed with their children to this spot, rendezvousing under the full moon. Under the leadership of Comblossom, daughter of the great war chief, Doublehead, hundreds of innocents had gathered here, accompanied by only a handful of braves.
The women and their children had intended to walk the 125 miles to a school in Chattanooga, where they had been promised protection and a White man's education. But the Cherokees had been betrayed. A contingent of Tennessee soldiers had intercepted the innocents at Ywahoo Falls and massacred them.
*You were barely six years old,* Hiawassee told Sera gently. *Jesse, he was eight. You were meant to find each other in that lifetime, too. And you did—for the last few minutes. He tried to protect you.*
Tears rolled down Sera's cheeks. *Why?* she whispered. *Why must there be so much hatred?*
*Men are allowed free will,* Hiawassee answered. *You, too, will choose between compassion and hatred.  Choose wisely.*

Book Description
Seduced By An Angel
By Adrienne deWolfe

Kentucky belle Seraphina Jones craves a dashing stranger worth kissing. When she spies her handsome, half-naked hired hand at the riverbank, she thinks her dreams of romance have come true. But this Texican is wanted for murder.

Jesse Quaid can't let Sera's sweet kisses distract him from rendezvousing with Cass, a childhood friend, to clear his name of a crime he didn't commit.

But then a case of mistaken identity turns Cass into Jesse's deadliest rival for Sera's heart.

Now, Sera must find a way to end the feud before the man she loves is lost forever.

Purchase Links

About Adrienne deWolfe

Adrienne is the #1 bestselling author of action-packed Historical Romance novels, where feisty Heroines buck the conventions and true Heroes must be wickedly funny. For sneak peeks of Adrienne’s sassy ladies and sizzling rogues, visit Follow Adrienne on Twitter at @AdriennedeWolfe.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Guest Author Feature - Mary Martinez #ReadMe

Today I hand over my blog to our guest, Mary Martinez. Take it away Mary...


Thank you for letting me join you today, Catherine. First, a bit about myself, I live in the US in Magna, Utah. That is about 15 minutes west of Salt Lake City. It’s an experience, and if you ever visit you’ll know what I mean. I love the mountains, and the seasons. And in Utah, you can experience every one, in ONE day. It’s the only place I know you can snow ski in the morning and golf or water ski in the afternoon. My husband and I love to travel, it’s a shame we are not independently wealthy. But we go as often as we can afford.

Together we have six grown children and by Christmas of this year, we’ll have eleven grandchildren. We have papa and nana night every other Wednesday. It’s fun for the kids to see each other and I get to see them since I have a day job on top of writing. I’ve decided the best thing about kids, is the grandchildren.

I hope it’s okay, but I’m going to share a couple of things today. First, Four Sisters is a story I’ve been working for years, it’s close to my heart for many reasons, all would most likely bore the pants off everyone.  This is due out in June.

This story is not about love, or in the end, sickness, but the relationship of a family. What can tear a family apart, and what can bring it back together again. It’s a challenge, and I hope that Four Sisters live up to it.

In the early sixties during the time of make love, not war, Kathleen finds love and starts a war with her family.

Four Sisters is a story rich in the relationships of Kathleen Williams' life. Kathleen discovers her sexuality in the sixties. She's different from other girls her age and scared about how her sisters, especially her closet sister, Deborah, will handle the fact she's lesbian.

When she reveals her love for a woman, her worst fears are realized--she's banished from her family and home.

Over forty-six years later, Kathleen is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Susan, her lifelong partner, encourages her to make peace with her family.  Kathleen's journey now includes rebuilding her relationship with her sisters as well as the battle of her life. Her only chance for peace is to find acceptance.

I also have a series, The Beckett’s, there are three books to date, with a fourth due out at the end of the year. Check out the trailer, it’s one of my favorites (of the ones I’ve created that is).

More Books from Mary

The Beckett’s have a strong sense of family and honor.
When one of their own is threatened, their bond is as strong as a badge of steel.

After two years undercover as an FBI agent to infiltrate a crime organization and discover the identity of a hit man, Tyler Beckett’s cover is blown. Tyler’s new assignment is to protect the only witness who can identify the mysterious killer. If only he didn’t find her so attractive. Each day it becomes harder to keep his objective, especially since he knows the interest is mutual.

Keira Cavanaugh is the only witness to a hit ordered by a crime boss.  The safe house is compromised and the same hit man shoots Tyler. Fearing Tyler is dead, Keira plans revenge on the crime organization. She must fake her own suicide in order to survive.

When Tyler discovers what Keira plans, he realizes he must stop her before he loses her for good.

All Jessica wants is a home and a family. So how did she suddenly find herself falsely accused of a felony and then kidnapped by a hit man?

Jessica Beckett loves her job teaching high school algebra. That is until Coach Brinley makes her life miserable because she actually has the audacity to fail his three staring football jocks. Maybe if they’d done their homework they would have passed. She refuses to be intimidated. He on the other hand refuses to admit defeat and manipulates the boys into accusing her of sex in exchange for passing grades.

Gabriel Despain loves his job as FBI agent. But falling for his partner’s sister has complicated a great partnership. It would be a lot easier to ignore his feelings if Jessica hadn't found herself in trouble. Now he must keep her safe. And if he can't remain objective, they both might get killed.

Christine Beckett’s dream of partnership in a prestigious New York City law firm has finally come to fruition. She has financial security, a loving family, and owns her home, why does she need a man?

Detective Solomon has worked with Tyler Beckett on several cases, he almost feels he is part of the Beckett clan. He considers them his good friends, except for Christine who seems to look down her professional nose at him.

Christine receives a threatening note and her townhouse echoes with mysterious cries in the night. That is when the handsome and irritating detective insists he temporarily move in to protect her. To add insult, it is with her family’s blessing.

Illusion: (Coming soon)
When the Chief Financial Officer of the World Bank Group (WBG) is found dead in his Paris apartment, it’s a concern. But when the Chief Administration Officer of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, another WBG agency, is murdered on vacation, in the same fashion, it’s time to call in the FBI’s special terrorist task force.

Special Agent Reagan Beckett specializes in terrorists focused on shipping and financial backing, two major threats to the west coast. When a new threat looked toward one of the biggest worldwide financial institutions, she was the logical person for the team.

Reagan’s New York task force team includes a new partner, Paco Luis Perez from D.C., and FBI Special Agent, Spencer Alexander Williams III, advising as the local liaison. To work undercover with these two men, Reagan knows she’ll have to trust them with her life. Her preliminary research indicates both men have excellent records, accommodations to be proud of, and seemingly nothing to cause her much worry. Even Perez’s hot temper might come in handy, while Williams III’s arrogance and powerful Wall Street family could prove useful in tracking down the terrorist.

But Reagan knows one thing—when a terrorist is involved, most likely, there is someone on the inside. Before she can find the threat, she needs help figuring out whom to trust.

Ten years ago Reagan left Brooklyn, and not under the best circumstances. Regardless of the strained relationship with her family, she turns to the only people she can count on for support in her quest to determine which man she can literally trust with her life and to bring down the terrorists.


I can be found at
Mary’s Garden Blog
Mary Martinez website
Check here for buy links

Thank you, again, for having me!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH Giveaway! – Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. This week we are feeling generous, perhaps with the true beginning of summer as we head into the beautiful month of May. Anyway, our Hump Day Hook bloggers are offering giveaways today! For my part I am offering a signed paperback copy of my newly released third book in the series, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Here is an excerpt, to give you a taster of what to expect from my adult paranormal romance series:

      Jack was silent beside me, concentrating on the road ahead.  His energy was still strong and the atmosphere inside the car was cool and angry.  He was angry with me; I knew that.  He was also confused about my powers and he was wondering just how strong and dangerous I would prove to be.  Jack couldn’t help but worry that I had hidden my true abilities from him and Danny in order to carry out some elaborate plan to assassinate them.  He hadn’t said as much, but I knew the truth.  My mother, Lillian, had visited me during the day, speaking inside my mind.  She had told me what I needed to know.  The Mason brothers lived in a state of perpetual alert for enemies.  They trusted very few people, and now I was teetering between the list of people they trusted, and people they were wary of.  Sighing again, I roused myself and shook my head, breathing slowly in and out to try and ease the pressure I felt in my chest. 

 Now for the competition rules. All I ask is for you to comment on this post and tell me why it is that Jessica (our heroine) might prove to be a threat to the safety of the Mason brothers. You can check out the details about the Redcliffe novels on the pages at the top of my blog, or on their dedicated website. You can also read the first book, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) free on Wattpad for a limited time only. Tell me why Jessica is dangerous, and I will award a free signed copy of Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) to the winner. If there are several correct answers, I will choose one at random. Good luck!

If you enjoyed this excerpt, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and get yourself some more freebies? We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping! 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Darkness of Love

Hello and welcome to another Hump Day Hook. I have finally decided to tear myself away from the Redcliffe novels and offer you a little something different. Here is an excerpt from my as yet unpublished novella The Darkenss of Love. It follows the story of Marcus Scott, who appears in Redcliffe, and is set during the industrious Victorian era. This snippet is an intimate scene between Lord Gregory Stockton and his beautiful young wife, Sarah.

“My dear, I am sorry,” he said quietly, “I forget how sensitive you are to cool temperatures.  Allow me to warm you.” 
            He slid his hands down her sides, smoothing over the rich taffeta, and she stood very still, enjoying his caress despite her embarrassment at his bold behaviour.  Resting his hands on her hips, Gregory lowered his handsome youthful face and tenderly kissed her rosebud lips.  His body reacted as it always did to her tenderness.  She was delicate, so beautiful, and always so compliant for him.  His teeth itched as his fangs fought to free themselves, and it took all his self-control not to bite her white skin, and drink deeply of her sweet blood.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

  [Image courtesy of Photobucket via Pinterest]