Showing posts with label my writing schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my writing schedule. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

I Need a Writing Retreat… Hello #CampNaNoWriMo!

My writing has not been forthcoming of late. It is all my own fault. I have allowed myself to stray from the path. I have become too easily distracted by domestic activities, holidays, social events and the like. At the moment the only writing I manage to do on a regular basis is for my blogs, and even that is becoming sketchy during recent weeks. Life is getting in the way, as the old saying goes. I need a break. I need… #CampNaNoWriMo.

My main problem with writing is that I flutter about and do not immerse myself fully in my work at the moment. It was easier when I was writing the first three installments of the Redcliffe novels. Back then I would put my daughter to bed at night and settle down for three-five hours of solid writing. And it was brilliant. I thrived on it. The story burst forth from my mind, the characters leaped onto the page, and my Muse was alive and vibrant. And then something happened. It was around the time I became pregnant with my second child. My Muse went on strike. And she has not yet properly returned.

I have had flashes of inspiration, but nothing that gives me the incentive to sit down at my computer and just write. I have had a couple of evenings where I managed an hour here and there. I have a couple of completed manuscripts that need further editing so that I can send them to publishers. I also have a complete edited novel that has so far not been snapped up by a publisher or agent. I cannot imagine why. Who wouldn’t want to publish a novel called The Vampire of Blackpool?

Anyway, I am fed up with my procrastinating. I need to write. I need to write properly. And for that I need deadlines, encouragement, a sense of purpose. And here comes #CampNaNoWriMo. Perfect! For the whole month of July I can immerse myself in a virtual log cabin in the wilderness of the wild and distant Internet, and I can write my story, whatever that may be. I think this one is about a lone vampire lurking beneath the streets in Manchester. I am not sure. I will ask my Muse for help. Perhaps she will be coaxed out by the promise of a hot chocolate with marshmallows… Who is with me? See you later, campers!

Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!) 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

A Not So Triumphant #NaNoWriMo

This is quite difficult to admit, but I am not going to win the #NaNoWriMo challenge this year. I didn't honestly believe I would get very far with the project, since I have a 3 month-old baby and a 3 year-old toddler to contend with. But somewhere in the back of my mind was the little voice  that said 'we can do this!' Well, actually, I am not superwoman. There, I said it! And I'm OK with that.

Yes, we still have a few days left of our precious National Novel Writing Month. But I have no chance of writing upwards of 30,000 words in that time. Not unless I were to completely abandon my family and not sleep for a week while I furiously bashed the keys of my computer. No, that would just end up in a scenario reminiscent of The Shining, and we really don't want that to happen. Instead I will take pride in what I have achieved and take it from there.

You see, for me #NaNoWriMo is about motivation. Without the contest I would still be talking about writing my fourth Redcliffe novel, but I wouldn't have actually written any of it. I am too busy being distracted by my family, and the upcoming Christmas festivities, and ooh, was that something shiny over there... Ha ha! No, I used #NaNoWriMo as a method to get me started and to call out my Muse from wherever she has been hiding these past six months. She seemed to disappear when I was pregnant, and now I have an abandoned manuscript for a separate novel that will be revisited in 2014.

So ultimately I feel that my #NaNoWriMo was a success, and will be a success, because I got started. Now my story is in progress, my Muse knows that she is wanted again, and the ideas are beginning to flow. The story must be written, and it will be written. I also intend to have the first draft finished by 1st January 2014, with the intention to use the early months of next year as a time for editing and submitting three manuscripts for publication. I have a plan. Thank you #NaNoWriMo!

Monday, 28 January 2013

#amwriting My Writing Schedule January Review

I think it might be nice to write a post about my monthly achievements with writing projects throughout 2013. If nothing else, it will give me a focus and a goal for which to do my writing. I find that my motivation is greatly improved if I have a word count target and a fixed deadline for my work. When I have no specific aim or plan, I tend to waver and procrastinate. My stories are always developing in my mind, but they don't always progress onto paper (or screen).

When we began 2013, just a month ago, I decided to write a minimum of 1000 words per day. I have almost managed to keep up that target. I don't always write on the computer, and I do include my blog posts in that target. I have been writing more in my journals, which I feel will become very useful in later years as and when I make the move to writing non-fiction. The point is, I am writing something. Perhaps I shouldn't be so hung up on facts and figures. As a writer, the main aim is to produce content that people will want to read. I am doing that. It is just coming together slowly.

There are several factors involved here. The main one is my toddler, who is with me 24/7. She starts playschool next week, which means I will finally have a fixed rota in which to work. I am quite excited at the prospect. It will give me a minimum of 15 hours per week to develop my freelance business and to work on my manuscripts and short stories. Wonderful! For now I will continue as I have been, writing as and when the mood takes me. I have submitted a short story for an anthology that I hope will be accepted by the publisher. I am currently confirming cover art and final agreements for the release of my third Redcliffe novel Love Redeems. Everything is falling into place. 2013 is off to a good start!