Wednesday 18 April 2012

Mind, Body and Spirit Event in Chester, UK

I will be exhibiting at a Mind, Body and Spirit event taking place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chester on Sunday 6th May 2012. The event starts at 10:00am and finishes at 5:00pm. I will be doing a talk about my Redcliffe novels at 4:15pm, and all day I will be available to promote my books and my work with Spirit Sisters. I will offer exclusive signed copies of my books for sale, and there will even be sneak previews of the brand new Redcliffe novel, Love Kills....

Thursday 12 April 2012

Blog Lucky 7 Challenge - A Redcliffe Novel

I have been handed the challenge by WordzNerdzDebz, also known as the fabulous Debz Hobbs-Wyatt from Bridge House Publishing. She was one of the editors responsible for selecting my very first published short story The Teen Game in the Young Adult anthology Devils, Demons and Werewolves.

The challenge is to open your current manuscript or work in progress. Go to either page 7 or 77, whichever is juiciest. Copy the first seven lines on the page, and post them in your blog under this title. Then wait for your audience to react with excitement!

Here is my excerpt, taken from page 7 of my current manuscript Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). It is the third book in my Redcliffe paranormal romance series, and this is from the very rough first draft in progress:

           “No!” I said, “I mean, yes,” I stuttered, “I just, I thought we needed a little space after what happened the other night.”
            Danny’s expression sobered a little as he stared at me.  He nodded.
            “I suppose that was wise,” he agreed, “But I will not be bullied by a tiger familiar.  Just learn to control her so she doesn’t force you to shift, and we will be safe.”
            The room spun around me and I swallowed nervously.
Now to pass on the challenge

Now I must choose 7 lucky and talented writers who have active blogs, and challenge them to the task. Here are my chosen few, from those who have not already done the challenge (I hope):

  1. David J. Pedersen @got_angst
  2. Sarah Luddington @BlakWulf
  3. Craig Stone @robolollycop
  4. Naomi Chance @Write_ShareNaom
  5. Becca Campbell @beccajcampbell
  6. Kirkus MacGowan @KirkusMacGowan
  7. Rachel Chance @write_sharerachel

Have fun everybody!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) - Exclusive Preview

For those of you who have read Love Hurts and are thirsty for more sex, blood and secrets, here is a taster from my second Redcliffe novel, Love Kills. This book is due for publication in Summer 2012:   

     I was running through the forest on the outskirts of the Cornish town of Redcliffe.  It was evening and the sky was growing dark with that smooth, silky blackness that descends gradually as night progresses.  There was an eerie feel to my surroundings, where tall trees shadowed me with their heavy green branches, but I saw only light and colour.  The air was clear and fresh, late summer, and I paused and breathed in the delicious scents of plant life and nature.  Here, deep in the forest, I could still taste sea salt on my tongue, and I relished the sensation.  It was beautiful, and I was blissfully happy.
     Suddenly a man burst through the trees into the clearing where I stood, making me jump with surprise.  My fright quickly turned to welcome when I recognized my boyfriend Jack standing before me.  My gaze rose from the ground up, taking in the delicious definition of muscle that showed through the grey t-shirt he wore with black jeans. His skin was glowing with health, he was smiling, and his deep blue eyes were sparkling with a promise of delight and excitement.  As he strode towards me I stood still, waiting for his embrace.  He put a hand on the back of my head, drawing me close, and touched his soft lips to mine. 
    The kiss started out gentle but quickly escalated and I knew this wasn’t Jack; it was his identical twin brother Danny.  I pulled away, gasping.
    “Danny what are you doing?” I said breathlessly, my heart pounding,  “We can’t do this!” 
    He laughed and spoke in a low, deep voice, with a hint of growl betraying his werewolf lineage.  The sound rumbled through my body, setting off shivers of excitement that I tried to suppress. 
    “You know Jack will not mind, Jessica.” he said, “After all that we have been through I am sure you understand.” 

Thursday 5 April 2012

Catherine Green Author Interview - English Matters Forum

I attracted the attention of a lady who runs a company teaching English language. She likes the style and presentation of my author advice blogs on Write and Share. Here is the link to my recent author interview for English Matters:

Saturday 31 March 2012

Catherine Green Radio Interview - Cauldron FM

It gives me great pleasure to share my very first live internet radio interview. Here I talk about my debut paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), the inspiration for my Redcliffe series, and life as a pagan mother. Have a listen, and I appreciate any feedback...

Sunday 25 March 2012

7 Lines from the 7th Page

This came from Alex Laybourne

I read this blog earlier today and it is such a simple idea yet so effective!

1. Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next seven lines as they are; no cheating
4. Tag 7 other authors

The below comes from the 77th page of my current manuscript Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), Book 2:

This world intrigued me.  It was vibrant and alive, full of beasts.  I was the only predator in my realm, and it was beginning to feel very lonely.  Pausing momentarily, I glanced sharply around, taking in my surroundings.  I was aware of smaller animals disappearing into burrows and nests, desperate to avoid capture and certain death.  They were of no consequence to me at this time.  I needed something bigger, something strong and worthy of my time and energy.  Staring ahead, I saw the swish of a wolf’s tail as it disappeared into the undergrowth. 


That was fun! Now I will tag 7 authors, although I’m not sure if they’ll see this post.

  1. Alex Laybourne
  2. Borislava Borissova
  3. Y. Correa
  4. L. Filloon
  5. C.E. Hart
  6. Cheryel Hutton
  7. Deborah R. Turner

Friday 23 March 2012

Sex, Secrets and Scandal - Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel)

I have recently had the pleasure of some more positive verbal reviews for my debut paranormal romance novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel).  In fact, they were quite amusing responses. I sold a book to a lady who is a regular customer at my local hairdressing salon. She read the book and then loaned it to her friend. Both ladies know me by sight as we often pass in town. They always say hello to my baby daughter as she sits in her pushchair.

It turns out they both commented to my hairdresser about the nature of Love Hurts. Their comments were something along the lines of, “You mean, that young girl wrote that book? Well I never! It’s a bit saucy. Always the quiet ones!” I was delighted to have such a response. I always enjoy surprising people, and those that think they know me have rather a shock when they read my book. I then tell them it will only get worse as the series develops!

Another happy reader wrote to me on Facebook recently to say she got very excited while reading the book on a tram. Her comments made me chuckle, and I am happy to know that people of all ages are enjoying Love Hurts. I must admit I thought it would have a very select audience. As it turns out, there is more appeal than you might think. When I think about it, Love Hurts is simply a book about sex, secrets and scandal. It is the paranormal soap opera of the UK. Enjoy! 

By the way, if you are in the UK, I will be at the Rosemary Douglas Mind, Body and Spirit event at Nantwich Civic Hall in Cheshire on Saturday 31st March and Sunday 1st April. I will be signing copies of Love Hurts and the Young Adult short story anthology The Mirador Fantasmagoria. I will also be offering Tarot and Oracle card readings for spiritual guidance and counseling.