Wednesday 27 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

          Welcome to another weekly excerpt from the Hump Day Hook! Here is a little something from my upcoming new novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), where we see interaction between our heroine Jessica Stone and one of her errant vampires, Marcus Scott...

Marcus appeared from among the trees, moving with such speed that I barely registered him at first.  I screamed again as he landed on me.  He pushed me to the ground, straddling my body and pinning my arms above my head.  I bucked and kicked beneath him, trying desperately to free myself.  Suri roared through my mouth, and I welcomed the sheer strength of her power as it flowed through me.  But the vampire was stronger.  Although I rode the power of my animal familiar, I was a newly awakened witch and my abilities were still largely undiscovered.  Marcus used his physical strength to pin me to the ground.
“Do not fight me, witch,” he hissed, “I could strike you now and drink you dry.”

For more excerpts from other fabulous authors, please see our blog page for the Hump Day Hook, or find us on Facebook.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Tag, You're It! Let's Play the 7/7/7 Game...

I have been tagged by Ciaran Dwynvil to play the 7/7/7 game. The rule is that you post 7 lines from your manuscript, and you can publish from either page 7, page 77, or page 177. Today I will post an excerpt from my upcoming third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), and this comes from page 7 of the manuscript.

            “I will fetch you some water,” Jack said, and he disappeared at an inhuman speed.
            Shaking out the duvet, I switched on my bedside lamp, needing some light for comfort in my agitated state.  I looked at the clock.  It was a little after 4:00am, and although I was desperate to phone Liz and hear her voice, I knew it was way too early.  She would not appreciate a phone call at this hour of the night, especially if she had been awake with the newborn baby.  I sighed and picked up my mobile phone, wondering if she might have sent me a text message for any reason. 

Now, for those of you who have been tagged, join the game. If you want to join in, feel free and share your links. Have fun and Happy Sunday! 

Friday 22 February 2013

The Redcliffe Novels Author Interviews

Just a quick post to share links to a couple of author interviews I recently did as part of my promotional tour for the Redcliffe novels and my upcoming new release Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

For the first interview I was showcased on the prolific author blog You Read It Here First, hosted by Christina Hamlett.

And for the second interview you can find me on Morgen Bailey's blog, Morgen's Author Interviews. Two very different interviews, and I thoroughly enjoyed answering the questions posed by my hosts.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Having recently sent my final manuscript off to the publisher for printing, I would like to share an excerpt from my upcoming new release Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). I am very excited to see my third book in print, and I hope you will enjoy the snippet, which shows a little action between the witch Jessica Stone, and the alpha werewolf Danny Mason.

“You are the alpha male,” I said, “You are worthy of our attention.”
            “Jessica,” Danny said, “I do not want to play with your tiger.  I want you,” he paused, staring at me with glowing blue eyes, “Jessica, I want you.” He said again.
            I hesitated, mulling over his words.  Something stirred within me, a memory of another man who looked identical to the alpha.  The other man was not a wolf.  He was dead.  I didn’t want a dead thing.  I wanted heat, power, and life.  I moved towards the alpha, my body preparing to pounce.  My movements were smooth, agile and feline.  I loved the way I moved, so graceful and delicate, so strong.  I pounced.

There we go! Not only is Jessica fighting with her wayward animal familiar, but she is about to plunge head first into a love triangle with supernatural identical twin brothers. Will her sanity survive? Will she survive? Wait and see! In the meantime, you can read the story from the beginning by checking out Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) free on Wattpad for a limited time only. You can then sample the sequel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and follow the progress of our feisty heroine and her tumultuous relationships.

You can see the rest of our Hump Day Hook bloggers on our special website, and on Facebook. Take a look, you won't be disappointed! 

Monday 18 February 2013

Book Review: Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness

Here is my book review of Shadow of Night, the sequel to A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.

I loved this book! It is an epic tome, but well worth taking the time to read. After A Discovery of Witches, I couldn’t wait to get hold of the sequel. I have to admit it seemed a bit slow to take off.  I almost got bored of it, but not so badly that I gave up reading. Once I was able to dedicate some proper time to immerse myself in it, I became lost in the world traversed by witch Diana Bishop and her vampire husband Matthew, a man of many secrets and as many alter egos. I loved the description of Elizabethan England and the intrigue of international politics and religion at the time. The book finished at the beginning of a new journey, and now I look forward to the next instalment. If you want to know more about real witches, you have to read this!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Book Review: Tapping the Power Within by Iyanla Vanzant

Here is my review of the spiritual non-fiction book, Tapping the Power Within: A Path to Self Empowerment for Women.

This book was written by Iyanla Vanzant, who is a Yoruba priestess and an ordained minister in Christian New Thought. I found the book very easy to read, and her tone was informal and inspirational. She is basically a human just like the rest of us, who has had unique experiences throughout her life that have shaped her spiritual beliefs and general attitude. The book was helpful in making me realize that my own spiritual journey runs alongside my daily life, and on many occasions interconnects with it. I came away with renewed determination and vigour, and I admire Vanzant for her frank accounts of life in describing how other people can learn to help themselves to be happier and more fulfilled.

You can see my article A Book that Brought my Spiritual Life into Perspective over on my personal blog.

Thursday 14 February 2013

A Vampire for Valentines Day #VampireBlogHop

I am very excited at the moment! Not only am I soon to release my third novel in the paranormal romance series the Redcliffe novels, but also my favourite television show, Being Human, is back on BBC3 for its fifth series. Can life get any better? Well, yes, but for now I am content!

Today is St Valentine’s Day. Traditionally we are supposed to revel in romance, lavish affection upon our loved ones, and take the opportunity to share our true feelings with the objects of our affections. As a married woman with a young child and another on the way, my romantic life is pretty non-existent right now!

That is partly why I escape to Redcliffe and the passionate love affair between witch Jessica Stone, vampire detective Jack Mason and his identical twin werewolf brother Danny. Throw in a werewolf love triangle between alpha Danny Mason, and lieutenants Simon Bunce and Sally Frost, and you have an explosive mix. Add another feisty vampire, playboy business owner Marcus Scott, and the whole thing becomes a tornado!

So, for your romantic pleasure, and in the spirit of St Valentine, I have participated in the Valentine’s Vampire Bite Blog Hop courtesy of Precious Monsters. My vampire heroes are Detective Jack Mason from the Redcliffe novels, his friend Marcus Scott, and the heroes from Being Human, Mitchell (actor Aidan Turner) and Hal (actor Damien Molony). If you haven’t seen Being Human, here are some photos of these two delectable Irish men (who incidentally would be in the running for my fantasy Redcliffe cast):

Mmm, delicious! Happy Valentine's Day my friends. May it be filled with love, romance, and chocolate!