Wednesday 12 June 2013

Paranormal Power Struggles in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today we have one more visit to Redcliffe in Cornwall, with an excerpt from my third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). At this point, our heroine Jessica Stone is struggling to control her animal familiar, her lust for the werewolf alpha, and to reclaim the vampire she loves from his possessive former lover and mistress.

My heart was pounding.  I wanted to be alone with Danny.  But I knew it was dangerous.  Suri remained silent and watchful, careful not to upset my mood in this delicate situation.  I had no choice.  Danny was the only one that could protect me.  Left alone, I had no chance against Emily Rose and Jack.  I let out a heavy sigh.
“Alright,” I said, “I will stay at your house.  But I need to collect some things from my apartment first.”
            “Of course,” Danny said, and he turned to walk back downstairs.  I followed slowly, fighting to calm my racing heart and regulate my breathing into a more normal rhythm.  This would be a very tense evening, and probably a very tense Sunday as we waited for further activity from the vampires.  I shook my head.  My life was a complete mess.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

*Image courtesy of L. Messecar via Deviant Art

Monday 10 June 2013

Guest Article - The Redcliffe Novels; Wild Cornwall

Today I am a guest author over at Annamaria's Writing Corner, talking about the Redcliffe novels and my inspiration for the story setting from the rugged coastline of wild Cornwall, UK. Go and take a look, find out more about the adult paranormal romance series, and get to know my work a little better!

Friday 7 June 2013

The Smell of a Good Book

I recently had a brief holiday in the Scottish Highlands. We stayed in a small hotel in rural Sutherland, and it really was a step back in time. I loved it! The Crask Inn was built for the purpose of providing respite for weary travellers as they traversed the wild and rugged Scottish countryside on their way to the northern coast. What I loved most about the Crask Inn is the presence of books in almost every room. And not just any books. These are classic hardback novels, tatty old paperbacks that date back to the 1960s and earlier, and the occasional modern book thrown in for good measure.

I didn’t have time to properly explore the extensive personal library displayed at the Crask, but I did manage to take some photographs of the fabulous bookshelves and the vintage sitting room where you could easily lose yourself in a wild adventure for a day. What really made me smile was the presence of a shelf of books in our bedroom, in place of where there would be a TV in a more modern hotel or B&B. Before we left I couldn’t resist picking up one hardback book that caught my attention. I opened it, smiled as I viewed the text and style, and then I brought it to my nose and inhaled the wonderful smell of old pages. Bliss!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Supernatural Chaos in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I offer another excerpt from my third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). The young witch, Jessica Stone, is struggling to contain the power of her animal familiar. In this snippet, she has caused a little trouble with the Redcliffe werewolf pack…

“Jessica,” Simon said from his position in the living room, “Are you alright?”
Suri heard him and she turned her head.  I turned mine to face Simon, and I could feel the heat of my eyes as the power swirled hot and heavy around me once again.  Simon’s expression changed from concern to alarm, his eyes widening.  He held out his hands in a submissive gesture as he recognized the tiger in my gaze.  I smiled, and I knew it was more of a grimace by the tightness of my lips.  I advanced slowly upon the wolf lieutenant.
“I am well,” I said in a silky voice, “But I am hungry.”
Simon backed away, walking behind the sofa, preparing to fend me off as I approached.
“Jessica,” he said, “Jessica, please don’t do this.  I am not the alpha.  I am not Danny.  I cannot give you what you need.”

The Redcliffe novels are available in paperback and eBook formats, from retailers including Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and Waterstones. There will be more in the series, but first I have the small matter of expecting a baby to contend with…

Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

Sunday 2 June 2013

Book Review: Deadly Reunion (A Taci Andrews Mystery) by Amy Manemann

Here is my review of the novel Deadly Reunion (A Taci Andrews Mystery) by Amy Manemann:

I enjoyed this book, although I did find that the storyline seemed to jump quite abruptly between the heroine’s love life and her professional one. It felt a little disjointed in places, but this did not detract from my enjoyment of the story. I would also recommend a little more editing and proofreading, just to polish it up. Overall I found the novel easy to read, fast paced and entertaining. I look forward to reading the sequel.

Friday 31 May 2013

#amwriting Update and the #15KinMay Challenge

We are reaching the end of yet another month and 2013 is flying by at an alarming rate. After my rather disastrous (non) participation in Camp NaNoWriMo, I found another writing challenge that was being run via Twitter. I decided to join the #15KinMay challenge, thinking that I could easily achieve that goal. It was not to be. I think I have managed about 5k words, maybe just over. Oh well, better than nothing I suppose!

My mood is up and down at the moment. I am veering between the romantic notion of the tormented writer wallowing in self-pity, and the practical modern woman who says "I can do this, I just need to be organised." Of course, it is not easy to wallow in self pity when I have a demanding toddler to attend to, and a baby growing ever-larger in my womb. Perhaps I can allow myself a little rest time while I embrace motherhood. My novel will still be there when I can return to it, and in the meantime I have plenty of other writing projects to keep me occupied...

How is your month progressing? Are you pressing on with your work, struggling with writers'  block, or finding challenges along the way? I am eager to hear from fellow writers and their experiences.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Tormented Witch in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. I think we have missed my Redcliffe novels recently, so here is a snippet from Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), book 3 in the series and recently released. Enjoy!

“Could she really do that to me?” I asked faintly.
I looked from Danny to Simon, and finally at Jack.  They all stared at me, and I felt horribly like an exhibit at a zoo.
“She might,” Danny said, “If you give her the strength.  You have to fight her, Jessica.  Make her see that you are in control.”
I nodded slowly.
“I’m doing my best.” I said uncertainly.
A silence fell around us, and I could feel our energies shifting in the air.  Mine was turbulent, full of anger and anxiety.  Jack’s was cold and controlling.  Danny’s power was hot, forceful and full of promise.  Simon’s was similar but with less strength.  Eventually I moved backwards, feeling the need to break the tense emotion that filled the air.
“Jack,” I said, “You should get going.  You have work to do.”
He blinked, the only movement he made.
“Yes,” he said, and then he stepped forward to give me a kiss.  It was a peck on the lips, and he hugged me briefly, “You can control her,” he said, catching my eyes with his, “And you will resolve things with Liz.”

The Redcliffe novels are available in paperback and eBook formats, from retailers including Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and Waterstones. There will be more in the series, but first I have the small matter of expecting a baby to contend with…

Now, why not check out some more Hump Day Hook excerpts over on our blog? Or you can join us on Facebook. Happy Humping!