Monday 29 July 2013

Guest Author Jude Ouvrard #aga3

Today I hand over the spotlight to my guest author, Jude Ouvrard, who will tell us about her new book, Under the Sun, out now.

Under the Sun by Jude Ouvrard

Tracey Howard has put her life on hold for years to care for her grandmother. Now that her grandmother is gone, Tracey decides to spend summer at the beach and reflect on where she wants life to take her next. Jackson Phillips is her new neighbor, and he dazzles her from the first moment they meet. Will Jackson be able to show Tracey how to let go of old pain and embrace future happiness?


It might have been my imagination, but when our eyes met, I felt something stirring inside me. I stared at her, wondering what had just happened, and I could still feel the tingling warmth on my skin. There was something between us, but I didn’t know quite what. 

Everything felt right, like we were supposed to be together.
Tracey looked away, breaking our connection. “Do you need help with anything?”
“Nope. Everything's ready.” Even though I could have stared at her all night, I didn’t want
to ruin the evening. So I turned my attention to our dinner and got the bruschetta and the
garlic bread on the table.
“Mmm, it looks delicious, chef.” Tracey laughed. She had quite the spirit, and unlike so
many women, she didn’t appear to be complicated.
When I placed the shrimp Alfredo linguini on the table, Tracey literally licked her lips. “I think I might join you for dinner every night. It smells so good.”
“I would love that,” I replied. “The company would be nice.”
Tracy was unsettling to me, causing me to lose tact and intelligence.
For the most part, we ate in silence. Often I found myself just staring at her, like she was going to run away if I wasn’t watching her. I’d remembered her features from the first time I saw her, but she seemed different now, almost serene and calm. The first time I’d met her, I had seen the love and devotion for Mrs. Howard in her eyes, but now they were tired and sad.
Regardless of how beautiful I thought she looked tonight, I wanted to be able to change that for
her, to bring happiness to her eyes.


Author Bio

Jude lives in Montreal, Canada. She is the proud mother of a beautiful four year old son, and has spent the last twelve years with her partner, Cedric. French is her native language, but she prefers to write in her second language, English. Besides working full time for a title insurance company and being a mother, Jude has a passion for books, both reading and writing them. Her first novella will be part of a beach reads series called Heat Wave.

Jude's Websites

Author Website
Twitter: @authorjude_o @JudeOuvrard
Facebook page
Facebook author profile 
Facebook group

Thursday 25 July 2013

What is the Allure of the Supernatural? Hot Paranormal Nights #BlogHop

I love all things ghostly and paranormal. That is probably not surprising considering that I write stories in the paranormal romance genre, and that I am a ghost hunter in my spare time. Yes, I hunt ghosts for a hobby! I love it, although I haven’t indulged very much recently due to having a toddler and a second child on the way. In fact, at the time of this blog hop, my baby is either imminent or newly born…

But I digress. The paranormal, or supernatural world has always fascinated me. As a child I loved reading ghost stories, and my first literary discoveries were Edgar Allen Poe and L.J. Smith. In fact, it was L.J. Smith who set me on the path to becoming a published author, although at the tender age of 17, I was blissfully unaware. Back then I was reading her Nightworld series of books that were newly released in the UK, and I was obsessed! I remember that a boyfriend at the time bought me the whole collection of paperbacks after I read the first one, and as you can imagine, he won major boyfriend points for that gift.

My dad was quite strict about the TV programmes I was allowed to watch, and so I didn’t see many of the classic horror films until I was old enough to rent them from the local video shop. I did, however, watch a British television series called Strange But True. It fascinated me, and told me stories of haunted mansions, ghostly castle ruins, and all manner of unidentified phenomena in and around the UK during the late 20th century. I think it was that programme that introduced me to Belgrave Hall in Leicester, a haunted house that I was lucky enough to investigate about five years ago. Its reputation did not disappoint!

Returning to books, and I think it is time I shared with you a little of my work. I am currently developing a series of adult paranormal romance novels set in Cornwall, England, collectively called the Redcliffe novels. My debut novel is Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), and for a limited time you can read the entire story for free on Wattpad. The sequel is Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), and the third book is Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

Blurb: Set in Cornwall, England, the Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire, becomes entangled with his identical twin brother's werewolf pack, and then discovers she is a witch.

Now for the competition! In honour of this blog hop (and don’t forget to visit my fellow authors to read their offerings), I am giving away a signed paperback copy of my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, I will mail it to you at no extra cost. I am really feeling that generous right now! All you have to do is comment below, tell me what you love about the supernatural world, and leave your contact email address. I will draw a winner at random within 2 weeks (although be warned, my new baby might dictate a slight delay). Rest assured I will respond and interact as soon I possibly can. 

And finally, check out my fellow Paranormal Nights participants on their blogs. Enjoy! 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Vampire of Blackpool Tells Her Story #HDH #ReadMe

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from one of my works in progress, currently named The Vampire of Blackpool. It is next on my list for editing and publishing.

Leaping up into the air, I struggled to ascend at first.  My balance was unsteady and my body felt like a lead weight.  Gritting my teeth, I forced my mind to focus, and I managed a swift if unstable flight to the hospital.  Fortunately it was only a short distance away, but by the time I alighted behind a brick store shed in the grounds of my destination, I almost collapsed.  I was starving.  I was weak.  I managed to walk slowly across the road and towards the double doors that led into the waiting room for the casualty department.  There were ambulances and vehicles coming and going, but the pavement was strangely empty of people.  All the busy life was contained within the building.
Staggering through the automatic doors, I gasped as a wave of sheer exhaustion poured over me.  I was descending into bloodlust.  I very nearly attacked the first person I set eyes on, but at the last moment managed to control myself.  I was surrounded by beating hearts and succulent bodies.  I needed blood.   As I leaned against the wall, my breath rasping, my eyes wild with hunger and pain, I became aware of voices approaching as two nurses hurried to my aid.
“Here,” one woman shouted, “Let us help you.”

 If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

*Vampire image courtesy of Sam Briggs at Deviant Art

Saturday 20 July 2013

The Writer on Maternity Leave

You may wonder why my blog has gone a little quiet recently. It is because I am expecting a baby any day now, and so I am a little distracted as you can imagine! I have a toddler who is very lively, a husband who recently had an accident at work (not too serious thankfully), and a boisterous dog to contend with, so my writing schedule has gone a little sporadic.

My current task is to finish editing the manuscript for my Victorian vampire novel The Darkness of Love, which is due for release in September and will be published by Chances Press. I am just over halfway through the manuscript now, so hopefully I will find time and energy to complete it before my new baby arrives. I really do not want to miss the deadline. I suppose in a way I am expecting two babies...

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Vampire Seduction Games in The Darkness of Love #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I share an excerpt from my upcoming release, The Darkness of Love. This Victorian vampire story tells us how Marcus Scott (from the Redcliffe novels) became the man he is today.

Gregory smiled as he surveyed the poor, helpless young man in Amelia’s bed.  She reported that Marcus had been excellent, strong and compliant, and extremely invigorating.  Now he lay staring at Gregory with a mixture of terror and defiance on his youthful face.  He swallowed nervously, unsure whether to speak, and he pulled the bed sheet higher as though to try and conceal his obvious state of undress.
“Good morning, Marcus,” Lord Stockton said as he approached the bed, “I understand you are feeling ill.”
Marcus nodded.
“I apologize, my Lord,” he replied in a hoarse voice, “this appears very improper, and it will not happen again.”
“Do not fear  me, Marcus, at least not yet,” Gregory replied briskly, “You may rest for a while until you are strong enough to return to your room.  I do not require your assistance today, I would rather you regain your strength.  Now rest, and I will send a maid with clothes and food for you.  I am sure this is simply a lethargy and will pass within the day.” 
“Thank you, my Lord,” Marcus replied weakly,  “I am indebted to you,” . 
“No matter,” Gregory said, “I am aware of Amelia’s activity, and I understand that you were totally at her mercy.  We will not speak of this again.”

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest

Wednesday 10 July 2013

A Witch’s Familiar in Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) #HDH

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Here is an excerpt from my third published book Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), when our heroine Jessica Stone learns to control her powerful animal familiar, the snow tiger, Suri.

Danny was standing in the same position, in the middle of the room, staring at the space where Suri had been standing a moment before.  His hand was still raised, and I watched as he blinked slowly, opened his eyes, and looked in confusion at his hand.  He dropped it to his side and looked at me, then turned to face Jack.
“What the hell just happened?” he said in a low voice, his Irish accent thick and heavy as he tried to establish what he was doing.  
“You were transfixed by her animal familiar,” Jack replied, his accent matching that of his brother.  
“Fuck,” Danny said softly, and he turned his head to stare at me, “How the fuck did you do that, Jessica?” 
I shuddered at his coarse language, and I shook my head.
“I, I don’t know,” I stuttered, “I wanted you both to stop fighting.  Suri said she could help, and the next thing I knew she was here, standing in front of us.  Shit.” 

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!

Friday 5 July 2013