Showing posts with label British vampire hunters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British vampire hunters. Show all posts

Monday, 24 April 2023

The Vampire of Blackpool Tells Her Story

Are you planning a holiday to Blackpool this year? You had better watch out for the resident vampire and her companions. Here’s an excerpt from Vampire of Blackpool:



Leaping into the air, I struggled to ascend at first. My balance was unsteady, and my body felt like a lead weight. Gritting my teeth, I forced my mind to focus, and I managed a swift if unstable flight to the hospital. Fortunately, it was only a short distance away, but by the time I alighted behind a brick store shed in the grounds of my destination, I almost collapsed. I was starving. I was weak. I managed to walk slowly across the road and towards the double doors that led into the waiting room for the casualty department. There were ambulances and vehicles coming and going, but the pavement was strangely empty of people. All the busy life was contained within the building.

Staggering through the automatic doors, I gasped as a wave of sheer exhaustion poured over me. I was descending into bloodlust. I very nearly attacked the first person I set eyes on, but at the last moment managed to control myself. I was surrounded by beating hearts and succulent bodies. I needed blood. As I leaned against the wall, my breath rasping, my eyes wild with hunger and pain, I became aware of voices approaching as two nurses hurried to my aid.

“Here,” one woman shouted, “Let us help you.”

What happens next? Read the book to find out! Click here to get your copy and meet the vampires that lurk in my part of the world.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (The Redcliffe Novels) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Tension at Work for the Vampire Hunter

 “Are you supposed to be my replacement?” I asked.

“I guess,” Damian said vaguely, “The council called me back, and here I am. They said it was a delicate matter. When they told me it was your previous target, I had to take the job. I mean, come on, your story is famous in our circles!”
“My story?” I asked.
He shrugged.
“Yeah,” he replied, “The hardest hunter in town falls in love with a vampire, a lesbian vampire I might add,” he held a hand up as I tried to argue, “and then almost got herself killed? Yep, you are famous, Hannah Ashland, or Oakley, whatever your name is nowadays.”

🖤Excerpt from Return of the Vampire Hunter - Get the book now.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Which side will you choose?

Contemporary English Gothic Novel Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green is available now on digital download or in paperback.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Just your average Cheshire Housewife - who used to hunt Vampires!

I had this vague idea that I would stab her through the heart and finish her off, but I knew it wouldn’t be that simple. My heart raced when I thought about her. I remembered the taste of her lips, the touch of her fingers, and the way she would stare at me so intensely. I almost drifted into a daydream, until I heard car horns blaring and returned my attention to the road. The last thing I needed right now was a car accident because I wasn’t thinking straight. Nope. Now I had to switch back into ‘Mummy’ mode and go and take care of my children. I was doing this for them, after all.

🔥Excerpt from Return of the Vampire Hunter by Catherine Green.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

The Vampires, the Vampire Hunter, and the Witch in Blackpool, England

 “Good morning, Jack,” I said pleasantly.

I turned to Samantha and then glanced at Ryan.

“May I introduce my old friend, Jack Mason,” I said to them both.

Jack sat down beside Ryan smoothly, and the hunter shifted uneasily in his chair, moving away from the strange visitor. Samantha stared in surprise.

“You’re a vampire,” she said quietly.

Jack smiled and nodded, and then turned towards Ryan.

“And you must be the hunter I have heard so much about,” he said confidently, “I am familiar with your organization, although I have not yet come across your name on their records. Are you one of the selected elite?”

Ryan frowned and his energy spiked defensively.

“How do you know about us?” he asked in a low voice.

Jack’s smile faded.

“I am a police detective,” he announced, “And I came to Blackpool yesterday when we received word about a series of murders with suspiciously similar causes of death.”

🌞Excerpt from Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Contemporary English Gothic Novel by Catherine Green

 Contemporary English Gothic Novel Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green is available now on digital download or in paperback.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Friday, 1 July 2022

🖤Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green

Contemporary English Gothic novel Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green is available now on digital download or in paperback.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Monday, 27 June 2022

#PrideMonth The Witch and her Vampire Lover in Blackpool, England

 "She was a gentle and timid lover, allowing me to take control and lead her into our experience. We began with simple kisses and caresses, moving on to more intimate acts. At first, she shied away from my cool skin, but I raised my temperature a little using magic, and as she felt the energy grow, she responded with excitement and eagerness."

🖤Excerpt from Vampire of Blackpool🖤

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Celebrate Pride Month with #TheRedcliffeNovels


 FYI - #TheRedcliffeNovels and my vampire hunter novels feature characters of all sexual persuasions and identities, human and non-human. We are all unique.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

New Vampire Hunter Novel set in Manchester, England

👉I am currently querying a novel called Hunting the Hunted with agents and publishers

🖤Frederick James Mitchell is a dangerous man. At almost 300 years old, the vampire has led a life of debauchery and murderous excess, with no remorse or judgement for his actions. That is, until vampire hunters catch up with him. They have tracked him down to the hidden tunnels beneath Manchester, and they will make him pay for his crimes against humanity. He is saved by the appearance of a mysterious, young, female vampire, who sets about seducing him as they chase the hunters. Frederick’s existence is turned upside down when he meets attractive young witch, Jeremy, who takes the vampire for all he has got, and still wants more.

👀This is a highly charged vampire adventure, where the hunters and the hunted are tangled in a web of confusion. Nobody is innocent in this game, and there will always be death and destruction when the vampire opens his heart to a witch.

Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England.  Click here

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green

Here is an excerpt from Vampire of Blackpool, one of my passion projects that I birthed several years ago:


            “Meredith!” she called, hurrying over to me, “You came!”

            She held a glass of wine in one hand and a small clutch bag tucked under her other arm. I stood still as she approached, careful to keep my expression blank. She faltered a little as she realised I was not so excited about her presence.

            “Are you alright?” she asked uncertainly, “You look pale.”
            I had to smile at her sweet naivety, and she tried not to gasp as she saw my fangs exposed.

            “I am hungry,” I replied, “I have not yet found suitable food.”
            “Oh,” she said quietly, glancing around her, “Where do you usually, um, find food?”

            I simply stared at her, allowing my eyes to glow silver. She caught her breath, momentarily struggling with her desire to appease me, and her as yet stronger urge to repel me using her magic. I sensed the landlord approaching us before he spoke.

            “You know the rules, Meredith,” Paul said levelly, “No feeding in my pub. Take it outside.”

This was a snippet of conversation between the vampire protagonist Meredith Hanson, and her new friend and potential lover Samantha Morris. If you want to read more and indulge yourself in a little contemporary vampire romance, buy the book here. Vampire of Blackpool is the first in a new and developing series that I am calling my vampire hunter novels. Let’s see if I can return to my old manuscripts in 2021…


Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England. Click here. 



Sunday, 25 October 2020

Ghostly Giveaway #FreeBooks for #Halloween

 Love horror and all things supernatural? Then this giveaway is for you.

 Download Return of the Vampire Hunter for FREE today.


Return of the Vampire Hunter is pure urban fantasy with a hint of seduction thrown in for good measure. Set in Manchester, Northern England, it is a contemporary story with all the darkness of classic Gothic monsters.

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?


Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE copy of It’s Complicated from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green

The vampire, the witch, and the hunter battle it out in a contemporary Gothic adventure in Northern England.

Meredith Hanson lives in Blackpool, the former Victorian holiday hotspot of Northern England. She masquerades as a reclusive author, feeding on the blood of unsuspecting tourists without remorse. Her life takes on new meaning when she meets a young witch in a local pub one evening. Despite Meredith’s cold demeanor, she finds herself oddly fascinated with Samantha Morris, and falls into an accidental relationship with the girl. It is at this time that a vampire hunter arrives in Blackpool. He is tough, he is determined, and his next target is an ancient vampire that has been spotted in the tourist town. He intends to bring her down and destroy her to save the lives of innocent humans. Will he succeed? Or will the experienced vampire seductress be the cause of his undoing?


“What are you doing here, Meredith?” Samantha asked.
            I smiled but said nothing. Samantha looked at Ryan James. She frowned.
            “Did you do this to him?” she asked, moving forward but keeping the bed as a barrier between me and her.
            She leaned forward, appraising her patient with a professional eye. She took in the sling on his arm, the cuts and bruises all over his skin, and the large bandage on his left shoulder. She reached over and carefully lifted a corner of it, and her eyes widened. She knew the truth.
            “Why did you do this?” she asked, “And why are you here now?”

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Signup now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Return of the Vampire Hunter by Catherine Green

Return of the Vampire Hunter is pure urban fantasy with a hint of seduction thrown in for good measure. Set in Manchester, Northern England, it is a contemporary story with all the darkness of classic Gothic monsters.

Just your average Cheshire housewife – who used to hunt vampires!

Hannah Oakley used to be a vampire hunter. She retired from active service when she fell in love with the female vampire she was hunting, but old wounds refuse to heal. She and the vampire fought almost to the death, and now it seems that the vampire has tracked her down. Hannah must return to work, grudgingly accepting help from a new hunting partner, and she is determined that this time she will finish the job. But can she ignore the old lust for her vampire lover? Is the mother able to be a vampire hunter one more time? And will her marriage survive the ordeal?

Return of the Vampire Hunter is available from Amazon US; Amazon UK and in your favourite eBook store – Click here.


We were on the motorway and I was in the passenger seat. I had been passing food to the children in the back seat, and as I twisted back round to face forward, I glanced at James. My heart skipped a beat and then pounded heavily as the world spun around me.
            “What is that on your neck?” I asked sharply.
            James glanced at me and then checked his mirrors as he moved into the middle lane.
            “What?” he asked absently.
            “That,” I said, “On your neck.”
            I reached across and gently touched the mark on his skin. It looked like two small, neat puncture wounds. A vampire bite. Shit.
            James touched the bruise, winced, and then shook his head.
            “I don’t know,” he said, “I must have cut myself shaving.”
            “That is not a shaving wound,” I said.          
            He glanced at me again and frowned.
            “Why are you so upset about it?” he asked curiously, “It’s nothing.”
            I stared at the tiny wound as my whole world flipped upside down. Was it Elaine? Had she finally found me? Or was it another stray vampire? One thing was certain; I had to return to work. This one had to be destroyed before it came for my whole family. Gathering my senses, I shook my head and smiled.
            “Oh, forget it,” I said lightly, “It looked more serious at first, that’s all. But if it doesn’t hurt then it doesn’t matter. Can you see the sea yet, girls?”

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Magic, Monsters and Mercs Giveaway

Come one come all, it's time for some high fantasy. Give us your dungeons, your dragons, and your dastardly villains!

 Look out! Damian shouted as something appeared behind me.
            I leaped round just as a female fist slammed into me. Falling back onto the grass for a second time, I saw Damian fighting with another vampire. It was Elaine. Snarling, snapping, she punched him and flung him across the cemetery.
            Damian! I shouted.
            Then she turned her attention on me. I was sitting on the ground, stunned. She was just as beautiful as I remembered. And just as deadly.
            Hello, Hannah, she purred, After all these years, you still take my breath away.
            I swallowed nervously.

            You dont breathe, I said.
            She laughed, and the sound sent shivers down my spine. I tried to stand up, but my legs refused to work. Elaine offered a hand. I stared at it. The skin was white in the glow from the moon and the backdrop of streetlights. I was alone, in a graveyard, with an old, powerful vampire. This was a very bad situation.

Download your FREE copy of Return of the Vampire Hunter and see what the real housewives of Cheshire get up to in their spare time!

Are you Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from #TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Vampire of Blackpool by Catherine Green

British paranormal romance author Catherine Green has taken a break from her Redcliffe novels series set in Cornwall, and has launched her brand-new novel, Vampire of Blackpool. A contemporary English Gothic story, it tells the tale of vampire Meredith Hanson, her love interest Samantha Morris, and her rival, the vampire hunter Ryan James. The novel is strictly for an adult audience, and Catherines vampires do not sparkle!

What are you doing here, Meredith? Samantha asked.
            I smiled but said nothing. Samantha looked at Ryan James. She frowned.
            Did you do this to him? she asked, moving forward but keeping the bed as a barrier between me and her.
            She leaned forward, appraising her patient with a professional eye. She took in the sling on his arm, the cuts and bruises all over his skin, and the large bandage on his left shoulder. She reached over and carefully lifted a corner of it, and her eyes widened. She knew the truth.
            Why did you do this? she asked, And why are you here now?

Don’t forget to find me on social media:
My novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release news.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Vampire of Blackpool Paperback Edition #NaNoWriMo #ASMSG

Have you read Vampire of Blackpool yet? If you are not familiar with my favourite Victorian seaside resort in the North of England, this book might open your eyes a little bit… and now I am proud to announce that the paperback edition is ready to order! It took me a while since this project has been very much a “learn as you go” adventure. I am happy enough with the outcome, and I have learned my lessons for future self-publishing plans.

For #NaNoWriMo this year I am writing a sequel to Vampire of Blackpool. It wasn’t my intention when I wrote the book, but several readers have informed me that they are waiting to see what happens next. I cannot disappoint them, now, can I? Admittedly I am off to a slow start because my mind is currently elsewhere, but I aim to knuckle down, get writing, and catch up as soon as I can. The sequel will be written! For now, you may enjoy Vampire of Blackpool in paperback or eBook editions.

Have you discovered the Redcliffe novels? Sign up today, and receive your fabulous FREE book to get you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)