Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hump Day Hook - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Good morning and Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to a glorious 2013, where our days will be filled with literary joy and there are many new and exciting books to be discovered, written and read. Today I am sharing an excerpt from my newest, and as yet unpublished Redcliffe novel, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). This is the third book in my series, and concludes the trilogy which introduces us to bookshop owner Jessica Stone, her best friend Elizabeth Gormond, her lover Jack Mason and his identical twin brother Danny. This excerpt is from Chapter 1, and as you can see, the book gets straight to the action with no messing!

              I darted round the houses and shops that formed the end of the terrace in which I lived and worked, scraping my arm on the rough brick but not feeling any pain from the impact.  I had to save Liz.  Entering the street behind my house, I saw my red Ford Fiesta parked in its usual space outside my garden gate, and a huge black 4x4 BMW that belonged to either Jack or Danny Mason, I couldn’t tell which without looking carefully at the number plate.  Why were they at my house alone?  They should be at work or at their house.  The panic increased and I imagined any number of horrors as I flung through the battered old wrought iron garden gate, along the narrow flagged pathway, and through my open back door. 

            “Liz!” I shouted, my gaze darting round my kitchen searching for her. 

            “Jessica,” Liz shouted back, “Help!”
            I stopped short when a huge wolf blocked my path.  His brindle fur, highlighted with streaks of gold, gleamed healthily in the residual orange glow from the streetlights outside.  His amber eyes glowed with power and he growled ominously, his hackles raised, warning me to stay away.  I stared past him and my heart sank.  Liz was struggling in the arms of my lover, Detective Jack Mason.  His short dark hair fell in waves at either side of his face, and his beautiful deep blue eyes were now glowing silver.  He hissed at me, his fangs gleaming, and then he struck at Liz’s neck, biting her as she screamed. 

            “Jack, no!” I screamed, running forward as the wolf that was Danny Mason leaped at me in attack.

Did that grab your attention? Want to know more? Then check out my first 2 novels Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) and Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel), widely available in paperback and eBook format now. They will tell you where the whole story began, and you will soon be able to read Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) as I plan to have it published in 2013.
To discover more fabulous new authors covering all kinds of romance, action and suspense genre, see our Facebook group for Hump Day Hook, or find the full list of participants here. Have a wonderful day!

Saturday 29 December 2012

Review: Bounty Hunter - Kate Lynd

Here is a review for the sci-fi novel Bounty Hunter by Kate Lynd:

Tough, gruff and passionate!

It has been a while since I read sci-fi, and so I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed this story. There is no messing in this narrative. We are thrown straight into the depths of adventure, meeting both the heroes and villains almost immediately. I liked the fast pace of this novel, and the story is well described. You really feel the passion with the characters, and I feel a personal connection to Logan Mitchell, in that I really wanted to offer him some comfort! That said, I think this book could have benefited from some fleshing out towards the end. It felt a bit rushed, as though the author was desperate to give us the conclusion and forgot that the reader might not be so familiar with the futuristic setting and character traits. All in all, I recommend this novel to anybody who enjoys a bit of rough and ready romance. It is very adult, and it is mostly a believable plot.  

Thursday 27 December 2012

Hump Day Hook for Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

It is time for another Hump Day Hook snippet from my second novel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). I trust you have all had a wonderful Christmas holiday and are preparing for an exciting New Year celebration. There will be more from Redcliffe in 2013, starting with the release of my third book, Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). Stay tuned, and in the meantime, here is something to whet your appetite.


Kimberley started to move and then suddenly her hand was at my throat.  She pushed me hard against the wall and I panicked, struggling to breathe.  Before she could speak Danny grabbed her, yanked her back, and threw her across the room so that she skidded and crashed into the wooden chairs.  I sank to the floor, hands to my throat, catching my breath, coughing and spluttering violently as my body reacted in fear.  Danny was crouched above Kimberley, growling and snarling but still in human form.  He punched her and the sound echoed through the room.  She cried out and I heard her whimper and beg him for forgiveness.  His voice was clear and terrifying.
“You ask my forgiveness?” he roared, slapping her face, “You should ask for Jessica’s!  She is my friend, and I welcome her here into our lair with a promise of protection.  You will protect her as our own, Kimberley, or you will be cast out.  What do you choose?”

Don't forget to check out our Facebook group for more exciting novel snippets and lots of fabulous authors. Happy reading! 

Saturday 22 December 2012

Supernatural Adventures in Cornwall - the Redcliffe Novels

Since we are fast approaching an especially busy week for eBook sales and people eagerly searching for new authors and series' to get their teeth into, I am taking this opportunity to promote the Redcliffe novels. Allow me to elaborate...

Set in Cornwall, England, the Redcliffe novels follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone as she unwittingly falls in love with a vampire, becomes entangled with his identical twin brother's werewolf pack, and then discovers she is a witch. 

 Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is about a young woman who runs a bookshop in Cornwall with her best friend. She falls in love with a local police detective and later discovers that he is a vampire, and that his identical twin brother is a werewolf. She is dragged into their complicated and dangerous lives, to her detriment, where secrets are told and lives are lost...

In the recently released sequel Love Kills (A RedcliffeNovel), Jessica Stone recovers from an horrific werewolf attack and comes to terms with revelations that her lover, Jack Mason, is a vampire, his brother, Danny, the werewolf pack leader, and her best friend, Simon, is a werewolf.  Add to that her discovery that she is a witch, and life is suddenly a whole lot harder than it used to be. Jessica has to fight for her own life and Jack’s when faced with his jealous vampire master who wants her old lover back. But things are never easy, and a vampire master is not so easy to defeat…

My books are available in both eBook and paperback formats, with a third novel due out in 2013. You can find links for all formats on my website, on Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Waterstones. I hope you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoy creating the magic and mayhem! 

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hump Day Hook - Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

Here is another sample from my second Redcliffe novel, Love Kills, for this week's Hump Day Hook:

           Here I was reluctant to speak.  It was one thing to accept the reality of werewolves and vampires when they were physically attacking me.  But to accept that the spirit of my dead mother, who just happened to be a witch, was actually holding conversations in my mind was something I struggled with.  Jack saw the confusion in my expression, and suddenly he was there in front of me.  I hadn’t seen him move, and my heart lurched into my throat.  He very gently put his arms around me, and gathered me against his body in a tight hug. 

            “She is real, Jessica,” he said quietly, “I feel her energy around you.  She has spoken in my dreams also, to warn me about protecting you.”
            I drew away from him in surprise, and looked up into his face.

            “You have spoken to her?” I asked incredulously, “When?”

            Jack stared at me with those brilliant blue eyes, and I almost lost myself in the depths of blue flame.  I struggled with the urge to throw myself into his arms again.  My lips twitched with the need to kiss him, and the force of my love was terrifying.  I stood straight and stiff, willing myself to be strong.  Jack spoke quietly, holding my gaze. 

If you like what you see, check out my author website for a free short werewolf story and links to my books for sale. See our Facebook group Hump Day Hook for more exciting novel excerpts and fantastic authors! You can also see a list of participants here.

Merry Christmas!  

Thursday 13 December 2012

Gifts Aren’t Only from Santa! – Indie eBook Event

Allow me to present a special Christmas event hosted by my fellow Indie author, Angela Orlowski-Peart and her friends: 

The Gifts Aren't Only From Santa crew are gearing up for two days of FREE and discounted for charity!

That's right. December 14th and December 15th, treat yourself to a buffet of ebook joy by visiting Amazon and downloading FREE ebooks or heavily discounted ebooks where 100% of the proceeds go towards charity. How cool is that to be a giver and a receiver all at one time?!?!

On top of that, there's a fun Facebook event scheduled for December 14th with cool games and prizes to win. Go here for details.

Want to get a heads up on the great novels coming up for FREE or discounted? Go here  to peruse the titles. Just make sure you don't drool on the keyboard. You'll need it for the December 14th Facebook fun.

"What if I don't have a kindle?" you ask. Well, that isn't a problem. Got a smartphone (android, blackberry, iPhone), computer (Mac or Windows-based), or a tablet (iPad or android tablet), then you can download a FREE kindle app and take advantage of these great titles being made available to you.

Don't forget to enter to win some great prizes in the rafflecopter as well. Yeah, we're just loving the giving spirit! Make sure to share this with everyone so no one misses out on the fun, prizes and free ebooks galore!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Hump Day Hook - Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel)

Today I participate in the Hump Day Hook for the first time. Here is a paragraph from my second novel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) which is widely available now, and you can have your copy for Christmas if you wish! Here is the excerpt for your reading pleasure:

I stepped closer to Danny again, and my tiger advanced upon him.  Although I couldn’t physically see her, I felt that she was around me like a cloak.  Her warm, exotic energy wrapped around my body and attached itself to me, so that to Danny and Jack, she was clear to see.  Something instinctive told me that only the supernatural creatures would see my tiger.  Humans were not evolved enough to trust in their senses.  They would ignore the tingles down their spine, or that feeling of discomfort.  They would dismiss it as a cold chill, or a draught.  In truth it was energy, pure and brilliant.  And this energy needed an outlet.

Do I have your attention? Good! Now pop over to my website for your free short werewolf story set in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and order your copy of Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) today.

If you would like to see more Hump Day Hook blog posts, check out the Facebook page, or see the blog of Kerrianne Coombes for a list of participants. Happy Hump Day!