Suri roared again through my mouth, and I bared my teeth, aiming for Danny’s neck. He managed to shove me aside onto the floor, sitting astride my body, fighting to pin my arms and not injure me.
“Get Marcus, now!” he said over his shoulder, and I saw Simon and Sally run from the room, still in wolf form.
It is paranormal romance, with a little dark fantasy and some horror
Which actors
would you choose to play your characters?
Hmm, so far, I am struggling to decide on the right ones. For my heroine
Jessica Stone I need a British woman with a convincing Manchester accent, long
auburn hair, and green eyes. For the Mason brothers I need identical twins from
Dublin with black hair and blue eyes… Any up and coming actors interested in
the roles please?
5. What is the
one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Emotion runs high in this fast-paced
paranormal adventure, where secrets unfold, and friends are not as they seem…
Will your book
be self-published or represented by an agency?
It will
be published in partnership with Mirador, who produced my first two novels in
the series.
7. How long did it take
you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
About four or five months, I think. Once I had written the first two,
this one just couldn’t wait.
8. What other books would
you compare this story to within your genre?
It probably has elements of the Sookie Stackhouse novels by
Charlaine Harris, but I aspire to write like Laurell K Hamilton and her Anita
Blake, Vampire Hunter series, but with less horrific violence and a British
9. Who or what inspired
you to write this book?
I can’t
really remember. My first novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel),
was cultivated in my mind for around ten years before I actually wrote it down.
It first came about when I read the Nightworld series of novels by L. J.
Smith and decided I wanted my own version of a vampire story with characters I
could more easily relate to. Love Redeems(A Redcliffe Novel)
is a natural progression from that, using experiences gained from my life
during recent years.
10. What else about your
book might pique the readers’ interest?
It is
set in Cornwall and describes the rugged coastline and old smugglers’ caves.
There is a best friend with a new baby, two women running a business, and some
interesting moral issues explored.
Download your FREE copy of It’s Complicated (A Redcliffe Short
Story) and meet the werewolves of Cornwall, England. Click here.
Set in the fictional seaside
town of Redcliffe in Cornwall, Love Hurts is about a young woman who
runs a bookshop with her best friend. She falls in love with a local police
detective and later discovers that he is a vampire, and that his identical twin
brother is a werewolf. She is dragged into their complicated and dangerous
lives, to her detriment, where secrets are told and lives are lost...
What vampire book genre is
the book?
My novel is a contemporary
paranormal romance
What are the ‘themes’ of
this book?
There is adult content,
sexually explicit scenes and scenes of violence
What is the setting of
your book series or book?
The Redcliffe Novels series is
set in the fictional seaside town of Redcliffe in Cornwall, England.
What’s in store for
This is the story of my
heroine Jessica Stone as she struggles with being in love with a vampire, while
having sexual feelings towards his identical twin brother who is a werewolf. To
further complicate things, Jessica discovers she is a witch, and since she was
orphaned at a young age, she had no family to guide her into her heritage.
Things kick off with the aid of her newly discovered non-human friends, and her
easy life spirals out of control.
Words from the Author
I have always been fascinated
by the vampire myth and wrote my dissertation on vampires for my university
degree. Contrary to popular folklore, I have always viewed vampires as a
romantic and misunderstood creature, although I do not doubt their ability to
kill and destroy. To me they represent the primitive, dangerous part of
ourselves that humans prefer to ignore.
Are you
Team Jack or Team Danny? Sign up now and receive your FREE story from
#TheRedcliffeNovels series set in Cornwall, England.
novels are adult paranormal with equal amounts of dark romance and contemporary
English Gothic. Sign up now for special offers and book release
Redcliffe novels series follow the adventures of bookshop owner Jessica Stone
as she meets a man and falls in love, only to discover the hidden werewolf
secrets of her close friends. That includes Simon Bunce, manager of the Ship
Inn, who turns out to be lieutenant to the Redcliffe werewolf pack, and lover
to the wolf alpha Danny Mason. He fights to protect his master from the
ethereal animal familiar who threatens to claim their pack. Who knew the
Cornish coast could be so deadly?
Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get you
started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will bite!)
I have lost
my way a little bit during the past month. All it took was a long school
holiday and a bit of family drama, and suddenly here I am stuck in limbo once
again. I haven’t opened my WIP for a couple of weeks. I haven’t written
anything proper for ages. Well, I say proper. I have been maintaining two blogs
and posting regular articles on those, so I suppose really I’m not that bad.
What I mean
is that my previous work has stalled. I need to produce a new book to publish,
and I want to have it done and ready by the end of June so that I can release
it just before the school summer holidays. That way I can take a bit of time to
do promotions and networking to give it a decent chance of getting off the
ground. But I also need a bit more freelance paid work coming in, so I must
reboot my efforts in the non-fiction department as well. Looks like May will be
a busy month!
Did you enjoy
this article?Join my tribe today, and I will send you a fabulous FREE book to get
you started… (be warned, my vampires do not sparkle, and my wolves will
I have a brand new book out on a #ValentinesDay weekend release! This one contains some rather raunchy stories from our favourite vampires, witches and werewolves in Redcliffe, Cornwall. You have been warned...
The pretty seaside town of Redcliffe in Cornwall is a popular location for holidaymakers during the summer season. It has good waves for surfing, good pubs for socialising, and a vibrant tourist industry. It is also home to a hidden werewolf pack, and several vampires and witches, who all live within human society, pretending to be just like the rest of us.
Bookshop owner Jessica Stone used to be one of those humans. Then she met Detective Jack Mason and his twin brother, Danny. They took her on a wild adventure that shows no sign of slowing down. Now she is deeply embedded with the vampires and werewolves, and learning the power of their lust, and a magnetic attraction that is just too hard to ignore. She is also learning about her own true heritage, and how to feed her desires and satisfy her powerful animal familiar that resides within.
I am so excited! And it took just one new review for my debut novel, Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), to set me off. We writers are a sensitive breed. We thrive on compliments, much like the rest of the world, I suppose, but for me this has been the boost I needed after more ups and downs in the world of writing and marketing.
My latest 5 star review comes from a reader who took my novel on holiday. And now she wants more. Hooray! She called the story, "Poldark with Fangs," which I think is absolutely brilliant, and why didn't I think of that? I mean, I watched Poldark because of Aidan Turner, because I first discovered him as the vampire John Mitchell in Being Human that was shown on BBC3, and I fell head over heels in lust for the boy. In fact, I even pictured him as a candidate for Detective Jack Mason in an upcoming television series or film franchise...
Hey, we thrive on dreams and possibilities! Anyway, I just wanted to share my excitement, and my dreams, and I hope that if you haven't picked up the Redcliffe novels yet, then it will encourage you to do so. Put it this way: if you love Aidan Turner, if you loved him in Poldark, if you love sexy, smoldering alpha males with strong female characters in a picturesque Cornwall location, you will not be disappointed. Thank you!
We are here. We have survived. We have experienced the highs and lows of life on the English Riviera, and we will never be the same again. Imagine if you took a holiday (or a vacation) in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and you discovered the werewolf pack, and the vampires. Imagine if you saw the witch Jessica Stone in the throes of magical sorcery. You would be forever changed. Just like Jessica, when she fell in love with a vampire. It is alright for you and I. We have our homes far away from the madness. Jessica now lives in a danger Zone. And she is immersed far too deeply to even consider an escape.
I hope you have enjoyed our adventures over here on the #AtoZChallenge 2015. I hope that you are now eagerly devouring the first three Redcliffe novels, and that they exceed your expectations. Perhaps you would care to leave a review, and share the books with your friends? I would really appreciate it. My life is very lonely at present, with my supernatural family demanding attention, and no one to share them with (my children are preschoolers. I think they are a little young for the Redcliffe novels just yet!). Maybe you are familiar with the tourist places in Cornwall that inspired my location. I used a mixture of Looe and Polperro, because those are places that I visited a lot many years ago. I also threw in a bit of Newquay, just for good measure.
Jessica will rest for now. I have completed the first draft of book 4 in the Redcliffe series. Eye of the Tiger is proving to be the most dramatic adventure yet, but it is far from finished. No. I have decided that I will take time over this novel. I will use the techniques, advice and information that I have gleaned during the years since I published the previous novels, and then I will make this one the Best Damn Paranormal Romance this side of the Atlantic. Jessica is learning her witchcraft. I, too, am learning my craft. My work continues to evolve, and now I allow myself the luxury of indulgent language. I will even endeavour to include some native Cornish dialect at some point. I do include local characters, after all; mostly members of the Redcliffe werewolf pack. See you soon, my friends…
I hope you have enjoyed participating in the #AtoZChallenge 2015. You can see other participants and find new authors over on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. I am leaving now, to take a well-earned rest. And to catch up on some reading. And some writing… Toodle-oo!
OK, I admit, that is a slightly daft title. But it fits my mood, and I like to lighten things up a little when it comes to discussing the Redcliffe novels. After all, my novels can be pretty serious, even if they are designed for a commercial market. But they also have their comedy elements, a bit of fun, and a reflection of British life in an isolated town, albeit with lots of paranormal activity thrown in. I have a confession to make. I do think that Shapeshifters are sexy. And I say shapeshifters, because I don’t just mean werewolves, who seem to dominate the Redcliffe novels at the moment.
Ah yes, my beloved wolves. Perhaps I feel an affinity for them because I love domestic dogs so much. A lot of the behaviour of the Redcliffe wolves is inspired by my own pet, Baxter. He is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier X, and we nicknamed him Wolfie, because sometimes he does resemble his wild kin, especially when he bares his teeth and puffs his fur out. Wolves are incredibly protective, powerful, and noble creatures, I think. But as I said, they are not the only shapeshifters in Redcliffe. Not all shapeshifters are wereanimals. Some are witches with powerful animal familiars, who use the human bodies of their host to offer protection and magical assistance when necessary. Have you met Jessica Stone’s snow tiger, Suri? She is a fascinating creature, and the cause of much conflict and confusion for Jessica.
There are other wereanimals that make an appearance in the Redcliffe novels. We certainly have not met them all yet, and I know there are a few new characters waiting to introduce themselves. We have briefly met a couple of tigers, a husband and wife who run a popular café in the nearby city, where the local supernatural community meet up. Jessica met them when a friend took her there, and she was quite literally stunned. They are vibrant, attractive, powerful, and sexy. And they will become more mainstream in future Redcliffe novels. They have made that very clear to me! Finally, I believe that vampires exhibit shapeshifting qualities. My vampires do not dissolve into mist or turn into bats. They are more subtle than that. They can cloud a human mind, effectively making themselves invisible, using their magical powers of persuasion. Their physical features contort when they feed, and they snap from human to monster in the blink of an eye…
If you are interested in seeing other participants for the #AtoZChallenge, check them out on the official website. We have everything from book stuff, to cooking, to photography, to travel, and a whole lot more. Happy April!
I never understood the concept of being in love. It always seems like such a big deal and yet everywhere you look you see people getting their hearts broken, scorned women and cheating men. Practically every TV show, film or novel has some sort of love theme running through it. People thrive on relationships; they chase each other for romance, for excitement, or simply to be together. They argue, fight, make up, and break up. I have seen a lot of people hurt by love and then I have seen a few people who are happy with it. The whole subject confuses me, it frightens me, and because I don’t understand it, I don’t miss it and I certainly don’t chase it.
Don’t get me wrong; love must be worth fighting for because everyone always seems to be chasing it. But not me. No, I decided after my parents died and my family abandoned me that I would look after number one before anyone else. Then I met Liz and developed love of a different kind, love for my best friend, my sister. I made an exception and vowed to always protect her no matter what. But when it came to men, not a chance. I wasn’t interested. I didn’t need romance, and I didn’t need a relationship.
Then I met Jack Mason and his brother Danny. All of my carefully built defences came crashing down around me. Love is dangerous and painful. Love is confusing and exhausting. Love will get you killed. Yet despite everything I find myself going back for more, unable to break free of this trap. My life was normal and happy and successful before I met the Mason brothers. Then they showed me what I had been lacking and what I needed to truly be fulfilled. So let me tell you the story, about a picturesque seaside town in South Western England, and the secrets of its seemingly innocent inhabitants…
Did I mention that my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) is now just $0.99 on Smashwords? Oh, well, just saying... maybe you want to read it, if you haven't already... and don't forget to leave a review! Thank you!
The Cornish town of Redcliffe is a beautiful seaside resort. It has wild sea, rambling forests, mysterious cliffs, and a local powerful werewolf pack. Jessica Stone is blissfully happy running a bookshop with her best friend and business partner, Elizabeth Gormond.
When Detective Jack Mason sweeps Jessica off her feet, she cannot understand the hostility towards him from her gay best friend Simon Bunce. Eventually Jessica realises that there is more to Jack Mason than meets the eye, and then she meets his identical twin brother, Danny. She is drawn into their dangerous lives by their enemy, a powerful werewolf determined to overthrow the pack leader.
Jessica’s world is turned upside down as she discovers that all is not as it seems in this picturesque resort, and there are many painful lessons to be learnt about falling in love…
I am very proud of my adult paranormal romance series the Redcliffe novels, and that pride is compounded by the wonderful support and positive feedback I am receiving from friends and family who read my books. Of course, I want the books to reach people all over the world, but since I am an Indie author, I do what I can with a minimal advertising campaign and a busy domestic life to juggle.
One of my friends recently shared an image on my Facebook fan page that has made me smile, and also left me a little in awe. I did not want to share too much information about a character who makes her first appearance in the second novel, Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel). She is a complete character, but she is not totally physical, which makes her something of an enigma I suppose. Her name is Suri, and she is the animal familiar, or power animal spirit, of our protagonist Jessica Stone.
I had never planned to include an animal familiar in the Redcliffe novels. Actually, I was not aware that Jessica was a witch until the story began to unfold at my fingertips. The whole process of writing the first three novels has been a wild and exhilarating ride, and I cannot give up the seaside town of Redcliffe just yet. There will certainly be a book 4 in the series, but I admit I have not yet begun to write it.
I have a few distractions (like being heavily pregnant) at the moment. No matter, I will get the job done, and I will not leave my adoring fans waiting for too long. They care about Redcliffe just as much as me, and for that I am eternally grateful and very very happy!
I couldn’t resist sharing just one more snippet from Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), especially since the novel will go live for sale this week! Look out for updates when all the various sales outlets catch up, but in the meantime you can get the first two Redcliffe novels via my website in both paperback and all eBook formats.
For now, here is an excerpt following an incident between our heroine Jessica, her animal familiar, and the Redcliffe werewolf pack:
“Are they alright, Danny?” I asked tentatively. Danny turned his head slowly to stare at me. My heart skipped a beat and thudded painfully in my chest. I swallowed again, forcing myself to hold his gaze and not back down. “They need to hunt,” Danny said gruffly, “The power hit them hard. They lost control and their beasts awoke early. It leaves them in pain and disoriented. They need their master for support and grounding.” “Oh.” Was all I managed to say in reply. Danny shook his head. “I cannot deal with you at present, Jessica,” he said, “We will speak later. I must go.”
If you would like to see more fantastic new novels from lots of different authors, check out our dedicated Hump Day Hook website and the Facebook group. There you will find a wide range of genres including traditional romance, BDSM, erotica, sci-fi and fantasy.
It has arrived! It has finally arrived! After much
discussion, tantalising titbits, and lots of talk about my exciting new
Redcliffe novel, I can now reveal the front cover of Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).
*Cue drum roll* - Ta-da!
Adjusting to life with vampires and werewolves, Jessica
Stone is learning about being a witch. Love is painful. Life is difficult. It
is never boring.
Life has changed forever in Redcliffe, Cornwall. Jessica
Stone used to be a normal, happy human. Now she is an angry, conflicted and
confused witch. It all happened when she met Detective Jack Mason and his
identical twin brother Danny. Jessica almost died twice, fell into a love
triangle, and she became a murderer. Now she faces the ultimate challenge as
she continues the fight to save the man she loves, while simultaneously
struggling with her lust for his werewolf brother and their vampire friend. Can
she survive, or will love finally end her life completely?
Today is Hump Day Hook once again. My, the time goes quickly these days! During recent weeks we have been catching glimpses of life in the Cornish town of Redcliffe after Jessica Stone discovered the existence of vampires and werewolves, and began to learn about her own hidden heritage. Now I have decided to take us back to the beginning. Here is an excerpt from my debut novel Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel). This is an excerpt from the very first time that Jessica Stone met Jack Mason, on an ordinary midweek evening...
Suddenly he was
pulled back and I staggered as he was torn away from my body.I blinked and opened my eyes to see Simon
standing in front of me, his face blazing with anger.He shoved Jack away from me and almost snarled.I had never seen him this angry.
“You stay away from her, Mason,” he growled. “She is my friend.”
Jack’sface became stern, almost stony as he replied
in a cold voice.
“Be careful, Simon,” he warned. “I think we
should allow Jessica to decide what she is doing.She seems perfectly capable of taking care of herself.”
I felt a sudden rush of anger.How dare Simon interrupt something so
intimate!My voice was strong and
steady as I straightened up and faced the two men, glaring at Simon.He took the full force of my rage, and it
surprised him.
“Simon, what the hell are you playing at?”
I said angrily. “For your information I felt a bit faint inside and Jack
brought me out here for some fresh air since it was so stuffy in the pub.And you don’t even know him do you?” I
added, the rage subsiding as quickly as it rose.
There we go! If you like the sound of that then read the entire novel for free over on Wattpad. It is a limited special offer in preparation for the release of the third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), which will conclude the initial story of how Jack and Jessica met. But never fear, there will be lots more books in the series!
Now, if you enjoyed that excerpt, why not check out some other authors in our Hump Day Hook group? Please visit the official blog here, or find us on Facebook. Happy humping!