Monday 4 March 2013

I Mourn for Being Human as it reaches the End

Last night I watched my favourite TV show, Being Human. It was an emotional time when the announcer reminded the audience that this final series is almost over. Next weekend we see the grand finale, which draws to a close 5 wonderful seasons of this innovative and action packed supernatural drama.

According to the writers at BBC3, who broadcast Being Human, this was never meant to be so big. It was an experiment, to see how the television audience reacted to watching the story of a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf living together in Bristol. It turned out the audience loved it, and during the next few series our characters evolved, grew, moved on, and the setting changed to Barry in Wales.

Part of my attraction to Being Human is that it is British. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I also enjoy watching The Vampire Diaries and True Blood, among other things. But for me, to find a good, realistic, British supernatural drama on our native BBC, was just perfect. I am very sad to see the end of Being Human. I am also very interested to see what comes next.

I can’t help but think that there is now room for something more, perhaps a television dramatization of my Redcliffe novels? I am here, I am waiting, and I am hungry for the action! And judging by the popularity of Being Human, there are many more people who feel the same way. They just need to discover Redcliffe like I did!

Sunday 3 March 2013

Planning and Writing my Books

My book writing schedule is at a funny stage right now. I am awaiting the public release of my third adult paranormal romance novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). This is the third in a series that I affectionately call the Redcliffe novels, and it concludes the trilogy of how we met our heroine Jessica Stone and the insane supernatural love triangle that she fell into.

The story doesn’t end there, however. Love Redeems finishes on yet another cliffhanger. I won’t give it away, but suffice to say that the Redcliffe werewolf pack are in need of support and their alpha is broken hearted. I have to write book 4, not only because the series demands it, but because these characters are real people to me, and I hope they are real to a lot of other people who read my stories. So I am currently planning Redcliffe book 4 in my head, but have yet to begin writing it on the computer.

In the meantime I stepped away from Redcliffe to try something else. For NaNoWriMo 2012 I wrote a story about a vampire in Blackpool and what happened when she met a vampire hunter. I quite liked that story, and it is now awaiting editing ready for submission to publishers and/or agents. I then got the urge to begin writing another story about a vampire hunter who lives on a canal boat. That one came to me while I was out walking one day, ironically enough next to our local canal!

Well, this story is faltering. My heroine,  Dr Jennifer Worthington, has secrets to uncover but they are not coming out quite in the way I expected. I am writing this story in the third person, whereas the Redcliffe novels are in the first person and told by Jessica Stone. My muse has decided that this new vampire hunter story needs to include something about angels and demons. I have yet to write them properly into the story, and that is where I am faltering. Still, it is a challenge and I will not be defeated. No matter how long it takes, I will complete this story. But I might venture back into Redcliffe before then, because that is so much easier and more natural for me…

Thursday 28 February 2013

#amwriting February Writing Schedule Review

Once again I am surprised that we have reached the end of the month, although I shouldn’t be since we all know February is a short month anyway. Still, when every day is filled with activity and you have a never-ending to-do list, I suppose it kind of keeps you on your toes. Being pregnant with my second child is an added challenge!

It has been a very productive month actually, so my 2013 resolutions are still running smoothly and I am still feeling very positive. I have submitted another short story to a competition, this time for the Writers Magazine. I have worked on my current novel about a vampire hunter in the North of England, although it is stumbling along and I’m still not sure of the direction with this one. A challenge is always good though!

And, finally on the writing front, I have knuckled down with both of my blogs (you can see my personal blog on Wordpress) to keep them updated and as entertaining as possible. I welcome any comments that offer constructive advice or guidance if you feel I am lacking in anything. Similarly if you enjoy reading my blogs, please tell me! We writers are a sensitive breed, and we thrive on praise and admiration from our readers. We have to take small pleasures where we can…

I am also working hard on my business plan as a freelance copy writer, editor and proofreader. Having spent several years working on personal projects for friends and family, I have decided to utilize my skills and build on my portfolio of published works. If you are interested, you can see me on Suite101 and Write and Share. If you have a project that needs professional assistance, do not hesitate to contact me. I am here to help!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH - Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

          Welcome to another weekly excerpt from the Hump Day Hook! Here is a little something from my upcoming new novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), where we see interaction between our heroine Jessica Stone and one of her errant vampires, Marcus Scott...

Marcus appeared from among the trees, moving with such speed that I barely registered him at first.  I screamed again as he landed on me.  He pushed me to the ground, straddling my body and pinning my arms above my head.  I bucked and kicked beneath him, trying desperately to free myself.  Suri roared through my mouth, and I welcomed the sheer strength of her power as it flowed through me.  But the vampire was stronger.  Although I rode the power of my animal familiar, I was a newly awakened witch and my abilities were still largely undiscovered.  Marcus used his physical strength to pin me to the ground.
“Do not fight me, witch,” he hissed, “I could strike you now and drink you dry.”

For more excerpts from other fabulous authors, please see our blog page for the Hump Day Hook, or find us on Facebook.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Tag, You're It! Let's Play the 7/7/7 Game...

I have been tagged by Ciaran Dwynvil to play the 7/7/7 game. The rule is that you post 7 lines from your manuscript, and you can publish from either page 7, page 77, or page 177. Today I will post an excerpt from my upcoming third novel Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), and this comes from page 7 of the manuscript.

            “I will fetch you some water,” Jack said, and he disappeared at an inhuman speed.
            Shaking out the duvet, I switched on my bedside lamp, needing some light for comfort in my agitated state.  I looked at the clock.  It was a little after 4:00am, and although I was desperate to phone Liz and hear her voice, I knew it was way too early.  She would not appreciate a phone call at this hour of the night, especially if she had been awake with the newborn baby.  I sighed and picked up my mobile phone, wondering if she might have sent me a text message for any reason. 

Now, for those of you who have been tagged, join the game. If you want to join in, feel free and share your links. Have fun and Happy Sunday! 

Friday 22 February 2013

The Redcliffe Novels Author Interviews

Just a quick post to share links to a couple of author interviews I recently did as part of my promotional tour for the Redcliffe novels and my upcoming new release Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel).

For the first interview I was showcased on the prolific author blog You Read It Here First, hosted by Christina Hamlett.

And for the second interview you can find me on Morgen Bailey's blog, Morgen's Author Interviews. Two very different interviews, and I thoroughly enjoyed answering the questions posed by my hosts.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel)

Having recently sent my final manuscript off to the publisher for printing, I would like to share an excerpt from my upcoming new release Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel). I am very excited to see my third book in print, and I hope you will enjoy the snippet, which shows a little action between the witch Jessica Stone, and the alpha werewolf Danny Mason.

“You are the alpha male,” I said, “You are worthy of our attention.”
            “Jessica,” Danny said, “I do not want to play with your tiger.  I want you,” he paused, staring at me with glowing blue eyes, “Jessica, I want you.” He said again.
            I hesitated, mulling over his words.  Something stirred within me, a memory of another man who looked identical to the alpha.  The other man was not a wolf.  He was dead.  I didn’t want a dead thing.  I wanted heat, power, and life.  I moved towards the alpha, my body preparing to pounce.  My movements were smooth, agile and feline.  I loved the way I moved, so graceful and delicate, so strong.  I pounced.

There we go! Not only is Jessica fighting with her wayward animal familiar, but she is about to plunge head first into a love triangle with supernatural identical twin brothers. Will her sanity survive? Will she survive? Wait and see! In the meantime, you can read the story from the beginning by checking out Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel) free on Wattpad for a limited time only. You can then sample the sequel Love Kills (A Redcliffe Novel) and follow the progress of our feisty heroine and her tumultuous relationships.

You can see the rest of our Hump Day Hook bloggers on our special website, and on Facebook. Take a look, you won't be disappointed!