Wednesday 10 April 2013

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Vampire of Blackpool

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I will share another excerpt from my manuscript for NaNoWriMo 2012. The novel is called The Vampire of Blackpool, and I was quite pleased with the result. I have yet to return to the project for edits, but I certainly plan to have this one published in the future. Enjoy!

Before either of them could make sense of what I was, I struck at the girl, biting her throat and drinking deeply of her blood. She screamed loudly, but it soon faded as she fell unconscious in my grasp. The boy stared in horror, as I raised my eyes to look at him while I fed. He soon gathered his senses however, and I realized just in time that he was about to hit me with the torch. He was strong, but no match for me. Rearing up from his girlfriends body, I hissed at him and smacked his arm hard. The torch flew across the garden and landed with a thud in a flowerbed. The boy stared at me, struck dumb by his terror. He stuttered and managed to find his voice.
            Youre aa…” he gave up talking as I reached across to grab his jacket.
            Yes, I replied smoothly, my eyes glowing silver and my skin translucent in the moonlight, I am a vampire.  We do exist.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping! 

*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Liebster Award – I’ve Been Nominated!

I had a wonderful email yesterday from James A. West, who informed me that he had nominated my author blog for the Liebster Award. I admit I have seen this award on a couple of other blogs and I felt slightly envious that nobody nominated me, so now I am a very happy bunny!

For those who are not familiar with the Liebster Award, it is available for bloggers with fewer than 300 followers. The nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It is fun, informative, and an excellent way to network and grow your audience.

Here are 11 random facts about me:
  1. I am pregnant with my second child, due in July 2013
  2. I have auburn hair (definitely not ginger!)
  3. My husband is a slightly obsessed waste manager by trade, so our house often resembles a recycling facility in progress!
  4. Aside from a 2-year-old daughter, I am Mummy to Baxter the Staffydoodle, Duck the Cumberland Slider turtle and Ashton the Yellow Bellied Slider turtle.
  5. My professional writing career only began at around the time I first got pregnant, and now I have 3 published novels!
  6. One day I will own a camper van. I just have to.
  7. I love chocolate, especially Dairy Milk.
  8. I am a ghost hunter, and have done overnight investigations in Scotland, England and Wales during the last 7 years.
  9.  I read Tarot and Oracle cards.
  10. Someday soon I would love to go on a solo writer’s retreat for a whole week, bliss!
  11. When I make my millions, I will buy a lovely old house in the Cheshire countryside and a seaside home in Cornwall.

My answers to the 11 questions:

  1. What is something you have always wanted to do but haven't done yet?                                        Obtain a camper van and go on a road trip round the UK.
2. If you were a Star Trek character, who would you be and why? (If you don't know Star Trek, don't admit it! Just make something up!)
I would have to be Spock. He is a legend!

3. What is one of your favorite movie scenes, and why?
In Ghostbusters 2, when the goo goes crazy, and the Titanic arrives down at the docks. Cracks me up every time!

4. Why did you choose writing? What drew you to it?
I was never going to escape it. English, especially creative writing, was my best subject at school and I lived in a dream world of imagination and fantasy (in fact, I still do).

5. What is your favorite book?
Ooh, tough question! Hmm, I will choose a fiction one, and say Matilda by Roald Dahl. It has always been a favourite.

6. Besides writing, do you do any other art? 
I enjoy creative card making and crafting bead jewellery.

7. What is one of your craziest travel stories?
Well, a few years ago I went on a road trip to France with my Mum and younger sister. Our car was stopped at Dover for an inspection, but Mum opened the boot, the guy took one look at our crammed in suitcases, and he just waved us on to the ferry! Then we got lost a couple of times, Mum forgot she should drive on the other side of the road and go the opposite direction on roundabouts, and finally we reached our destination in a remote rural village. It was a great holiday though!

8. Skiing or lounging on a beach?
Lounging on a beach, but with a book and magazine for company.

9. Coke or Pepsi?

10. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? If not, do you want to?
No. I used to play the clarinet but gave it up when I left school. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t, but I have a lot of activities now so I’m not too upset.

11. Do you have any new writing projects that you can share with us right now?
Yes. I am currently finishing the first draft of a story about a vampire hunter who lives on a canal boat and travels the UK completing her jobs. Her life is turned upside down when she meets an ancient vampire who means more to her than she understands. It turns out they have a history that goes back centuries, and she has a lot to rediscover about her true self…

My 11 questions to pass on:
  1. Do you have a motto and what is it?
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. Why should we read your blog?
  4. Do you have an unfulfilled ambition and what is it?
  5. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
  6. Were you a geek, a jock, a weird kid or something else in school?
  7. What is your favourite music and band?
  8. What is your favourite movie?
  9. Sweet snacks or savoury?
  10. What is your passion?
  11. Who do you admire?

My nominees:

Congratulations nominees, and I look forward to seeing your responses!

Friday 5 April 2013

Book Review: Wytchfae Runes by Flossie Benton Rogers

I have recently read the debut paranormal romance novel from Flossie Benton Rogers. Here is my review of Wytchfae Runes:

I have been following this author on her blog for a while now, and so I began reading the novel with excited anticipation, after reading several tantalising snippets online. I wasn’t disappointed! The story moved quickly in a practical manner. The heroine, Kelly, is totally down-to-earth while still displaying her magical abilities. And as for the Viking ghost, Ingvar… Wow! Let’s just say, he will stir some excitement from an appreciative reader!

It isn’t all about sex and magic, however. The novel very smartly introduces some ancient folklore and characters based on traditional myths, which I really liked. I can see the author developing a very successful series after reading this book, and I recommend Wytchfae Runes to all fans of popular Urban Fantasy and contemporary dark romance.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Guest Author Feature: Ciaran Dwynvil

Today I welcome my fellow Hump Day Hook blogger, Ciaran Dwynvil, to share some insight about his gay erotic fantasy novels. Take it away Ciaran!

Thank you, Catherine, for having me as your guest today. I’m very excited to be here to tell you about my newest gay erotic paranormal fantasy, In Blue Poppy Fields. The book will please not only all fans of Belial, the Prince of Trickery, the Lord of Lust and the Antilight… aka Guardian Demon, but all readers who love vampires.

Though… perhaps not all readers as vampire stories differ greatly. Some have gloomy, horror atmosphere, some are full of blood and violence, still others brim with dark sensuality. How should you know ours would be to your liking? Apart from reading a sample chapter on Amazon or Smashwords to get a feel of the tale, you can learn about various aspects of a vampire’s life in our world during In Blue Poppy Fields release tour. Let’s first take a look at the book and then we will move on to our topic for today. The effects of a demon’s blood.
In Blue Poppy Fields: A victim to another man’s cruelty, talented and beautiful theater actor Adhemar Lebeau learned not to trust and not to love anybody but himself. Falsely accused of his master’s murder, he has to accept assistance of mysterious Count Sanyi Arany to later discover his savior is a vampire. Forced both by a fatal illness and aftershocks of torture experienced during his unjust imprisonment, Adhemar agrees to the only possible cure. Rebirth. 
Healed in body but not in mind, he guards his independence, free will and heart. He is not able to give love, only the fulfillment of lust. Yet, satiation of sensuous longing is not enough for his Sire and he knows it. When an eerie malady strikes and seems to deplete Sanyi’s life energy for unknown reasons, Adhemar understands his fears and agrees to keep a street boy, Reyach, as a pet for both of them in hope it will soothe the unspoken worries. 
Out of necessity he finds himself in the role of the only hunter in their company, and out of attachment he accepts the responsibility readily. Indulgence in blood and carnal pleasures fill his nights and vampiric powers give him the feeling of safety. Until the evening when he carelessly falls prey to High Demon Belial’s plays that quickly turn into more than either of them has bargained for.
In spite of a hard start, Adhemar feels burning urge deep in his heart and no matter how much he denies it, the cause of the strange sensation is a budding seed of affection brought to life by the insufferable demon. But letting Adhemar learn to love somebody other than him is not what seemingly innocent Reyach plans.
The blurb has only revealed the book is about vampires. But here in the post we will unravel a secret about blood. 
What secret? you might ask. It always looks and tastes the same, doesn’t it? Yes, we all have tried to stop the bleeding of a finger by sucking at it at least once, so I will not describe what blood tastes like to us. And when it comes to our sense of vision: we may be able to see the difference between bleeding from a vein and from an artery. But that is all.
A vampire’s understanding of blood is much deeper. After a couple of successful hunts he realizes that its taste differs from victim to victim and that the adrenaline rush and endorphins coursing through one’s veins change it for better. For this reason he will try to hunt regularly though he might find other sources of blood too. While his lovers might become willing donors and the surge of endorphins their veins carry during lovemaking twined with bloodtaking will almost compare to the experience of hunt, it won’t be the same. The fear a prey feels before his death adds an irresistible flavor to his blood. The flavor that will be sought again and again.
That’s the relationship with mortal blood every vampire develops quickly. Yet, there are also other crimson treats.
A demon’s blood is one of the two most powerful essences a vampire can swallow. And with even a single draught an addiction creeps on him. The blood of a demon is like a drug. It intoxicates the vampire, it engulfs him in incessant craving for more, it makes him dependent on its taste. And as if it is not enough, it arouses him to the point when pleasure mingles with pain. It stretches him on the racks of desire and he can’t ever have enough of its taste and its effects.
Why would anybody want to take but a sip of this treacherous, dangerous fluid? Well, not many vampires have ever had the privilege to meet a demon. Much less to take from him. So the effects are not widely known. And when it does happen and the vampire tastes this essence, he doesn’t ever want to break the bond the blood created. He knows he is addicted and doesn’t wish to change anything about the fact. Is it a curse or a blessing? You can judge after reading In Blue Poppy Fields.
For now here is a short excerpt full of red bliss that will allow you to catch a glimpse of what it feels like to take from a demon:
With a growl worthy of an enraged mountain lion, he bit into the demon’s neck and… almost died in pleasure. What was this?! Blood. But it didn’t taste like ordinary blood. This was the sap of the Tree of Life, this was divine ambrosia, this was a heavy drug flooding all his senses, attacking him from all directions, rushing him relentlessly, forcing him to succumb to the sensation, to the taste, to the feel. And he did so with a quiet moan and body all taut with unknown pleasure.
Did the little peek into our world capture your attention? In Blue Poppy Fields is currently available at Amazon and Smashwords.
It can be read without being familiar with other books in the Guardian Demon Series but you now have an opportunity to win one of the twelve copies of Trails of Love I Crawl Part 1 that opens the beguiling world of this series. Participation is easy enough for anybody over the age of eighteen. The more you help others find me and Guardian Demon Series books, the more chances to win you will have. 
What can you do?
  • Recommend my books in reader discussions on Goodreads, Shelfari or other platforms you are active at
  • Follow my blog, like my FB page, follow me on Twitter
  • Rate my books on Goodreads
  • Review my books on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N or Goodreads
  • Feature my books and your reviews of them on your blog if you have one
  • Tell your friends about Guardian Demon Series
  • Tweet about In Blue Poppy Fields, FB links to release tour articles, reblog them, Pinterest them, Stumble upon them… whichever platform you fancy is welcome
My giveaway form will give you more suggestions. Winners will be announced on my blog on the 11th of April. I hope to see your entry in the giveaway and thank you for your help in spreading the word of mouth about Guardian Demon Series.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

With this I hand over Catherine’s blog back to her. It has been my pleasure to be your guest, Catherine. Thank you for having me over today.
*Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest*

Hump Day Hook #HDH – The Vampire of Blackpool

Hello and welcome to the Hump Day Hook. Today I will share a snippet from my manuscript for NaNoWriMo 2012. The novel is called The Vampire of Blackpool, and I was quite pleased with the result. I have yet to return to the project for edits, but I certainly plan to have this one published in the future. Enjoy!

In a flash I was out of my bedroom, leaping through the open window and landing softly on the grass below. I flew across the lawn and leaped over the thick hedgerow that bordered my land. Keeping close to the trees, I stepped nimbly over the muddy ground, my feet barely touching the floor. The dry leaves below never felt my weight, and my bare feet did not recognize the cold temperature. I saw the teenagers walking along the lane, approaching the narrow driveway that led to my house. They had a torch, and the light wobbled and bounced on the tarmac in front of them. They walked close together, a boy and a girl, holding hands. I stalked silently behind, deliberately forcing myself to wait, so that I could savour the moment when I tasted their sweet flesh and drank deeply of their youthful blood.

If you enjoyed this one, why not pop over to our dedicated Hump Day Hook blog and peruse some new and exciting authors. We write about romance, love, science fiction, fantasy, erotica and everything in-between, so you are sure to find something that delights the senses. You can also find us on Facebook. Happy Humping!  

*Lady Vampire image courtesy of Pinterest*

Saturday 30 March 2013

Guest Author Feature: Catrina Barton

Today I welcome fellow author Catrina Barton to share a little about herself and her new book Dangerous Temptation. Take it away Kitty!

Catrina Barton is a real go-getter, who in 2006 turned her avid reading addiction since she was three, into a vigorous passion for writing. Especially Young Adult Romances. She draws on her knowledge as a Kung-Fu Instructor to make her fight scenes both realistic, and action packed. When not indulging her fertile imagination to craft stories for your reading pleasures, she enjoys hiking with her family, and amateur belly dancing.
Her love of writing, and her family, rival her exhilaration from helping fellow writers. She is a proud member of many writing, and marketing groups, and an active participant at Critique Circle, and several other critique groups. Catrina  also writes reviews for Safari Heat, and Satin Sheets Romance.
Favorite personal quote:
“An author cannot grow without both constructive criticism and encouragement.”

Dangerous Temptation:

Seventeen year-old orphan Kaitlin Sinclair’s world gets turned upside down when she’s forced to move half way around the world to Indonesia with her uncle she never knew existed. Things get worse when the demons she left behind in America follow her to the land of intrigue.
Her uncle forces her to attend a celebration where she meets Cadmon, a mysterious, captivating stranger, who reveals that he knew her parents. She uncovers secrets that in the wrong hands could destroy his endangered clan of were-tigers and the entire world.
When Kaitlin dives into a foreign culture, full of mystique and dangers everywhere she turns, keeping her heart safe might prove as impossible as staying alive!


The clearing fell silent as a man with shaggy, dirty blond hair which reached his shoulders, approached with a wide, purposeful stride. His shoulders were back, head held high and chest out. Piercing green eyes zeroed in on her. Kaitlin inhaled a sharp breath and felt as if his eyes stared through to her soul. She shifted on the balls of her feet, and licked her bottom lip. Eans body went rigid. A look of caution crossed his face as the man approached them.

“Evening,” the stranger greeted with a lazy drawl. His eyes never left her face. “Who is this exquisite young lady?”

His eyes settled on Eans hands on her hips. To Kaitlins chagrin her cheeks heated.
“Why are you here?” Ean moved Kaitlin closer to his body. 

She braced her hands on his chest and gasped. “Whos this?” She pulled back.

“Cadmon Quinn, madam.” He bowed. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He grabbed her hand and brushed a kiss on the back of it.

Her eyes widened. Butterflies brushed inside her stomach. 

“Smooth.” She slipped her hand free and rubbed it down the side of her dress to stop the tingles and shake off the electric jolt.

“She’s charming.” A corner of his mouth tilted. “Perhaps she will save me a dance?”

“She has a name.” She removed Ean’s hands from her hips and then turned to face Cadmon. “Its Kate. Use it.” She raised her chin and planted her hands on her hips.

“Call me Cade.” He flashed an amused smile.

“What do you want?” Ean stepped between them and squared his shoulders.

“Couldn't resis introducing myself to your lovely cousin.” Cadmon sidestepped Ean with a smile, and then twirled his forefinger through one of her banana curls. “Interesting choice.” he gave it a loght tug. Her pulse quickened.

“I won’t let you, or my father put her through anything else.” Ean took Kaitlin by the elbow and stormed away.

She glanced back at Cadmon, who continued to watch her as he swaggered over to the elders, and picked up a tall glass of red wine. He saluted her with the drink, then sipped. Kaitlin swallowed and turned around to break the eye contact. Was he a natural charmer, or was it an act? She hadnt seen him talk to anyone else, so maybe he was the silent type? Ean pressed a cool glass against her hand.

“What did you mean?” Her gaze locked with his as she sipped the fruity drink.

His brow rose.

“Why would they want to hurt me?” She took another sip.

“He and Father are not on friendly terms.” Ean scowled and sipped his glass.

“Why so defensive?” She placed her glass on the table and rested her hands on her hips.

Ean placed his glass down and grabbed her by the arms. “Hes dangerous, and will only bring you trouble.”

Cadmon appeared harmless, but the sheer magnetism of the man told her otherwise. What interest would he have in a girl like her? Was he one of those rich playboys? She frowned.

“Hungry?” Ean's fingers relaxed around her arms.

“I’m going to take a walk.” The thought of food made her stomach queasy.

“Stay on the path, Katie.” He frowned. “Want some company?”

“I need to clear my head.” She walked along the small dirt path that led over to the river. Inhaling the damp air she sat, and tucked her dress beneath her.

She closed her eyes and allowed her fingers to glide through the cool liquid, wishing she could peel off her dress and swim. Her eyes opened and she frowned at her reflection. Laneca would give her a serious earful if she saw how heavy the bags were under her eyes.
“You shouldn’t be here alone.” Cadmon held out a plate of food.

“I shouldn’t be here at all.” She stared at the food, then looked away.

“You need to eat.” He passed her the plate and a glass of wine.
“Why are you so interested in me?” She sat the drink and plate on the grass.

“Eat.” He sat beside her with one leg stretched out and the other knee bent, with an arm resting on his bent knee.

“I’m not–” her stomach rumbled. She closed her mouth, cheeks stained.

“When is the last time you let someone look after you?” He picked up his plate and bit into his meat.

She twirled the meat-kabob with her fingers.

“Why so quiet?” He raised a brow.

She bit into her meat and closed her eyes as the combined juices of the roasted boar, a hint of ginger and oregano danced over her tongue. She hadnt realized how hungry she was until she stared at her empty plate.
He chuckled.

She stared at the trees and wondered how the eagle nest back home was. The eggs should hatch any day. One more thing to add to the growing list of things shed miss.

“How about that dance?” He stood up, holding out his hand.

After a moment she placed her hand in his. He pulled her to her feet and into his arms, then spun her around.
“Why so interested?”

“Are you always this suspicious?” He swayed their bodies to the music and kept one arm around her waist as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Shed never been held so close while dancing. It felt good to be held again, even by a stranger. She closed her eyes. Something felt familiar about him, as if shed met him before, desppite that shed never seen him till tonight. How odd…
Inhaling she tried to figure him out. Maybe he wanted a young debutante to hang off his arm? She scowled. It would explain why hed chosen her to talk to out of all the more sophisticated women in attendance. Was it because she was Eans cousin?

“You always this evasive? She gazed into his eyes. They were the most unusual green she’d ever seen, yet seemed to suit him.

He spun her away, then pulled her back, and dipped her as the songs tempo increased. Her heart rate sped up. She clung to him.  Definitely a first. Shed seen that move in some of the old movies, but had never experienced it until tonight.
“Kaitlin!” Her uncle’s voice caused heat to crash on her face as Cadmon righted her.

“Hello, Nigel.” Cadmon kept his arm around her waist, with her pressed tight against his side.


Do you need more? Find Catrina Barton and her books in the following places:
Kitty’s Inner Thoughts
Google +
Single email notification for my next release

The April A-Z Blog Hop #AtoZChallenge

One of my new year’s resolutions for 2013 was to be more active on my blog sites, and post decent quality, interesting articles on a regular basis. So far I think it is working out fairly well, but I needed a little help with inspiration for subject matter. We writers have a lot to say but it often gets jumbled up in our minds, and we sometimes need a little help to coax it out into a coherent format!

Anyway, I decided to join some blog hops. These are organised events where people sign up to write about a particular topic, for example, books and writing. A date is set, and we prepare our material. The idea is that our blogs operate as a networking tool to get our message across to a wider audience. People visit their favourite blogs, see the links for the blog hops their writers have joined, and voila, they hop along to your site and hopefully stick around for a while! 

I got very ambitious and signed up on my personal blog for the April A-Z BlogHop challenge. During the month of April I have to write a post every day (except Sundays), and each day you write about something relating to a letter of the alphabet, in ascending order. I joined the category of books, because I thought that would give me greater scope for the imagination.You can view the posts over at my Wordpress site, but I thought I would share the news here as well.

I have decided to write specifically about my Redcliffe novels. Every day I will talk about a different aspect of the novels, be it characters, location, settings, plot, or even the themes that crop up in the stories. I hope it will be exciting and interesting, and that if you haven’t yet read Love Hurts (A Redcliffe Novel), Love Kills (A RedcliffeNovel) or Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel), it will inspire you to try them out… Enjoy!