Monday 9 December 2013

The Darkness of Love by Catherine Green Giveaway

The book tour has started, get your free gift now!

The Darkness of Love by Catherine Green Giveaway

Book Review: The White Queen by Philippa Gregory

This was another book club read, but Philippa Gregory is one of my favourite authors so I knew I would enjoy the book anyway. I was not disappointed. It was interesting to hear contrasting responses from my book club friends, but personally I enjoy the author’s style of writing. In The White Queen she writes from the perspective of a woman who was by all accounts hugely ambitious and totally wrapped up in a love for her king that she never expected to feel. The novel brought to life a lot of English history that I was never really interested in during school classes, and so for that I appreciate it. Well written, with a decent amount of dramatic flair to present what is known as historical fact.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Vampire Christmas Party!

This coming week sees the start of my epic book tour around the old t'internet on the Darkness of Love book tour. To celebrate, and in honour of the festive Yuletide holiday, I am hosting a Vampire Christmas Party over on Facebook. It starts at 9:00am GMT on Wednesday 11th December, and ends at 9:00pm GMT on Sunday 15th December.

I will be online to post snippets from my novels and short stories, throw in the odd specially written story or flash fiction piece, answer questions about The Darkness of Love, the Redcliffe novels, and my new short story Christmas with the Vampires, and generally make small talk with you guys out there...

So pop along, say hello, have a virtual glass of red wine (or something more suitable, wink wink) and sink your teeth into the wonderful world of the supernatural. Ho Ho Ho!

Friday 6 December 2013

Four Intriguing Questions #BlogHop

Hello and welcome to my entry for the fabulous frog blog hop! Thank you to Flossie Benton Rogers for inviting me to play…

1. What are you working on now?

My current work in progress is the fourth novel in the Redcliffe series. Love Redeems (A Redcliffe Novel) was published earlier this year and it concluded the initial trilogy when my heroine Jessica Stone met the Mason brothers. Now her story continues, although at this stage anything could happen as she becomes involved with the Redcliffe werewolf pack while trying not to fight with her vampire lover.

2. How is your current WIP different from others in the genre?

Mine are totally British for starters! I find the majority of paranormal romance novels in mainstream avenues seem to be American, which is fine but I wanted something I could relate to as a small-town girl from the North of England. So I wrote something set in Cornwall, which is actually in South West England, but hey-ho! At least my heroine is a northerner who moved down south, and we meet some interesting characters from Ireland as well as the native Cornish folk.

3. Why do you write?

It stops me from going insane with the madness that would otherwise accumulate inside my mind. Well, that and the fact that I can’t help but dream up my own stories in response to books I read and television I watch. It is just natural for me; I have to write.

4. How does your writing process work?

Hmm, I tend to use a method known as ‘free writing.’ I simply sit in front of the computer with a vague idea of my topic/subject/setting, and I just write. Often I have no idea what to expect from my characters, or even where the story is going, but it usually turns out very well. Actually, my characters like to surprise me with random twists and turns, which is very exciting!

To meet some other fabulous authors, check out their Q&A blog hop on 12th December on the following websites…

Alexandra Anthony

Alex Laybourne

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I read this for my local book club, and I was quite excited at the prospect because it had been on my to-read list since I first spotted it in my local bookstore. Anyway, I have to say I ended up with a sort of confused response to the story. In the beginning I was full of enthusiasm, even when I was confused by the first few chapters. It took a little while for me to make any sense of it, and I found myself thinking throughout “what is the point of this whole ‘game’ storyline?” I enjoyed the love story element, and the descriptive text was beautiful in places, but all in all I would only ever say this was a good  book, not excellent. I had to read it to the end, but I never quite connected on an emotional level.

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Darkness of Love Book Tour #PurpleXmas

It is very exciting for me this Christmas. Not only am I celebrating it with the newest addition to our family, our baby daughter Georgina (4 months), but I am celebrating the release of The Darkness of Love with a fabulous international book tour! And even better, I don't have to leave home, because my book is touring via the amazing power of global media. A huge thank you goes out to my publisher Chances Press, and to Literary Nook for organizing the event. Check out the tour information here, and I look forward to seeing you during December while I am on my travels... Merry Christmas!

Saturday 30 November 2013

Christmas with the Vampires #amreading

To compliment my new novel The Darkness of Love, I have released a special edition Christmas short story called Christmas with the Vampires. I succumbed to the charms of my favourite mischievous vampire Marcus Scott, and here is the result... Enjoy!

With his blond hair, ice blue eyes and sculpted physique, Marcus Scott immediately turns the heads of everyone he encounters upon his arrival in London at Christmas time. Unbeknownst to all the women and men who fall under his spell with just one glance, Marcus is a vampire with a desperate need to feed from the young and the beautiful. When he unexpectedly encounters the Lady Amelia Richmond, the vampire instrumental in his own transition, the two begin to plan a holiday feast to satisfy their deep hunger. 

You can download the story at Amazon US or Amazon UK.